Legacy platform

Visual Modeler UI properties

You can review the table that summarizes the UI properties that are built in to the Visual Modeler.

Property Type Comments
UI: ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION string You can use this property to add additional descriptive text to an option class. use this property in conjunction with the UI: DISPLAY RESULTS property.
UI: ALIGNMENT string Horizontal" or "Vertical" controls layout of radio buttons and check box controls.
UI: AUTOMATIC POST string Use this property to control automatic posting of updates for an option class. Supports two values NONE and UPDATE.

After a customer makes a pick of an option item, then you usually want the server to re-display the page so that rules can be fired and any changes to the available option classes displayed. However, if you do not want picks in an option class to cause a re‑display, then set this property to NONE. This is equivalent to selecting On User Request from the Submit to Server Display property drop-down list.

The option class is displayed with Update button: after making a pick in this option class, a user can click the Update button to request a re-display of the page from the server.

UI: CLASS DISPLAY NAME string Use this property at the model level to determine what is displayed as the displayed name of option classes. By default, this property takes the value ${expand("_description")} which means that the value of the option class's Description field is displayed.

For example, if you want to display option class names instead of descriptions, then set this property to ${expand("_name")}. You can overwrite this value at a single class by using the UI: DISPLAY NAME property.

UI: COLUMN HEADINGS string Used in the tabular display control to specify the titles of columns. Each title is separated from each other with the ";" character. For example: "Speed;Pins;Manufacturer".

See Display properties in a tabular form for an example of using this property.

UI: COLUMN PROPERTIES string A semi-colon-separated list of property names used in the tabular display of properties. For example: "SPEED;NOPINS;SUPPLIER", where SPEED, NOPINS, and SUPPLIER are properties defined on option items in an option class.

See Display properties in a tabular form for an example of using this property.

UI: COLUMN SPAN numeric Controls how many columns an option class requires for its display in the customer-facing display of the model. This is the same as entering a number for the Number of Columns field on the Display tab.
UI: CONSTANT GUIDING TEXT string Defines the guiding text that will always be shown for an option class. This is the same as entering text for the Constant Guiding Text field in the Display tab.
UI: CONTROL string This property is used to set the name of the generic UI control type used to render an option class. Do not use UI: TEMPLATE at the option class level.
UI: CONTROL RECOMMENDATION string This property is used to set the name of the specific UI control used to render an option class. The recommendations are made based on the value of the UI Control property.
UI: DEFAULT SELECTION string true" or "yes" on an item makes the item a default selection within its parent option class.
UI: DISPLAY ADDITIONAL INFO string Use this property to provide a description specific to a particular instance of a sub-model. If you attach this property to the root node of a submodel and pass it as an output property to the parent model, the parent model displays the description next to the item in the parent model. This allows you to give feedback to the end-user about how the sub-model is configured. This is particularly useful for dynamic instantiation, where there can be multiple instances of a sub-model, each configured differently, and you want to provide an appropriate description for each instance of the submodel.
UI: DISPLAY NAME string Use this property to determine what is displayed as the displayed name of the option class. By default, this property takes the value ${expand("_description")} which means that the value of the option class's Description field is displayed.
UI: DISPLAY RESULTS string This property is deprecated. A property that is displayed along with the description of items. This special property also allows the usage of text expansion macros. Currently we support:


but the name of this "function", expand in this case, is accessed via the object manager.

An example usage is to set a description string in the UI: ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION property, and then set the value of this property to ${expand("UI: ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION")}.

UI: EXPANDABLE HEADER string This property is used to add an expandable option class header in the tabbed and non-tabbed Configurator UI for a single column display. The Down arrow is displayed when the section is collapsed. The section expands when the Down arrow is clicked. Similarly, the Up arrow is displayed when the section is expanded. The section collapses when the Up arrow is clicked.
UI: EXPANDABLE HEADER EXPAND string This property is used to expand an expandable option class header. When the configurator page is first displayed, all the sections under an expandable header will be in collapse mode. Only the sections whose option class have UI property “UI: EXPANDABLE HEADER EXPAND” will be in expand mode.
UI: GUIDING TEXT string Defines the guiding text that will always be shown on the tab. This is the same as entering text for the Guiding Text field in the Tabs tab.
UI: HELP URL string A URL that is used to turn an option class description into a hyperlink, typically used to provide additional information about what that option class is for, but could also be a datasheet or any other hyperlink. Clicking on the hyperlink will bring up the page in a new window. This is the same as entering text for the Help URL field in the Display tab.
UI: HIDE TABS string Use this property to hide tabs. To hide one or more tabs, enter the names of the tabs, delimited by semicolons. By default, this property is empty and all tabs are displayed. For example, to hide the "Accessory" and "Peripheral" tabs, enter UI:HIDE TABS=Accessory;Peripheral.

