Welcome file

IBM Workload Automation on OpenShift

Read the following information to install and configure the following components:


Two separate packages are provided:

For more information, also see Deploying with containers.


Ensure your envirnonment meets the following prerequisites:

Downloading installation images

To perform a fresh install at the latest product version, download the installation images from IBM Fix Central

Each of the following package provides the related Operator to install the specified content:


​ workload-automation

Each operator package contains the following structure:


Building and pushing the images using Docker

To generate and publish the images using the Docker command line, run the following commands:

docker build -t <repository_url>/<wa-package>-operator: -f build/Dockerfile .
docker push <repository_url>/<wa-package>-operator:

where wa-package
is one of the following:

Building and pushing the images using Podman and Buildah

To generate and publish the images using the Podman and Buildah
command line, run the following commands:

buildah bud -t <repository_url>/<wa-package>-operator: -f build/Dockerfile .
podman push <repository_url>/<wa-package>-operator:

Deploying IBM Workload Scheduler components using the OpenShift Container command line

Before deploying the IBM Workload Scheduler components, create a dedicated project using the OPC command line, as follows:

oc new-project <wa-package>

To deploy the containers for the components belonging to the operator, type the following commands:

oc create -f deploy/WA_<wa-package>_service_account.yaml
oc create -f deploy/WA_<wa-package>_role.yaml
oc create -f deploy/WA_<wa-package>_role_binding.yaml
oc create -f deploy/crds/WA_<wa-package>_custome_resource_definition.yaml

Configuring the operator

If you have Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) installed, perform the following steps
to configure the operator:

  1. Browse to the following path: deploy/olm-catalog/
  2. Open file <wa-package>. in a flat text editor.
  3. Replace every occurrence of the REPLACE_IMAGE string with the following string: <repository_url>/<wa-package>-operator:
  1. Run the following command:
    oc create -f deploy/olm-catalog/<wa-package>-group.yaml
  2. Run the following command:
    oc create -f deploy/olm-catalog/<wa-package>.

If you DO NOT have OLM installed, perform the following steps
to configure the operator:

  1. Browse to the following path: deploy
  2. Open file <wa-package>_operator.yaml in a flat text editor.
  3. Replace every occurrence of the REPLACE_IMAGE string with the following string: <repository_url>/<wa-package>-operator:
  4. Run the following command:
    oc create -f deploy/<wa-package>_operator.yaml

Resources Required

Resources limit:

PodSecurityPolicy Requirements


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the chart and an example of their values:

