Legacy platform

Sterling Store Engagement home

A store associate must be able to easily access information about products, orders, customers, shipments, packages, appointments, and perform appropriate tasks directly from the home page.


The following section describes APIs, user exits, services, and other components.

To enhance the user experience, ease of extensions, and to make the home page upgrades more seamless, the home page is designed by using AngularJS framework.
Note: Within the Sterling Store Engagement application, instead of using the enterprise code of the logged-in user, the enterprise code of the store is used to access transaction and configuration data related to all store operations. Only a user who belongs to either the node or store or their enterprise can access the store application. For example, an enterprise user can log in to the store application using the following URL format:
An enterprise user can access nodes or stores of child enterprise by using the following URL format:

The Home page has a header, which displays the product name and current store name, Global search option, Alerts, Home button, User profile, Help, and About. A content section that displays the portlets and a footer that displays the site map and the switch icon.

By default, the legacy home page with fixed layout is displayed. When the store associate logs into the application, the Default Home Page and Layout for the New Home Page rules are read to determine the home page and layout of the home page to be rendered.
  • If the Default Home Page rule is set to Legacy and the Layout for the New Home Page rule is set to Fixed User Interface, the application does not display the AngularJS-based interface that provides access to persona-based tasks.
  • If the Default Home Page rule is set to Legacy and the Layout for the New Home Page rule is set to Persona-based Interface, the application displays the legacy order fulfillment interface with the new Persona Based Store portlet that provides access to persona-based tasks.
  • If the Default Home Page rule is set to Latest and Layout for the New Home Page is set to Fixed User Interface, the application displays the older AngularJS-based interface with no access to the persona-based interface.
  • If the Default Home Page rule is set to Latest and the Layout for the New Home Page rule is set to Persona-based Interface, the application displays the AngularJS-based interface that provides access to persona-based tasks.
In the Persona-based interface, the store associate can use the switch icon to switch between various personas defined in Sterling Business Center. A persona must be associated with at least one portlet and the user must have the appropriate resource permission for the portlet to be visible in the switch icon. By default, using the switch icon, a user can switch between Customer Service View, Order Fulfillment View, Dojo Order Fulfillment View and Manager Dashboard View personas. The getCommonCodeList API is called with the code type as WSC_HOMEPAGE_PERSONA to retrieve the personas. Each persona has a Name and Value:
  • Name: The persona name key that is used by the application to determine the string to be displayed for the persona by looking up the corresponding bundle entry.
  • Value: The order in which the menu entry is seen in the switch menu in the new AngularJS home page. The persona with the least value appears in the switch menu.
    • When a user logs in to the application for the first time, the persona with the least value is the default persona for the user. On subsequent login, the last accessed persona is used to determine the view to be loaded. The getUserUiStateList API is called to retrieve the last accessed persona.
    • The Dojo Order Fulfillment persona is not persisted as last accessed persona and it also cannot be defaulted as the first preference persona. However, the Default home page rule in Sterling Business Center is available to configure the Dojo-based home page as the landing page.
    • Any custom persona can have values that are not multiples of 5, as these values are reserved for the application.
Notes: Persona are defined at hub level and are not permission controlled. However, if a user does not have permission for any portlet for a persona, then that persona is not presented in the switch icon in the footer.
A store associate with the Order Fulfillment View persona can view the following portlets:
  • Pick Orders: From this portlet, a store associate can start or continue backroom pick for shipments. For more information about the implementation of the feature, see Backroom pick. Additionally, the store associate can also start or continue batch picking. For more information about the implementation of the feature, see Batch pick.
  • Pack Orders: From this portlet, a store associate can start or continue the packing process for shipments. For more information about the implementation of the feature, see Pack Orders.
  • More Tasks: A persona can have multiple tasks and hence multiple portlets. The More Tasks portlet groups the portlets that are not displayed directly on the home page within one compact view, such that the user can click the app icon of the required portlet to open it in place and then click the back button to go back to the More Tasks portlet. This reduces additional swipes to access a particular portlet.
    A store associate with appropriate resource permissions can access the following tasks:
    • Customer Pickup: From this portlet, a store associate can record the customer pickup process. For information about the implementation of the feature, see Customer pickup.
    • Receive Shipments: From this portlet, a store associate can start receiving inbound shipments. For more information about the implementation of the feature, see In-store receiving.
    • Ship Orders: From this portlet, a store associate can confirm shipment of packages. For more information about the implementation of the feature, see Ship orders.
    • My Tasks: On this portlet, the combined count of in-progress shipments (both picking and packing) and batches are displayed for the currently logged-in user. The store associate can click a count and the appropriate flow opens. For more information about the implementation of the feature, see My Tasks.
A store associate with the Customer Service View persona can view the following portlets:
  • Find Products
    • When the store associate performs a search by using keywords and clicks the Search icon in the Find Products portlet on the Home page, the searchCatalogIndex API is called with the ItemGroupCode attribute set to "PROD" to fetch a list of products that match the keywords. When a product is selected from the list of matching products, the getCompleteItemList API is called to get details for the product.
    • Alternatively, if the store associate scans a product or enters a product ID and clicks the Scan product icon, the getCompleteItemList API is called to get the details for the scanned product.
  • Check Out