When you hide tabs that contain user selections, the tab is hidden for the user, but the selections in the tab in the summary pane continue to be visible. For example, if there are default selections in a tab and then you use the UI:HIDE TABS property to hide the tab, the summary pane continues to display the selections although the user cannot see the tab.

UI: ICON GRAPHIC string Used with an option class to display a picture along with the description of the option class. This is the same as entering text for the Image field in the Display tab: see Associating images to option items for information on how values in this field are resolved to URLs.
UI: IGNORE IN QUOTE string If this is set to "yes" or "true", whatever item this property is attached to will be filtered out of the summary page and not added to the shopping cart. This is the same as selecting the Ignore in Quote check box in the Display tab.

Typically, this field is used to ensure that only selected option items are displayed in shopping carts and to suppress option classes in the list of items in a shopping cart.

UI: LEAD TIME numeric Attached to items in the model. It is used to build a maximum lead time for the entire model by finding the largest lead time of all items currently selected.
UI: NUMBER OF COLUMNS numeric Number of columns to divide the end-user configurator presentation. This property is defined at the model level to manage how many columns are used to display the option classes for a model.

This property in conjunction with UI: COLUMN SPAN, UI: ROW SPAN, AND UI: SKIP COLUMNS controls how option classes are arranged on the page. This property is the same as setting the Number of Columns property in the Display tab.

UI: OPTION CLASS SELECT string This property is used to specify what UI control should be used when no specific UI: CONTROL value is specified. Its use is primarily to support importing models from external configuration systems or from earlier releases of the Visual Modeler.

It takes "single" or "multiple" as values, and is only used in the absence of a UI: CONTROL property to determine if a radio button or checkbox control should be shown for an option class.

UI: OPTION CLASS VIEW string POPUP", "POPUP-QTY", or "INVISIBLE". This controls the display behavior of an option class. If POPUP, a standard option class is shown; if POPUP-QTY is selected, then a quantity box will be shown for each selected item within that control. Finally, INVISIBLE is used to prevent the display of the control entirely.

INVISIBLE is often used to hide option classes until other picks made by the customer requires the class to be displayed.

UI: POPUP-QTY ALLOWED VALUES string This controls what values are available for a selection in a popup drop-down list. Use this at the option class level, in conjunction with setting UI: OPTION CLASS VIEW to POPUP‑QTY.

A "," separated list of allowed values. Ranges can be specified with “-”, so 1-4,7-9 is the same as 1,2,3,4,7,8,9. If you leave this field blank, then a text field is displayed with the current value; otherwise a drop-down list with the allowed values is displayed.

UI: POST PICK GUIDING TEXT string A guiding text message displayed with an option class description if the user has made at least one pick from within the option class. This is the same as entering text for the Pre-Pick Guiding Text field in the Display tab.

This property is not displayed until a customer makes a pick.

UI: PRE PICK GUIDING TEXT string A guiding text message displayed with an option class description if the user has not made a pick from within the option class. This is the same as entering text for the Post-Pick Guiding Text field in the Display tab.

Once a pick has been made, then this property is no longer displayed.

UI: PREVENT SELECTION string yes" or "true" causes the Configurator to prevent the user from selecting items that would violate a constraint table rule. If the Constraint Selections display property is set to "Hide constrained items", then this property is set to “yes”.
UI: PRICE numeric The price for an item that will be used only if STATIC_PRICING or OVERRIDE_PRICING is set in the business rules. In the case of OVERRIDE_PRICING, this value will be used if a price cannot be found for the item in the price list.
UI: PRICING SKU string The SKU to use when looking up the item in the price list. Note that if you set a product ID value for this property, then it overrides the value of the Assigned Product ID in determining prices.
UI: PRICING STYLE string Usually, you use this property at the option class level. It controls how prices of option items are displayed to the end user as follows:

NONE: Do not display prices as user configures product.

ABSOLUTE: Display prices next to option items as absolute prices.

DELTA: Display relative pricing information next to option items in comparison to the total base price of the configurable product.

When end-users first see the option class, they see the option items with prices as "Add $xxx.xx", meaning "selecting this item adds this amount to the current configuration price of the model." Once the end-user selects an option item, the other option items will show either "Add $xxx.xx" or "Subtract $xxx.xx", depending on how choosing those option items will affect the price.

This property is the same as setting Price Display in the Display tab.

UI: PRODUCT ID string If a product has been associated with a node of a model, then this property can be used to retrieve the product ID of the associated product.

The value of this property is resolved at compile time, so if the product ID is changed, then you must re-compile the model for the change to take effect.

UI: PRODUCT NAME string If a product has been associated with a node of a model, then this property can be used to retrieve the product name of the associated product.

The value of this property is resolved at compile time, so if the product name is changed, then you must re-compile the model for the change to take effect.

UI: PRODUCT DESCRIPTION string If a product has been associated with a node of a model, then this property can be used to retrieve the description of the associated product.

The value of this property is resolved at compile time, so if the product description is changed, then you must re-compile the model for the change to take effect.

