The FPE translate callable service is used to translate payment data from encryption under one key to encryption under another key with a possibly different format. You should avoid having plain text payment data in your environment. Translations can be performed with data that has been encrypted using the standard encryption option or with data that has been encrypted using the VFPE option. However, the target translation uses double length static TDES keys and the standard encryption option.

This service can be used to translate one or all of the following fields: the primary account number (PAN), the cardholder name, the track 1 discretionary data, or the track 2 discretionary data.

The following translation options are supported:
  1. Translate standard option with CBC mode TDES and DUKPT keys.
  2. Translate VFPE option with VFPE mode TDES andDUKPT keys.
  3. Translate standard option with CBC mode TDES and static TDES keys.
To use this service, you must specify the following: The service returns the translated fields and optionally, the DUKPT PIN encryption key, if the DUKPT key management is selected and the PINKEY rule is specified.

The callable service name for AMODE(64) invocation is CSNEFPET.




Direction Type
Output Integer

The return code specifies the general result of the callable service. ICSF and cryptographic coprocessor return and reason codes lists the return codes.

Direction Type
Output Integer

The reason code specifies the result of the callable service that is returned to the application program. Each return code has different reason codes assigned to it that indicate specific processing problems. ICSF and cryptographic coprocessor return and reason codes lists the reason codes.

Direction Type
Input/Output Integer

The length of the data that is passed to the installation exit. The data is identified in the exit_data parameter.

Direction Type
Input/Output String

The data that is passed to the installation exit.

Direction Type
Input Integer

The number of keywords you supplied in the rule_array parameter. The minimum value is 4. The maximum value is 10.

Direction Type
Input String
Keywords that provide control information to the callable service. The keywords must be in contiguous storage with each of the keywords left-justified in its own 8-byte location and padded on the right with blanks.
Note: At least one character set keyword is required.
Table 1. Rule array keywords for FPE Translate
Keyword Meaning
Processing method (required)
VMDS Specifies that the Visa DSP method (formally known as the Visa Merchant Data Secure method) is to be used for processing.
Key management method (one required)
STATIC Specifies the use of double length (2-key) triple-DES symmetric keys. This is a non-DUKPT key.
DUKPT Specifies the use of the transaction unique general purpose Data Encryption Keys generated by the DUKPT process at the point of service for data encryption. This is required if VFPE mode is specified. Otherwise, this is optional.
Algorithm (required)
TDES Specifies the use of CBC mode triple-DES encryption.
Mode (one required)
CBC Specifies the user of CBC mode. This is the mode for the standard encryption option.
VFPE Specifies the use of Visa format preserving encryption.
PAN input output character set (one required if the clear_PAN_length variable is greater than 0. Otherwise, it is not allowed.)
PAN8BITA Specifies that the PAN data character set is ASCII represented in binary form. Valid only for VFPE mode.
PAN4BITX Specifies that the PAN data character set is 4-bit hex. Two digits per byte. Valid only for VFPE mode.
PAN-EBLK Specifies that the PAN data is in a CBC encrypted block. Valid only for CBC mode.
Cardholder name input output character set (required if the clear_CH_name_length variable is greater than 0.)
CN8BITA Specifies that the cardholder name character set is ASCII represented in binary format, one character per byte. See Table 3 for valid characters. Valid only for VFPE mode.
CN-EBLK Specifies that the cardholder name data is in a CBC-encrypted block.
Track_1 input character set (required if the clear_dtrack1_data_length variable is greater than 0. Otherwise, it is not valid.)
TK18BITA Specifies that the track 1 discretionary data character set is ASCII represented in binary format, one character per byte. See Table 3 for valid characters.
TK1-EBLK Specifies that the track 1 discretionary data is in a CBC-encrypted block. Valid only for CBC mode.
Track_2 input output character set (required if the clear_dtrack2_data_length variable is greater than 0. Otherwise, it is not valid.)
TK28BITA Specifies that the track 2 discretionary data character set is ASCII represented in binary format. Valid only for VFPE mode.
TK2-EBLK Specifies that the track 2 discretionary data is in a CBC encrypted block. Valid only for CBC mode.
PIN encryption key output selection (one, optional, if DUKPT is specified. Otherwise, it is not valid.)
NOPINKEY Do not return a DUKPT PIN encryption key. This is the default.
PINKEY Return a DUKPT PIN encryption key.
PAN check digit compliance (one required if mode VFPE and the PAN input character set keyword is present. Otherwise, it is not allowed.)
CMPCKDGT Last digit of the PAN contains a compliant check digit per ISO/IEC 7812-1.
NONCKDGT Last digit of the PAN does not contain a compliant check digit per ISO/IEC 7812-1. 
Direction Type
Input Integer

Specifies the number of bytes of data in the input_PAN parameter if the mode is CBC or the number of PAN digits if the mode is VFPE. The value is 0 if PAN data has not been presented for translation. Otherwise, the value is between 15 and 19 inclusive for VFPE. The value is 16 if CBC mode is selected.

Direction Type
Input String

The enciphered primary account number (PAN) that is to be translated. For VFPE mode, if the PAN contains an odd number of 4-bit digits, the data is left justified in the PAN variable and the right-most 4 bits are ignored.

Direction Type
Input Integer

Specifies the length in bytes of the input_CH_name parameter. This value must be 0 if cardholder name data is not presented for translation. Otherwise, the value is 2 through 32 for VFPE. For CBC mode, the input value is either 16, 24, 32, or 40.

Direction Type
Input String

The enciphered cardholder full name that is to be translated. Only characters in Table 3 are valid.

Direction Type
Input Integer

Specifies the length in bytes of the input_dtrack1_data parameter. This value must be 0 if track 1 discretionary data is not presented for translation. Otherwise, the value is 1 through 56 for VFPE. For CBC mode, the input value is either 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, or 64.