    On the application home page, the store associate can scan the product in the Check Out portlet. The getCompleteItemList API is called to get product details. When a product is added using the Check Out portlet, the createOrder API is called to create a new order with the delivery method set to "CARRY" by default. For each product that is scanned after the first product, the modifyFulfillmentOptions API is called to add the product to the cart.

  • More Tasks
    • Return Products: Click the icon to open the Return Products portlet from where a store associate can begin the return process. For information about the implementation of the feature, see Returns and Exchanges.
    • Look up Customer: Click the icon to open the Look up Customer portlet from where a store associate can begin the clienteling process. For information about the implementation of the feature, see Clienteling.
    • Appointments: Click the icon to open the Appointments portlet from where a store associate can create and manage customer appointments. For information about the implementation of the feature, see Appointments.

Manager Dashboard View and Dojo Order fulfillment View are special personas that do not have any direct portlets. You should not register any custom or overridden portlets against these personas. They are also displayed based on permissions and it is possible to associate new permissions for these two personas through JavaScript utilities or Service methods.

Clicking the Home icon on the application menu bar takes a user to the current persona. This applies to the Manager dashboard screens as well.

Device-specific details

  • Desktop:
    • By default, a user with the Order Fulfillment View persona can see the Pick Orders, Pack Orders and More Tasks portlets. The user can access the other portlets such as Customer Pickup, Receive Shipments, Ship Orders and My Tasks within the More Tasks portlet.
    • By default, a user with the Customer Service View persona can see the Find Products, Check Out, and More Tasks portlets. The user can access the other portlets such as Return Products, Look up Customer, and Appointments within the More Tasks portlet.
  • Mobile:
    • By default, a user with the Order Fulfillment View persona can see the Pick Orders portlet and swipe to see the More Tasks portlet. The user can access the other portlets such as Pack Orders, Customer Pickup, Receive Shipments, Ship Orders, and My Tasks through the More Tasks portlet.
    • By default, a user with the Customer Service View persona can see the Find Products portlet and swipe to see the More Tasks portlets. The user can access the other portlets such as Check Out, Return Products, Look up Customer, and Appointments through the More Tasks portlet.


The following section describes the configuration required to use the home page.
  • By default, the application is configured to display the Legacy home page with Fixed layout. However, it is recommended that you switch to Latest home page and Persona-based layout. For more information, see Configuring store hub rules.
    • The store hub rules are defined at the hub-level so they are applicable to all organizations.
    • You must not delete or modify any of the default personas. However, you can create, modify, and delete custom personas.

      You can perform extensibility tasks such as registering new portlets, overriding existing portlets, changing the persona to which a portlet is associated, and so on. For more information about portlet extensibility, see Home page portlets.

  • The following table describes the resource permissions that a store associate should have to view the portlets on the home page:
    Table 1. Portlets - Resource Permissions
    Portlet Resource Permission
    Pick Orders
    • Backroom Pick for Pickup in Store
    • Backroom Pick for Ship from Store
    • Batch Pick Orders
    Pack Orders Pack Order
    Customer Pickup Customer Pickup for Pickup in Store
    Receive Shipments Instore Receiving
    Ship Orders Ship Order
    My Tasks View Tasks In Progress
    Find Products Order Capture
    Check Out Order Capture
    Return Products Return Products
    Look up Customer Customer Profile
    Appointments In-Store Appointments

    For more information about administering user group permissions, see Administering user group permissions.