SMFCONFIG statement

Use the SMFCONFIG statement to provide SMF logging for Telnet, FTP, IPSec, TCP/IP API, TCP/IP stack, and Shared Memory Communications over Remote Direct Memory Access (SMC-R) activity.

Using SMFCONFIG to turn on SMF logging allows you to request that standard subtypes are assigned to the TCP/IP SMF records. The SMFPARMS statement provides a similar capability but requires the installation to select the subtype numbers to be used. Use the SMFCONFIG statement instead of SMFPARMS. See the information about accounting for SMF records in z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Guide.

The SMFCONFIG profile statement controls only whether SMF records are written to the MVS™ SMF data sets. Some of the SMF 119 records are also available to applications that connect to the following network management interface (NMI) services:

  • Real time TCP connection SMF data NMI (SYSTCPCN)
  • Real time SMF data NMI (SYSTCPSM)

These functions are part of the real time TCP/IP network monitoring NMI. For more information about the real time TCP/IP network monitoring NMI functions,see NETMONITOR statement. If you want your application to process only SMF 119 records by using the real time TCP/IP network monitoring NMI functions, you need to configure only the NETMONITOR profile statement. You do not need to request support for these records on the SMFCONFIG profile statement.


Tip: Specify the parameters for this statement in any order.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
              '-| Type 118 Options |-'   

   V                                   |   
     +-TYPE118--| Type 118 Options |-+     
     '-TYPE119--| Type 119 Options |-'     

Type 118 Options

   V                           |   
     | .-NOFTPCLIENT-.       |     
     | '-FTPCLIENT---'       |     
     | .-NOTCPINIT-.         |     
     | '-TCPINIT---'         |     
     | .-NOTCPIPStatistics-. |     
     | '-TCPIPStatistics---' |     
     | .-NOTCPTERM-.         |     
     | '-TCPTERM---'         |     
     | .-NOTN3270CLIENT-.    |     

Type 119 Options

   V                               |   
     | .-NODVIPA-.               |     
     | '-DVIPA---'               |     
     | .-NOFTPCLIENT-.           |     
     | '-FTPCLIENT---'           |     
     | .-NOIFStatistics-.        |     
     | '-IFStatistics---'        |     
     | .-NOIPSECURITY-.          |     
     | '-IPSECURITY---'          |     
     | .-NOPORTStatistics-.      |     
     | '-PORTStatistics---'      |     
     | .-NOPROFILE-.             |     
     | '-PROFILE---'             |     
     | .-NOSMCRGROUPStatistics-. |     
     | '-SMCRGROUPStatistics---' |     
     | .-NOSMCRLINKEvent-.       |     
     | '-SMCRLINKEvent---'       |     
     | .-NOTCPINIT-.             |     
     | '-TCPINIT---'             |     
     | .-NOTCPIPStatistics-.     |     
     | '-TCPIPStatistics---'     |     
     | .-NOTCPSTACK-.            |     
     | '-TCPSTACK---'            |     
     | .-NOTCPTERM-.             |     
     | '-TCPTERM---'             |     
     | .-NOTN3270CLIENT-.        |     
     | '-TN3270CLIENT---'        |     
     | .-NOUDPTerm-.             |     


Requests that SMF records of subtype 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, and 37 not be created when various sysplex events occur. This operand is valid if the current record type setting is TYPE119. This is the default value.
Requests that SMF records of subtype 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, and 37 be created when various sysplex events occur. This operand is valid if the current record type setting is TYPE119.
Requests that SMF records of subtype 3 not be created when a user invokes the FTP client command. The record format affected (Type 118 or Type 119) by this operand is determined by the most recently specified setting of the TYPE118 or TYPE119 operand. This is the default value.
Requests that SMF records of subtype 3 be created when a user invokes the FTP client command. The record format affected (Type 118 or Type 119) by this operand is determined by the most recently specified setting of the TYPE118 or TYPE119 operand.
Requests that SMF type 119 records of subtype 6 and subtype 44 not be created. This operand is valid if the current record type setting is TYPE119. This is the default value.
Requests that SMF type 119 records that are related to interface statistics are created. The following record subtypes are created:
  • Subtype 6 records that contain statistics that are related to interface utilization
  • Subtype 44 records that contain statistics that are related to 10 GbE RoCE Express interface utilization for SMC-R communications

Note that these records are created periodically based on the SMF interval in effect. This operand is valid if the current record type setting is TYPE119.

SMF type 119 records of subtypes 77, 78, 79, and 80 are not created. This operand is valid if the current record type setting is TYPE119. This is the default value.
Creates SMF type 119 records of subtypes 77 and 78 when a dynamic tunnel is added and removed. Creates SMF type 119 records of subtypes 79 and 80 when a manual tunnel is activated or deactivated. This operand is valid if the current record type setting is TYPE119.
Requests that SMF type 119 records of subtype 7 not be created. This operand is valid if the current record type setting is TYPE119. This is the default value.
Requests that SMF type 119 records of subtype 7 containing statistics related to reserved PORT utilization be created. Note that these records are created periodically based on the SMF interval in effect. This operand is valid if the current record type setting is TYPE119.
Requests that SMF type 119 records of subtype 4 not be created. This operand is valid if the current record type setting is TYPE119. This is the default value.