UI: REQUIRED string yes" or "true" causes Configurator to require that a selection be made for an option class. For radio buttons this causes the None selection to be removed.
UI: ROW SPAN numeric Controls how many rows an option class requires for its display in the end-user presentation of the page. In conjunction with UI: NUMBER OF COLUMNS and UI: COLUMN SPAN, this property controls the layout of the page viewed by end-users. This is the same as entering a number for the Number of Rows field in the Display tab.
UI: SHOW ITEM IMAGES string "yes" or "true" controls whether item images are shown.
UI: SHOW SUMMARY string "yes" or "no" controls whether the Summary panel is displayed in the Accordion and Normal templates.
UI: SKIP COLUMNS numeric Number of columns to skip after this class. It is used to add to the count variable that is tracking how many cells are being used to lay out the option classes. This is the same as entering a number for the Number of Columns to Skip field on the Display tab.

If you have used the UI: COLUMN SPAN property or UI: ROW SPAN property for another option class, then use this property to account for table cells in the layout that the multiple span class uses.

UI: SUPPRESS NAME DISPLAY string yes" or "true" causes Configurator to not display the names of option classes.
UI: SUPPRESS NONE SELECTION string yes" or "true" suppresses the NONE selection value for radio buttons.
UI: SUPPRESS UEV NONE VALUE string yes" or "true" suppresses the NONE selection for UEV combination boxes. Use this in conjunction with UI: UEV ALLOWED VALUES property.

For example, if you have specified that a user-entered value field can only take the values Red, Green, Blue, then if the value of this property is set to "yes", then None will not appear in the drop‑down list of selectable values. If you set the value of this property to "no", or do not attach this property, then None will be a selectable value.

UI: TEMPLATE string The name of the template that will render the model: accordionTemplate and normalTemplate. This property is added to support easier customization and eventually to allow different views for different channels or devices for a single model. Using built-in customization elements of Configurator, it is possible to dynamically change pages as well.
UI: UEV ALLOWED VALUES string Comma-separated list of values for a combination box UEV control.

Suppose that you want to allow customers to enter only one color from a small list of colors. Then enter the list like this:


When this property is set, then the user-entered value option item is displayed as a drop-down list of these values. None is also displayed as a selectable option, unless you set the UI: SUPPRESS UEV NONE VALUE property to "yes".

This property is the same as setting values in the Allowed Values display property.

UI: UEV ASSIGNMENT PROPERTY string The name of a property where a UEV will store its value. This property should be of the correct type to contain the UEV. Note: numeric properties can be used to hold INTEGER UEVs as well as NUMERIC UEVs.

If the value of this property is just a property name, then the property will be set on the current item.

If the value contains a path to a property as well as the property name, then the property will be set on the item referenced by the path if it exists.

Once a user makes their pick in the user-entered value field, then the assigned property can be used by rules or in the display of the model, just like any other property.

This property is the same as setting a value in the Assign Value to Property display property.

UI: UEV INTEGER VALUE integer Filled in by the engine when an integer UEV has a value in it. This provides you with a way to reference the value of the field without assigning it to another property.
UI: UEV LIST VALUE list Filled in by the engine when a list UEV has a value in it (not currently used). This provides you with a way to reference the value of the field without assigning it to another property.
UI: UEV NUMERIC VALUE numeric Filled in by the engine when a numeric UEV has a value in it. This provides you with a way to reference the value of the field without assigning it to another property.
UI: UEV POSTFIX string A string of text displayed after the UEV entry field.

This property is the same as setting a value in the Text After Entry Field display property.

UI: UEV PREFIX string A string of text displayed before a UEV entry field.

This property is the same as setting a value in the Text Before Entry Field display property.

UI: UEV SPECIAL string Used by the user entered value control to enable a file list or notes control. This will be phased out and replaced by a new file attachment control and notes control in future releases: do not use.
UI: UEV STRING VALUE string Filled in by the engine when a string UEV has a value in it. This provides you with a way to reference the value of the field without assigning it to another property.
UI: UEV TYPE string string", "integer", or "numeric"; the type of UEV control.
UI: UEV USE SLIDER string This property adds a slider UI control for the target UEV control. The slider UI control displays markers for the positions “N/A”, "Min and "Max" values. This property enables you to drag the slider to a position and a corresponding scaled value is displayed in the read only textbox. When you drag the slider to the “N/A” position, the textbox is empty and the UEV control is set to no value.
UI: UEV USE SLIDER LENGTH integer This property specifies the length of the slider UI control. The length of the slider UI control is defined in "em".
UI: UEV USE SPINBOX string This property adds a spinbox UI control for the target UEV control. This property enables you to click the up/down arrow and the corresponding scaled value is displayed in the read only textbox. You can also enter values directly into the textbox. If the textbox is empty, the UEV control is set to no value.
Note: To add additional macros, define a new class that implements the IExpansionHandler interface, and put a reference to it into the object manager.