z/OS UNIX System Services User's Guide
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JCL support for z/OS UNIX

z/OS UNIX System Services User's Guide

JCL data definition (DD) statements use a data definition name (ddname) to specify the data to be used by the program that you are submitting as a batch job. The ddname is used in two places:

  1. In your application program. Here the ddname refers to nonspecific data, rather than a specific data set name or path name.
  2. In the JCL used to submit the application program as a background job. Here it binds the nonspecific reference in the program to a specific data set name or path name.
You can specify a z/OS UNIX file in the JCL for user-written applications or for IBM-supplied services, such as:
  • DFSMS, Program Management Binder, a prelinker, or a linkage editor
  • The TSO/E OCOPY command
Note: In this discussion, references to JCL also apply to the equivalent dynamic allocation functions.

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