Managing properties in the database using the System Administration Console

You can use the Property Management user interface in the System Administration Console to manage properties in the database.

You can search for a property based on Category, Override Type, Override Name or the Property Name itself. Property values can be modified and overrides can be added. You can create a new property and overrides can be added for the CUSTOM property. You cannot delete a SYSTEM property. Only CUSTOM properties can be deleted. When deleting a CUSTOM base property, all the overrides for this property are also deleted.

Searching for properties

You can search for properties using a basic search or advanced search. A basic property search yields a more broad result list based on the search criteria provided. An advanced property search yields a more refined and precise result list based on the search criteria provide.

To perform a basic search:
  1. Log in to the System Administration Console. The default URL format is https://<server>:<port>/sma/sma/ The application home page is displayed.
  2. Click System > Property Management. The property search screen is displayed.
  3. Select the basic search criteria based on the following fields:
    • Category
    • Property Name
    • Override Type
    • Overridden For
  4. Click Search. The property lists matching the basic search criteria are displayed.
To perform an advanced search:
  1. Log in to the System Administration Console. The application home page is displayed.
  2. Click System > Property Management. The property search screen is displayed.
  3. Click Switch To Advanced Search.
  4. Select the advanced search criteria based on the following fields:
    • Category
    • Property Name
    • Override Type
    • Overridden For
    • Modifiable
    • Modifiable at Run time
    • User Overridable
    • Server Overridable
    • Property Type
    • Description
    • User Comments
    • Author
    • Editor
    • Created Date
    • Modified Date
  5. Click Search. The property lists matching the advanced search criteria are displayed.

Creating properties

You can create new custom properties in the Property Management user interface.
  1. Log in to the System Administration Console. The application home page is displayed.
  2. Click System > Property Management. The property search screen is displayed.
  3. Click Create Property. The create property screen is displayed.
  4. In the Property Name field, enter the name of the property that is going to be created.
  5. In the Category list, select the category corresponding to the property.
  6. The Property Type field is set to CUSTOM by default.
  7. In the Data Type field, enter the data type corresponding to the property values. For example, integer, Boolean, or another data type.
  8. In the Modifiable list, select the appropriate value.
  9. In the Modifiable At Run Time list, select the appropriate value.
  10. In the Server Overridable list, select the value based on if server overrides are possible for the property
  11. In the User Overridable list, select the value based on if user overrides are possible for the property.
  12. In the Description field, enter the property description.
  13. In the User Comment field, enter any comments that are applicable to the property.
  14. A factory value cannot be added for custom properties.
  15. In the Property Value field, enter the property value corresponding to the property that is going to be created.
  16. In the Permissible Values field, add all the permissible values corresponding to the property based on its data type. For example, a property with a Boolean data type can have permissible values of Y and N. You can also delete the added permissible values.
  17. Click Create to create or save the property.

Managing properties

You can manage existing properties in the Property Management user interface.
  1. Log in to the System Administration Console. The application home page is displayed.
  2. Click System > Property Management. The property search screen is displayed.
  3. Enter either basic or advanced search criteria for the property that you want to manage.
  4. Click Search. The property lists matching the search criteria are displayed.
  5. Highlight the property that you want to modify and click Manage Property. The Manage Properties screen with property details is displayed.
  6. Click Audit History to view the updates that have been applied to the property.
  7. Click Modify Value to modify the property value or update user comments. The Modify Value screen is displayed.
  8. In the New Value field, enter the new property value to be added.
  9. In the User comments field, add new comments or update the existing comments.
  10. Click OK to save your changes.

Deleting properties

You can delete existing properties in the Property Management user interface.
  1. Log in to the System Administration Console. The application home page is displayed.
  2. Click System > Property Management. The property search screen is displayed.
  3. Enter either basic or advanced search criteria for the property that you want to manage.
  4. Click Search. The property lists matching the search criteria are displayed.
  5. Highlight the property that you want to delete and click Delete Property. The property is deleted.

Overriding properties

The Override capability in managing properties in a database enables you to override the value of a property within a certain context. The IBM® Sterling Order Management System application reads a property's overridden value when an API or Agent is called in the context of that property. However, in other scenarios, the property's base value is read. The property management feature provides two types of overrides: User Override and Server Override.
  • The User Override capability allows a user to override the value of a property in the user's context. When an API is called in the context of a user, it reads the overridden value and proceeds with the same. However, when the same API is called by another user, the application reads the property's base value.
  • Server Overrides can be defined for an agent server instance. In this case, the agent server JVM has to be started with a name by setting the JVM level argument, 'jvminstance'. The property values are overridden against the jvminstance name. When an agent runs within this agent server, it reads the overridden value. However, when the same agent runs within another agent server, it reads the property's base value.
You can add a new override to existing properties in the Property Management user interface.
  1. Log in to the System Administration Console. The application home page is displayed.
  2. Click System > Property Management. The property search screen is displayed.
  3. Enter either basic or advanced search criteria for the property that you want to manage.
  4. Click Search. The property lists matching the search criteria are displayed.
  5. Highlight the property that you want to modify and click Manage Property. The Manage Properties screen with property details is displayed.
  6. Click Add New Override. The Add New Override screen is displayed.
  7. In the Override Type list, select a SERVER or USER override based on the override type that is going to be created.
  8. In the User comments field, add new comments or update the existing comments.
  9. In the Override For field, enter the value for which the override is being created. For example, for a USER override, enter a specific user name for which this override is being created. Similarly for a SERVER override, enter the jvminstance name of the agent server for which this override is being created.
    Next-generation platformNote: Enter the values of server name as adminserver, apiserver, callcenterserver, storeserver, and webstoreserver to override property in an application server for next generation users..
  10. Click OK to save your changes.
    • You cannot add a property value with length greater than 100 characters through System Administration Console UI, despite the maximum length in the database being 1000. However, you can overcome this limitation by creating the property with the manageProperty API.
    • All the overridden properties for the base property are listed in the bottom panel of the base property details screen.
    • Audits for the overridden properties can be viewed by selecting one of the overridden properties and clicking Audit History.
    • Property values of the overridden properties can be modified by selecting one of the overridden properties and then clicking Modify Value. The flow is similar to modifying base property values.
    • To delete an overridden property, select it and click Delete Override.
    • The user override behavior is not available when an API is called from the Sterling HTTP API Tester. The user information captured in the API Tester is only for the purpose of authentication.