Installing the Rational Programming Patterns Eclipse client

After installing the products required for your target environment, you must install the Rational® Programming Patterns Eclipse client on Windows 7 or Windows 8.1. You install it from its launchpad.

Before you begin

The Rational Programming Patterns client must be installed in the same package group as the products required for the client part, with the same type of rights (administrator or user).

To select the installation method that is best suited to your needs, see the information in Installation methods for Rational Programming Patterns.

You start installing in different ways, depending on the selected method:
  • Installing from an electronic image on your workstation.
    1. Download the installation files from IBM® Passport Advantage®. Extract the installation image from the compressed files that you downloaded.
    2. To start installing, open the Rational Programming Patterns launchpad.

      You start the launchpad program by running the launchpad.exe command from the root of the extracted directory.

  • Installing from an electronic image on a shared drive.

    Download the installation files from IBM Passport Advantage. Extract the installation image from the compressed files that you downloaded.

    To install interactively from the installation files on the shared drive, run the launchpad.exe command from the root of the extracted directory.

    You can also install in silent mode. For explanations, see the note in the Installing silently.

  • Installing from a repository on an HTTP web server.

    This method assumes that the repository that contains the packages for IBM Rational Programming Patterns and any bundled offerings was created on the HTTP or HTTPS web server. For information about how to copy installation packages to a web server, see Appendix: IBM Packaging Utility.

    To install the Rational Programming Patterns package from a repository to a web server, complete the following steps:

    1. Start IBM Installation Manager.
    2. On the Start page of Installation Manager, click File > Preferences and then click Repositories. The Repositories page opens, showing any available repositories, their locations, and whether they are accessible.
    3. Click Add repository and indicate the URL of the repository that contains the installation packages. The new or changed repository location is listed. If the repository is not accessible, an error icon is displayed in the Accessible column.
    4. Click OK to exit.
  • Installing a trial version on your workstation.

    Download the installation files from IBM Developer at the following address: Extract the installation image from the compressed files that you downloaded.

    Proceed like for an installation from a repository. Indicate the directory that contains the extracted files of the installation image.


  1. From the Rational Programming Patterns launchpad, select Install Rational Programming Patterns to open Installation Manager.

    The repository location information is automatically configured. So you do not have to set it manually in the Installation Manager preferences.

  2. The first page of the Install Packages wizard displays the Rational Programming Patterns package available for installation. Select it.
  3. You might be prompted to update IBM Installation Manager to a newer version if one is available. If you click Yes, Installation Manager updates itself and informs you that it must be restarted to complete the update. Click OK to restart Installation Manager.
  4. On the Licenses page, read and accept the license agreement for the selected package. Rational Programming Patterns will be installed with a trial license that expires in 60 days. You will need to activate the licensed version of the product to use it after the expiration date.
  5. On the Location pages, the location that already contains the products required for the client part must be selected.
  6. On the first Features page, select the languages that you want to install for this package group. On the next Features page, select the features that you want to install.

    Select the feature PacDesign (only for an installation on top of RSA) if you want to migrate the instances of the PacDesign Batch Flow Charts and Screen Navigation Charts to Rational Software Architect. If Rational Software Architect is not installed, the references of the selected features cannot be resolved and an error is displayed.

    You must also select one of the Rational Team Concert™ extensions: RTC extension for RTC < 6.0.3 or RTC extension for RTC >= 6.0.3. You must not select both extensions. If you select an extension that does not correspond to the installed Rational Team Concert version, the dependency controls detect the error and block the installation.
    Note: The two extensions are differentiated because each is adapted to the corresponding version of Jazz™ Team Server and CCM Application, which is the server part of Rational Team Concert. Both extensions then contain Rational Programming Patterns plugins that are adapted to the Jazz Team Server and CCM Application version.

    Click Next.

  7. On the Summary page of Installation Manager, click Install.


Verify that the IBM Installation Manager page that displays the installation results shows: The packages are installed. There must not be any error or warning icon. Moreover the list of the installed packages must contain all the packages of the products that were selected for the installation.
