Specifying data restrictions for security groups

To customize your security settings, you can specify restrictions on which records a security group can access. You can use a conditional expression or a conditional class file to define and apply these restrictions.


  1. In the Security Groups application, select the group for which you want to set restrictions.
  2. On the Data Restrictions tab, select the type of restriction:
    • To specify restrictions on objects, click Object Restrictions.
    • To specify restrictions on attributes, click Attribute Restrictions.
  3. Click New Row.
  4. In the Object field, specify the table or view on which to set the restriction.
  5. Optional: If you are specifying an attributes restriction, specify the attribute that you want to restrict.
  6. Optional: In the Application field, specify the application to which you are applying the restriction. Leave the field blank to apply the restriction to all applications that use the object or attribute.
  7. Specify the type of restriction.
  8. Optional: Specify the following options for restrictions:
    Option Description
    Reevaluate Select this option for the restriction condition to be reevaluated when the user tabs to another field. If you do not select this option, the restriction conditions are evaluated after the changes to a field are saved.
    Condition Specify a conditional expression.
  9. Save your changes.