Advanced Configuration

Use the Advanced Configuration page to control communications settings and advanced features such as event forwarding.

After you click icon System Configuration > Advanced Configuration, the following configuration categories are displayed in the Advanced Configuration page.
UI Integration
For products that integrate with the Cloud APM console, you can add or edit the URL for launching the integrated application. The fields are populated with any URLs that were set during the integration configuration procedure.
  • Cognos Reporting URL is used to launch the IBM® Cognos® Viewer for viewing the Cloud APM reports through icon Reporting > Work with Reports and Actions > Launch to Reports.

    The Cognos Reporting URL must adhere to the following format:


    If you want to view reports using Tivoli® Common Reporting 3.1.1 or higher, the Cognos Reporting URL must adhere to the following format:


    For more information, see Reports.
  • Cognos Reporting Requires XSS Validation is used to reformat the URL for the Cognos report to pass XSS validation. Set this field to True if your configuration enables the Cognos Application Firewall (CAF) and third party XSS checking. Default: False. For more information, see Integrating with Tivoli Common Reporting.
  • Log Analysis URL is used to launch IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis for searching through application logs from the Application Performance Dashboard. For more information, see Searching log files.
  • Enable Subnode Events, for agents with subnodes, controls whether subnodes are shown in the Events tab. When subnode events are enabled, the node and subnode for which an event was opened are displayed. Specifically, if you want to display log file monitoring situations in the Events tab, you must ensure that Subnode events are enabled. Default: False.
  • Dashboard Refresh Rate controls the frequency of the Application Performance Dashboard automatic refresh. You can adjust the setting to any value from 1 to 60 minutes. The setting affects resource status that is displayed in the navigator and Status Overview tab. It has no affect on the Events tab entries. Default: 1 minute.
  • DASH Console Integration Enabled controls whether the Cloud APM console can send data to the Dashboard Application Services Hub console when integration has been configured and your Cloud APM server has the IBM Cloud Application Performance Management V8.1.4.0 interim fix 9 (or a later server interim fix). Set this field to True to enable the integration. Default: False.
Event Manager

The Event Manager controls the flow (through forwarding to Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) and storage of received events, and email notification setup. If you enter a value for Target Email Addresses, Sending Email Account, Sending Email Account Password, and SMTP Server Address, an email will be sent for each open, close, and stop event.

If you configure the SMTP forwarder to use SSL, you must add the SMTP Server’s signing CA certificate to the Cloud APM server keystore. Add the CA certificate to the default keystore using the JVM keytool command:
install_dir/java/jre/bin/keytool -importcert\ 
-noprompt \
-alias your_CA cert_alias \
-file path_to_your_CA_cert_file (*.cer) -keystore /install_dir/wlp/usr/servers/min/resources/security/key.jks \
-storepass ccmR0cKs! \
-storetype jks \

To view a sample email, see Event email.

  • Event Cache Time determines the number of minutes that closed events are retained in the MongoDB database, as few as 10 minutes or up to 480 minutes (8 hours). If the event list is long, consider reducing the number of minutes that closed events are persisted. Default: 60 minutes.
  • Pure Event Close Time determines how long to leave a pure event open before closing it. Default: 24 hours.
  • Master Reset Event controls whether to send a master reset event to clear previously received sampled events after the monitoring agent is restarted. If you have email notifications configured, you also receive an email (see sample at Master reset event after agent restart). Default: True.
  • EIF Port specifies the port number to use to receive Event Integration Facility events from Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights. If you do not specify a port number for an EIF target in the EIF Event Target(s) field, the value of the EIF Port field is also used as the port number when forwarding events to that EIF target. Default: 9998.
  • EIF Event Target(s) specifies the list of host names or IP addresses and port numbers to which all received Event Integration Facility events are forwarded. For example, if you are forwarding events to the Netcool/OMNIbus Probe for Tivoli EIF, enter the fully qualified host name or IP address of the computer where the probe is installed, followed by the receiver port number. Separate the host name and port number with a colon (:), and separate each host name with a comma (,), such as,localhost:9090, If you do not include a port number with the EIF event receiver host name, the value of the EIF Port field is used. IPv6 addresses are not supported for EIF transmission.
  • Target Email Addresses specifies the email addresses that events are forwarded to. Separate each address with a comma (,), such as,,
  • Sending Email Account is the email address for sending an SMTP event email and shows as the sender of the email. When Use SSL is set to True, the email account name and password are authenticated by the SMTP server. When Use SSL is set to False, no authentication is performed for the sending email account but you must specify a value for this field since it is used as the sending email address for the event emails.
  • Sending Email Account Password is the password that is associated with the sending email account when Use SSL is set to True. When Use SSL is set to False, the value of this field is not used and you can leave it blank.
  • SMTP Server Address is the fully qualified host name of the SMTP server that is used for sending events as emails, such as
  • Use SSL determines whether to use TLS (Transport Layer Security) as the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) transport mechanism. If you set the field to True, enter a valid email account name and password in the Sending Email Account and Sending Email Account Password fields, which are required for authentication. Default: False.
  • SMTP Port is the port number to use for sending SMTP email. Default: 25.
  • SSL SMTP Port is the port number to use for sending SMTP email using the TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol. Default: 465.
  • Cloud Event Management Webhook is the Webhook url that is generated in Cloud Event Management when you configure the integration between IBM Cloud Application Performance Management and Cloud Event Management. You must paste the generated Webhook url here so that events are forwarded from Cloud APM.

If you are forwarding events to an EIF (Event Integration Facility) receiver, you can customize the EIF slots such as to add an attribute to the EIF event. For more information, see Customizing an event to forward to an EIF receiver. For information about forwarding your events to the IBM Netcool/OMNIbus event manager, see Integrating with Netcool/OMNIbus.

