Support for XPLINK

XPLINK support is available for applications running under the following environments:
  • Batch
  • TSO/E
  • z/OS UNIX

It is not available for applications running under CICS® before CICS TS 3.1.

XPLINK support is available with the compiler for the following programming language:
  • z/OS C and C++
There is limited XPLINK support in the following areas:
  • Db2® — EXEC SQL calls are defined using linkage OS which is supported from XPLINK callers.
  • IMS — Language Environment provides the CTDLI interface (a ctdli() function call) for C and C++ callers. This interface is defined in the ims.h header as using linkage OS which is supported from XPLINK callers.
  • In general, any system service that is defined as using linkage OS is a supported call from an XPLINK program.
    • If it requires OS linkage conventions but not a Language Environment-conforming stack (that is, it only needs a 72-byte save area), then the function can be defined as OS_NOSTACK (the default when #pragma linkage(...,OS) is specified). This option provides the best performance because the compiler generates OS linkage calling conventions directly – no call through glue code is required.
    • If it requires OS linkage conventions and a Language Environment-conforming stack, then the function can be defined as OS_UPSTACK. For this option, the compiler generates a call through Language Environment glue code that switches to OS linkage conventions and the non-XPLINK upward-growing stack.

For more information, see XPLINK restrictions.