Results: If SMFCONFIG PROFILE is in effect, and then SMFCONFIG NOPROFILE is specified in a profile data set referenced by the VARY TCPIP,,OBEYFILE command, one final SMF type 119 record of subtype 4 is created to record the fact that this function has been turned off and no more SMF records of this subtype are created.

Requests that SMF type 119 records of subtype 4 be created. These records are SMF event records that provide TCP/IP stack profile information. They are created when the stack is first started and when profile changes occur as a result of VARY TCPIP,,OBEYFILE command processing. This operand is valid if the current record type setting is TYPE119.
Start of change
Requests that SMF type 119 records of subtype 41 not be created. This operand is valid if the current record type setting is TYPE119. This is the default value.
Requests that SMF type 119 records of subtype 41 containing statistics related to SMC-R link groups be created. These records are created periodically based on the SMF interval in effect. This operand is valid if the current record type setting is TYPE119.
End of change
Start of change
Requests that SMF type 119 records of subtype 42 and 43 not be created. This operand is valid if the current record type setting is TYPE119. This is the default value.
Requests that SMF type 119 records of subtype 42 and 43 be created. The SMF records of subtype 42 are created when SMC-R links are started, and the SMF records of subtype 43 are created when SMC-R links are ended. This operand is valid if the current record type setting is TYPE119.
End of change
Requests that SMF records of subtype 1 not be created when TCP connections are established. The record format affected (Type 118 or Type 119) by this operand is determined by the most recent setting of the TYPE118 or TYPE119 operand. This is the default value.
Requests that SMF records of subtype 1 be created when TCP connections are established. The record format collected (Type 118 or Type 119) is determined by the most recently specified TYPE118 or TYPE119 operand.
Requests that SMF records of subtype 5 not be created. The record format affected (Type 118 or Type 119) by this operand is determined by the most recently specified setting of the TYPE118 or TYPE119 operand. This is the default value.
Requests that SMF records of subtype 5 containing TCP/IP statistics be created. Note that these records are created periodically based on the SMF interval in effect. The record format collected (Type 118 or Type 119) is determined by the most recent setting of the TYPE118 or TYPE119 operand.
Requests that SMF type 119 records of subtype 8 not be created. This operand is valid if the current record type setting is TYPE119. This is the default value.
Requests that SMF type 119 records of subtype 8 be created when a TCP stack is activated and when it is terminated. This operand is valid if the current record type setting is TYPE119.
Requests that SMF records of subtype 2 not be created when TCP connections are terminated. The record format affected (Type 118 or Type 119) by this operand is determined by the most recently specified setting of the TYPE118 or TYPE119 operand. This is the default value.
Requests that SMF records of subtype 2 be created when TCP connections are terminated. The record format collected (Type 118 or Type 119) is determined by the most recently specified TYPE118 or TYPE119 operand.
Requests that SMF type 118 records of subtype 4, or type 119 records of subtype 22 or 23 not be created. The record format affected (Type 118 or Type 119) by this operand is determined by the most recently specified setting of the TYPE118 or TYPE119 operand. This is the default value.
Requests that SMF type 118 records of subtype 4, or type 119 records of subtype 22 and 23 be created when the TSO Telnet Client code initiates or terminates a connection (respectively for type 119). The record format collected (Type 118 or Type 119) is determined by the most recently specified TYPE118 or TYPE119 operand.
Requests that SMF type 119 records of subtype 10 not be created. This operand is valid if the current record type setting is TYPE119. This is the default value.
Requests that SMF type 119 records of subtype 10 be created when a UDP Socket is closed. This operand is valid if the current record type setting is TYPE119.

Steps for modifying

To modify parameters for the SMFCONFIG statement, you must respecify the statement with the new parameters.

VARY TCPIP,,OBEYFILE command processing does not reset previous settings to the default.

Statement dependency

  • Use of SMFCONFIG is preferable to SMFPARMS to standardize subtypes. If SMFPARMS is encountered after an SMFCONFIG statement, an error message is displayed and the SMFPARMS parameters are ignored. If SMFCONFIG is not coded, no SMF records are logged (assuming that SMFPARMS is not coded either).
  • SMFPARMS is valid only for Type 118 records. Type 119 records have default subtype values that are not installation-configurable.


This example requests SMF records for TCP connection initialization, TCP connection termination, FTP client, Telnet client, and TCP/IP statistics:

The format type default is TYPE118. If you use SMFCONFIG to activate SMF recording, you do not need to make any changes to continue receiving the same recording. If you want to use the new records, specify TYPE119, followed by any of the SMF records that you want.

For example, if the following is specified:
The recording is Type 118 FTP, TN3270 client records and Type 119 FTP, TN3270 client records.

Usage notes

Requirement: SMF must be active and properly configured to allow the recording of Type 118 or Type 119 records, depending on which types are being used by the configuration.

Tip: The TYPE118 keyword can be omitted when designating Type 118 options as long as they are specified before the Type 119 options.

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