Users application

In the Users application, you create and manage user records. User records contain user names, passwords, and security profiles that determine the applications, options, and data to which a user can access.

When you create a user record, you also must create a person record. A user record can be associated with only one person record. A person record can be associated with only one user record. You can associate a labor record and a user record with the same person record.

By default, when you use an application server for authentication, the directory manages user creation. You can set properties to let user creation be performed directly in the system. The settings of these properties result in certain features being enabled or disabled in the system.

The following table describes the database tables that are updated when you create a user record.
Table 1. Database tables that are updated for user records
Database table Description
  • Updates with new user data.
  • Updates with new person data (if a person record needs to be created for the new user).
  • Stores all user phone number information, including home phone number, work phone number, cell phone number, pager number, and so on.
  • Indicates primary phone number.
  • Stores all user email addresses, including home email address, work email address, and alternate email addresses
  • Indicates primary email address
  • Updates the relationship between security groups and the user.
  • Stores the default purchasing general ledger account for the new user.
  • This data is optional.
  • Stores the name of the user as a person with authority to add users to a security group
  • This data is optional.
  • Shows the status for the user, such as active or blocked.
  • Stores the history of user status changes.
  • Stores the current password for the user and the history of password changes.
  • If password duration is enabled, data in the password column is encrypted.