Installing 3rd party client libraries

The adapter requires access to the Apache HttpComponent HttpClient Java Library at run time.

Before you begin

The Java library must be downloaded from the website.


  1. Go to the website. Under Download, search for the HttpComponents Client package that is listed in the Office 365 Adapter Release Notes.
  2. Download the HttpComponents Client package to a temporary directory.
  3. Copy these files to ITDI_HOME\jars\patches directory.
    Note: In the previous versions of the adapter, the files must be copied to ITDI_HOME\jvm\jre\lib\ext. Use the new location ITDI_HOME\jars\patches instead.
    See the Office 365 Adapter Release Notes for the path to these JAR files in the package.
    • commons-logging-1.1.1.jar
    • httpclient-4.2.X.jar
    • httpcore-4.2.X.jar
  4. Restart the Dispatcher service.
    For information about starting and stopping the service, see the Dispatcher Installation and Configuration Guide.