Direction Type
Input String

The encrypted track 1 data that is to be translated. Only characters in Table 3 are valid.

Direction Type
Input Integer

Specifies the length in bytes of the input_dtrack2_data parameter. This value must be 0 if track 2 discretionary data is not presented for translation. Otherwise, the value is 1 through 19 for VFPE. For CBC mode, the input value is either 8 or 16.

Direction Type
Input String

The encrypted track 2 data that is to be translated.

Direction Type
Input Integer

Specifies the length in bytes of the input_key_identifier parameter. The value must be 64 because only fixed length DES tokens are supported as the key identifier.

Direction Type
Input/Output String

The identifier of the key that is used to either decrypt the input card data (key management STATIC) or derive the DUKPT_PIN_key_identifer (key management DUKPT). The key identifier is an operational token or the key label of an operational token in key storage.

For key management DUKPT, the key type must be KEYGENKY. In addition, it must have a control vector with bit 18 equal to B'1' (UKPT). The base derivation key is the one from which the operational keys are derived using the DUKPT algorithm defined in ANS X9.24 Part 1. For key management STATIC, (Zone Encryption Key in the Visa DSP specification), the key type must be either CIPHER or DECIPHER. For production purposes, it is recommended that the key have left and right halves that are not equal.
Note: Data keys are not supported.

If the token supplied was encrypted under the old master key, the token is returned encrypted under the current master key.

Direction Type
Input Integer

Specifies the length in bytes of the output_key_identifier parameter. The value must be 64 because only fixed length DES tokens are supported as the key identifier.

Direction Type
Input/Output String

The identifier of the key that is used to decrypt the output card data. The key identifier is an operational token or the key label of an operational token in key storage.

The key type must be either CIPHER or ENCIPHER. For production purposes, it is recommended that the key have left and right halves that are not equal.
Note: Data keys are not supported.

If the token supplied was encrypted under the old master key, the token is returned encrypted under the current master key.

Direction Type
Input Integer

Specifies the length in bytes of the derivation_data parameter. The value must be 10 if a DUKPT key is specified in the key_identifier parameter. If a data encryption key is specified in the key_identifier parameter, this value must be set to zero.

Direction Type
Input String

Contains the 80 bit (10 byte) derivation data that is used as input to the DUKPT derivation process. The derivation data contains the current key serial number (CKSN), which is composed of the 59 bit initial key serial number value concatenated with the 21 bit value of the current encryption counter, which the device increments for each new transaction. This field is in binary format.

Direction Type
Input/Output Integer

Specifies the number of bytes of data in the output_PAN parameter. This value is 0 or 16 on output.

Direction Type
Output String

The field where the translated primary account number with which the PIN is associated. The full account number, including check digit, is translated. The data for this parameter is returned as TDES-encrypted data in binary format. The 16 byte output is left justified in this field.

Direction Type
Input/Output Integer

Specifies the length in bytes of the output_CH_name parameter. This output value is either 0 or 16, 24, 32, or 40 bytes on output. The variable can be larger on input. However, on output, this field is updated to indicate the actual number of bytes returned by the card.

Direction Type
Output String

The field where the translated cardholder full name is returned. The data for this parameter is returned as TDES-encrypted data in binary format.

Direction Type
Input/Output Integer

Specifies the length in bytes of the output_dtrack1_data parameter. The output value is either 0 or 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, or 64 bytes. The value can be larger on input. However, on output, this field is updated to indicate the actual number of bytes returned by the service.

Direction Type
Output String

The field where the translated discretionary track 1 data is returned. This is the discretionary data from track 1 of a magnetic stripe card. The data for this parameter is returned as TDES-encrypted data in binary format.

Direction Type
Input/Output Integer

Specifies the length in bytes of the output_dtrack2_data parameter. The output value is either 0, 8, or 16. The value can be larger on input. However, on output, this field is updated to indicate the actual number of bytes returned by the service.

Direction Type
Output String

The field where the translated discretionary track 2 data is returned. This is the discretionary data from track 2 of a magnetic stripe card. The data for this parameter is returned as TDES-encrypted data in binary format.

Direction Type
Input/Output Integer

Specifies the length in bytes of the DUKPT_PIN_key_identifier parameter. If the PINKEY rule-array keyword is specified, set this value to 64. Otherwise, set this value to 0. On output, the variable is updated with the length of the data returned in the DUKPT_PIN_key_identifier variable.

Direction Type
Input/Output String

On input, must contain a DES OPINENC or IPINENC skeleton token. On output, DUKPT_PIN_key_identifier contains the DES token with the derived DES OPINENC or IPINENC key.

Direction Type
Input Integer

Length in bytes of the reserved1 parameter. The value must be 0.

Direction Type
Input String

This field is ignored.

Direction Type
Input Integer

Length in bytes of the reserved2 parameter. The value must be 0.

Direction Type
Input String

This field is ignored.

Usage notes

SAF may be invoked to verify the caller is authorized to use this callable service, the key label, or internal secure key tokens that are stored in the CKDS.

Access control points

The FPE translate access control point in the domain role controls the function of this service.

Required hardware

This table lists the required cryptographic hardware for each server type and describes restrictions for this callable service.

Table 2. FPE Translate required hardware
Server Required cryptographic hardware Restrictions

IBM eServer zSeries
IBM eServer zSeries

  This service is not supported.

IBM System z9 EC
IBM System z9 BC

  This service is not supported.

IBM System z10 EC
IBM System z10 BC

  This service is not supported.

IBM zEnterprise 196
IBM zEnterprise 114

  This service is not supported.

IBM zEnterprise EC12
IBM zEnterprise BC12

  This service is not supported.

IBM z13

Crypto Express5 CCA Coprocessor