MongoDB Configuration
Configure the MongoDB database.
  • Host Name is the host name of the system where MongoDB is running. Default: localhost.
  • Port Number is the port number for the Mongo database. Default: 27000.
  • Batch Size is the number of AAR documents that are processed and inserted by the MongoDB ETL into the MongoDB document in a single batch insert. Default: 100.
  • Batch Wait is the time since the last message was processed that the MongoDB ETL waits before an incomplete batch of AAR documents is inserted into the MongoDB document. Default: 10 seconds.
Agent Central Configuration
The settings here are required information that is used by the Cloud APM server to configure the Central Configuration Services.The Central Configuration Services are used to distribute events and thresholds, and historical data settings to the monitoring agents. Each agent of the same type is given the same thresholds and settings.
  • Host Name Override is an optional override for the host name or IP address of Central Configuration Services if the value of the server is not correct. By default, the IP address or host name that you provided when you configured the agent packages is used.
  • Change Check Interval controls the frequency, in minutes, that the monitoring agents use to query configuration details from the server. Default: 5 minutes.
  • Protocol establishes whether HTTP or HTTPS is the protocol to communicate with the monitoring agent. If the APM_SECURE_COMMUNICATION variable was set to Y before server installation, this field is set to HTTPS for a secure connection. For more information, see Setting HTTP or HTTPS communications. Default: HTTP.
  • HTTP Port determines the port to use for HTTP communications. Default: 80.
  • HTTPS Port determines the port to use for secure HTTPS communications. Default: 443.
Data Mart
These settings can be adjusted to improve performance:
  • Batch size is the number of rows to include in a single database transaction. Default: 100 rows.
  • Batch Interval is the interval between sending data to the database to allow it to be inserted. Default: 10 seconds.
Configure an external database for the data mart.
  • JDBC Optional can be used to set extra properties, such as encryption. The format is key=value, one entry per line.
Kafka Configuration
The Kafka message broker has predefined configuration settings. Leave these settings at their defaults unless instructed to change them by IBM Support.
  • Producer Batch Size is the number of messages batched at the producer before dispatch to the event handler. Default: 200 messages.
  • Producer Batch Wait is the producer wait time. Default: 5 seconds.
  • Consumer Batch Size is the consumer batch size is the number of records to include in a single database transaction. Default: 100 records.
  • Consumer Batch Wait is the wait time between sending data batches to the database to allow for batch insertions. If the Consumer Batch size is not reached in this interval the data is flushed. Default: 10 seconds.
  • Consumer Thread Count is the consumer thread count. Default: 2 threads.
Tracking Analytics Service
The settings that are used for the Tracking Analytics Service. The settings apply only to the Cloud APM, Advanced Private offering and if you are configuring transactions tracking in your environment.
  • Connection Pool Size is the number of concurrent Db2® connections that the Tracking Analytics Service holds in the connection pool for the Top N query. Increase this value if you are experiencing slow query times due to a large number of concurrent Cloud APM console users. Default: 10.
  • Pseudo Nodes enable the visualization of services that are not instrumented. Default: True.
  • Query Timeout in Seconds is the number of seconds before each "Top N" (where N is a number, as in Top 5 or Top 10) query take before timing out. The timeout value can be increased if needed for applications that have a higher workload and have larger expected query times. Default: 120 seconds.
  • DB2 Query Re-optimization Enabled should not normally need to be changed. The parameter affects the Db2 query optimizer. In some environments, turning off the optimizer might improve performance for some sets of transactions. Default: False.
Agent Subscription Facility
The Agent Subscription Facility includes the agent REST (Representative State Transfer) interface and Central Configuration Services HTTP server. The REST interface is used by agents and data collectors to send monitoring data that is persisted in the Db2 server and threshold events. The Central Configuration Services HTTP server handles requests from agents for their configuration files, such as threshold definitions. Use these parameters for configuring the communications between the Agent Subscription Facility and the Cloud APM server.
  • Missed Poll Limit (Fast Heart Beat) is the maximum number of times that a monitoring agent with a 60-second or lower heartbeat interval fails to connect before it is marked offline. Default: 30 intervals.
  • Missed Poll Limit (Slow Heart Beat) is the maximum number of times that a monitoring agent with a heartbeat interval that is greater than 60 seconds fails to connect before it is marked offline. Default: 3 intervals.
  • Transaction Time Out is the amount of time, in seconds, that the server waits for a response to a request. Default: 120 seconds.
  • Pacing Count is the number of times that the server makes a request to the monitoring agent to call back after a short delay before allowing it to close the connection. Default: 5.
  • Pacing Delay is the amount of time, in milliseconds, that a monitoring agent waits before making a request to the server for more work. Default: 600000 milliseconds (10 minutes).
  • Remove Offline System Delay determines the number of minutes to wait before removing the display of a managed system that is offline. In the Application Performance Dashboard, offline managed systems are indicated by the unknown status indicator. The managed system continues to display, even if you uninstall the agent, until the delay time has passed. For more information, see Viewing and removing offline agents. Default: 5760 minutes (4 days).
Thresholds Enablement
Your monitoring agents each come with a set of predefined thresholds that are enabled and started with the agent. These predefined thresholds are assigned to the default system resource group for the agent.
  • Choose action to define policy for predefined best practice thresholds controls whether the predefined thresholds for your managed resources are enabled or disabled by default. Set the field to Disable All if you do not want to run the predefined thresholds. The Disable All setting removes the assignment of the system group from all predefined thresholds. A threshold with no group assigned is distributed to no monitored systems and remains stopped until it is distributed to a resource group. If you decide later that you want to turn on the predefined thresholds, set the field to Enable All.
For more information about the predefined thresholds and custom thresholds, see Background information and Examples of disabled thresholds.