SBDATACONN (FTP client and server) statement

This statement defines the conversions between file system code pages and network transfer code pages to be used for data transfer. You can also use the SIte and LOCSIte subcommands to set this keyword.

Specifies the single-byte code pages used by the server for data connections.
Specifies the single-byte code pages used by the client for data connections.


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The fully qualified name of an MVS™ data set or z/OS® UNIX file containing the file system to network transfer translate table and the network transfer to file system translate table generated by the CONVXLAT utility. For more information about translation tables, see Translation tables.
The name of a code page that is recognized by iconv. The code page is used for data that is written in the file system.
The name of a code page that is recognized by iconv. The code page is used for data that is transferred on the network.
Indicates that the FTP internal tables, which are the same as the tables that are shipped in TCPXLBIN(STANDARD), are to be used.



Usage notes

  • If you specify SBDATACONN (file_system_codepage,network_transfer_codepage), FTP uses the iconv() application programming interface to translate between the two code pages. The values that you enter on the SBDATACONN statement are used by FTP as parameters to the C++ runtime function iconv(). You can find a valid list of code sets in the z/OS XL C/C++ Programming Guide. See SBSUB (FTP client and server) statement and SBSUBCHAR (FTP client and server) statement for more information about using substitution characters to replace unmapped code points during the data transfer.
  • The SYSFTSX DD statement, if present, overrides the SBDATACONN statement.
  • If neither the SYSFTSX DD statement nor the SBDATACONN statement is present, the search order for a TCPXLBIN data set is followed. See SBCS translation table hierarchy for this search order. If no TCPXLBIN data set is found, the same conversion established for the control connection is used for single-byte data transfer.