EZZ6034I   jobname CONN connid LU luname action object
Message Format:
EZZ6034I TELNET CONN connid LU luname action object
         IPADDR..PORT: ipaddr..port module


This message gives a summary status for all connections.

jobname is the name of the procedure that is used to start the TN3270 server or the job name identifier of the procedure that is used to start the TN3270 server. If you start the TN3270.TNSRV1 server, the jobname value TNSRV1. If you start the TN3270 server, the jobname value is TN3270.

connid is the TCP/IP connection ID.

luname is the name of the LU representing the client. To avoid flooding your console, the DEBUG option EXCEPTION will set the luname to MULTIPLE if action is CONN DROP and more than one connection was dropped for the same reason in a 15 second interval.

action is one of the following:
A connection request was accepted on the server port indicated.
Connection negotiation finished and the connection type is specified.
A session was established on this connection. The Appl name is specified.
The session on this connection was dropped for one of the reasons listed under object.
The connection was dropped for one of the reasons listed under object. The CONN DROP message is issued for error conditions and inactivity reasons whether or not DEBUG is coded. If DEBUG EXCEPTION or NO DEBUG is coded, and more than one connection is dropped for the same reason in 15 seconds, a single message with luname of MULTIPLE will be issued. This is done to reduce console flooding. If you want to see a message for each connection that is being dropped, specify the DEBUG SUMMARY statement. See the z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Guide for more information about Telnet Diagnostics.
object is one of the following:
  • If action is ACCEPTED, object is the Telnet server port number.
  • If action is NEGOTIATED, object is the connection mode.
  • If action is IN SESSION, object is the name of the host application.
  • If action is SESS DROP or CONN DROP, object is one of the following reasons:
    ABEND (X'0C')
    An abnormal end occurred in the Telnet code.
    ASCDROP (X'15')
    The associated terminal LU was dropped while the DROPASSOCPRINTER option was in effect, causing the printer to be dropped.
    CHEKCLNT (X'18')
    The client did not respond to a TIMEMARK option in the time specified on CheckClientConn.
    CLNTDISC (X'02')
    The user or client emulator disconnected from the connection.
    CLOSEERR (X'10')
    An error occurred during close processing.
    ERR code (X'09')
    A Telnet error occurred. See message EZZ6035I for a complete list of the return codes.
    INACT-K (X'05')
    The KEEPINACTIVE timer detected no session activity for the specified time.
    INACT-P (X'04')
    The PRTINACTIVE timer detected no session activity for the specified time.
    INACT-PF (X'1A')
    The PROFILEINACTIVE timer detected no session activity for the specified time for the connection associated with a non-current profile.
    INACT-S (X'03')
    The INACTIVE timer detected no session activity for the specified time.
    LUNRCONN (X'1C')
    The CONNECTTIMEOUT timer on the LU name requester (LUNR) did not detect an administrative connection to the LUNS for the specified period of time. All connections waiting for an LU allocation from the LU name server (LUNS) are dropped and all ports with shared LU group definitions are quiesced. Ports are automatically resumed when the administrative connection is reestablished.
    LUNRRCVR (X'1B')
    The RECOVERYTIMEOUT timer on the LU name requester (LUNR) did not detect an administrative connection to the LUNS for the specified period of time. All connections using shared LU names are dropped.
    LUXABEND (X'17')
    An abnormal end occurred in LUEXIT code used by the connection.
    NSEXIT (X'07')
    The Telnet LU NSEXIT is being driven because of session breakage.
    QSTIMER (X'19')
    The SNA application did not send a BIND request to the waiting Telnet connection in the time specified on the QSESSion parameter.
    STOPPORT (X'12')
    The port was stopped by an operator command.
    STOPTRAN (X'13')
    The transform task was ended by an operator command or an error.
    SYSLGOFF (X'16')
    The user issued a SYSREQ LOGOFF command and the LUSESSIONPEND option was not specified.
    TIMEMARK (X'06')
    A TIMEMARK request was not answered by the client in the specified time indicating a lost connection.
    TKOVER (X'0A')
    The connection and session are ending because they are being taken over by another connection.
    TKOVER-R (X'0B')
    The connection is ending because it is being taken over by another connection. The session remains active.
    TPEND (X'08')
    The Telnet LU TPEND exit is being driven because of a forced close of the host application.
    TRANCLOS (X'14')
    The Transform task found an error and is closing the connection.
    UNBIND (X'01')
    The user issued a normal LOGOFF command from the host application.
    UNBIND02 (X'0E')
    The session ended but issued a CLSDST-PAS command to another application.
    UNBINDQS (X'0F')
    The session ended but it is in a chain of QSESSION sessions. Telnet will wait for one of the earlier sessions to initiate another session.
    UNKNOWN (X'0D')
    Close is occurring for some reason other than any listed previously.
    USSLGOFF (X'11')
    The user issued a LOGOFF command from the USS screen.

ipaddr..port is the client IP address and port number.

module is the detecting module if the connection was dropped because of a Telnet error.

System action


Operator response


System programmer response




Procedure name