The adapter requires access to the Apache HttpComponent
HttpClient Java Library at run time.
- Go to the website.
Under Download, search for the HttpComponents
Client package that is listed in the Office 365 Adapter Release
- Download the HttpComponents Client package
to a temporary directory.
Copy these files to ITDI_HOME\jars\patches directory.
Note: In the
previous versions of the adapter, the files must be copied to
ITDI_HOME\jvm\jre\lib\ext. Use the new location
ITDI_HOME\jars\patches instead.
See the
Office 365 Adapter Release
Notes for the path to these JAR files in the package.
- commons-logging-1.1.1.jar
- httpclient-4.2.X.jar
- httpcore-4.2.X.jar
- Restart the Dispatcher service.
For information
about starting and stopping the service, see the Dispatcher
Installation and Configuration Guide.