IBM Performance Management

Configuring the installation images

Before you can install agents or the IBM® Performance Management Hybrid Gateway, you must configure the downloaded installation images for communication with the Performance Management server. If you already configured your installation images, but want to change between HTTP and HTTPS protocol, you can configure images to specify HTTP or HTTPS.

About this task

If you selected the option to configure your agent images (and optionally Hybrid Gateway images) when you installed the server, you can skip this task.

Before you can install agents, you must configure the downloaded agent installation images for communication with the Performance Management server. The agent framework is not included in the downloaded agent installation images. The agent framework is installed in the AgentFrameworks directory during the Performance Management server installation. The agent framework is injected into installation images during configuration.

Configuring the installation images for connecting to the Performance Management server requires that you run two scripts:
  • Run make_configuration_packages on the system where the Performance Management server is installed. The script creates a configuration package TAR file and .zip file with information that the installer and agents need for communications with the server.
  • Run configure_agent_images on the system where the Performance Management server is installed. The script applies information from the configuration package to the image files that you downloaded for installation.
You can choose to leave the installation images packed before running the scripts or unpack them beforehand. You can also choose to run the scripts interactively, answering the prompts to complete each procedure, or in batch mode by adding command line arguments.


Complete these steps to download and configure the installation images:

  1. Download the agent or Hybrid Gateway images (or both) to a Performance Management server (see Download instructions).
  2. Create the configuration package files by running the make configuration package script in interactive mode or batch mode:
    • Run the make configuration package script in interactive mode:
      1. On the system where the Performance Management server is installed, navigate to the default /opt/ibm/ccm directory or to the /custom/path/ccm directory that you specified during installation, and enter the following command:
      2. Enter the directory where you want to store the configuration package after you create it or accept the default value of /tmp/mkcustpkg_workdir.process_ID_of_script.
      3. Enter the IP address or fully qualified domain name of the Performance Management server that you want the agent or Hybrid Gateway to connect to or accept the default value.
      4. If you want secure communications between the server and agents or Hybrid Gateway, select the HTTPS protocol. Select the HTTP protocol for non-secure communications. The communications protocol between server and agents must be the same. For more information, see Setting HTTP or HTTPS communications.
    • Run the script in batch mode by entering the following command:
      ./ -s server_ip 
      [-d config_packages_dir] [-p {http|https}][-n]
      IP address or fully qualified domain name of the server.
      Optional. Path to the directory where you want to store the configuration package after you create it.
      http or https
      Optional. The default communication protocol between the server and agents is HTTP. If you set the protocol before installing the server to secure HTTPS, enter -p https to change the protocol for the agents to HTTPS so that it matches what was set for the server. For more information, see Setting HTTP or HTTPS communications.
      Optional. Do not validate input parameters that are used in the agent configuration, for example, server host name.
    A configuration package file, onprem_config.tar, is created in the default directory or where you specified.
  3. Configure the installation images (agent or Hybrid Gateway) on Linux system interactively or in batch mode. You can configure the image before or after you extract the installation files. For AIX® systems, run the script on a Linux system, preferably the Performance Management server and copy the configured image archive file to your AIX® system.
    • Run the configure agent images script in interactive mode:
      1. ./

      2. If you unpacked the installation images, enter the path to the directory where you unpacked the image.
      3. If you did not unpack the installation images, enter the path to the directory where you downloaded the archive file.
      4. If you did not unpack the installation images, enter the path to the directory where you want to store the configured agent images archive file. Use the following default path or specify a different path:
      5. If you run the script in an environment where the agent framework is not available in the default location, <server_install_dir>/ccm/AgentFrameworks, enter the path to the directory with the unpacked agent offering frameworks.
    • Run the configure agent images script in batch mode by entering the following command:
      ./ -p configuration_package_dir 
      -s agent_images_dir [-a agent_frameworks_dir] [-d pre-configured_images_dir]
      If you did not unpack the configuration package, enter the path to the directory where the configuration package is located.
      Path to the directory where you downloaded the installation images archive file. If you unpacked the installation images, this variable is the path to the directory where the unpacked agent images are located.
      Directory that contains unpacked agent offering frameworks packages. These files are available in the <server_installation_dir>ccm/AgentFrameworks directory, on the Performance Management server, by default. If default agent offering frameworks packages are used, this variable is not required.
      If you did not unpack the images archive file, this variable is the path to the directory where you want to store the configured agent images archive file.
      Displays help for the command.


The installer configures the agent images or the agent image archive file. A status message is displayed to indicate that the agent images or the agent images archive file are configured and provides the location of the files.

What to do next

Continue to Installing agents on AIX systems, Installing agents on Linux systems, or Installing agents on Windows systems:
  • If you configured the agent images archive file on the Performance Management server, copy the configured agent images archive file to the system where the applications that you want to monitor are installed, and install the agents.
Continue to Installing the Hybrid Gateway:
  • If you configured the Hybrid Gateway image archive file on the Performance Management server, copy the configured image archive file to the system in your Tivoli Monitoring network where you want to install the Hybrid Gateway.