Parameter Description Mandatory Example Default
global.license Use ACCEPT to agree to the license agreement yes not accepted not accepted
global.serviceAccountName The name of the serviceAccount to use no default leave it empty
global.language The language of the container internal system. The supported language are: en (English), de (German), es (Spanish), fr (French), it (Italian), ja (Japanese), ko (Korean), pt_BR (Portuguese (BR)), ru (Russian), zh_CN (Simplified Chinese) and zh_TW (Traditional Chinese) yes en en
replicaCount Number of replicas to deploy yes 1 1
image.repository IBM Server image repository yes @DOCKER.SERVER.IMAGE.NAME@ @DOCKER.SERVER.IMAGE.NAME@
image.tag IBM Server image tag yes @VERSION@ @VERSION@
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy yes Always Always
fsGroupId The secondary group ID of the user no 999
server.company The name of your Company no my-company my-company
server.agentName The name to be assigned to the dynamic agent of the Server no WA_SAGT WA_AGT
server.dateFormat The date format defined in the plan no MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY
server.timezone The timezone used in the create plan command no America/Chicago
server.startOfDay The start time of the plan processing day in 24 hour format: hhmm no 0000 0700
server.tz If used, it sets the TZ operating system environment variable no America/Chicago
server.createPlan If true, an automatic JnextPlan is executed at the same time of the container deployment no no no
server.containerDebug The container is executed in debug mode no no no
server.db.type The preferred remote database server type (e.g. DERBY, DB2, ORACLE, MSSQL, IDS) yes DB2 DB2
server.db.hostname The Hostname or the IP Address of the database server yes
server.db.port The port of the database server yes 50000 50000
server.db.name Depending on the database type, the name is different; enter the name of the Server’s database for DB2/Informix/MSSQL, enter the Oracle Service Name for Oracle yes TWS TWS
server.db.tsName The name of the DATA table space no TWS_DATA
server.db.tsPath The path of the DATA table space no TWS_DATA
server.db.tsLogName The name of the LOG table space no TWS_LOG
server.db.tsLogPath The path of the LOG table space no TWS_LOG
server.db.tsPlanName The name of the PLAN table space no TWS_PLAN
server.db.tsPlanPath The path of the PLAN table space no TWS_PLAN
server.db.tsTempName The name of the TEMP table space (Valid only for Oracle) no TEMP leave it empty
server.db.tssbspace The name of the SB table space (Valid only for IDS) no twssbspace twssbspace
server.db.usepartitioning If true, the Oracle Partitioning feature is enabled. Valid only for Oracle, it is ignored by other databases. The default value is true no true true
server.db.user The database user who accesses the Server tables on the database server. In case of Oracle, it identifies also the database. It can be specified in a secret too yes db2inst1
server.db.adminUser The database user administrator who accesses the Server tables on the database server. It can be specified in a secret too yes db2inst1
server.db.sslConnection If true, SSL is used to connect to the database (Valid only for DB2) no false false
server.pwdSecretName The name of the secret to store all passwords yes wa-pwd-secret wa-pwd-secret
server.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds The number of seconds after which the liveness probe starts checking if the server is running yes 600 600
server.useCustomizedCert If true, customized SSL certificates are used to connect to the master domain manager no false false
server.certSecretName The name of the secret to store customized SSL certificates no waserver-cert-secret
server.libConfigName The name of the ConfigMap to store all custom liberty configuration no libertyConfigMap
server.routes.enabled If true, the routes controller rules is enabled no true true
server.routes.hostname The virtual hostname defined in the DNS used to reach the Server no server.mycluster.proxy
server.routes.secretName The name of the secret to store certificates used by the routes. If not used, leave empty. no waserver-ingress-secret
resources.requests.cpu The minimum CPU requested to run yes 1 1
resources.requests.memory The minimum memory requested to run yes 4Gi 4Gi
resources.limits.cpu The maximum CUP requested to run yes 4 4
resources.limits.memory The maximum memory requested to run yes 16Gi 16Gi
persistence.enabled If true, persistent volumes for the pods are used no true true
persistence.useDynamicProvisioning If true, StorageClasses are used to dynamically create persistent volumes for the pods no true true
persistence.dataPVC.name The prefix for the Persistent Volumes Claim name no data data
persistence.dataPVC.storageClassName The name of the StorageClass to be used. Leave empty to not use a storage class no nfs-dynamic
persistence.dataPVC.selector.label Volume label to bind (only limited to single label) no my-volume-label
persistence.dataPVC.selector.value Volume label value to bind (only limited to single value) no my-volume-value
persistence.dataPVC.size The minimum size of the Persistent Volume no 5Gi 5Gi

(*) Note: for details about static workstation pools, see:

(**) Note: if you set useCustomizedCert:true, you must create a secret containing the customized files:

that will replace the Server default ones. Customized files must have the same name of the ones listed above.

For detailed instructions, see the Secrets section.

(***) Note: if you set db.sslConnection:true you must set to be true the useCustomizeCert setting too (on both server and console charts); more, you must add the following certificates in the customized SSL certificates secret on both server and console charts:

Customized files must have the same name of the ones listed above.

For detailed instructions, see the Secrets section.

Tip: You can use the default values.yaml


Single Sign-On (SSO) configuration

To enable SSO between console and server, LTPA tokens must be the same. The following procedure explains how to create LTPA tokens to be shared between server and console (this procedure must be run only once and not on both systems).

Access the container by launching the following command:

 oc exec -it <server_pod_name> /bin/bash

Create new LTPA token, by launching the following command:

 /opt/wautils/wa_create_ltpa_keys.sh -p <keys_password> -o /home/wauser


The “ltpa.keys” and “wa_ltpa.xml” files are created in /home/wauser.

Exit from the container by launching the “exit” command.

Copy the just created files in the local machine, by launching the following command:

 oc cp <server_pod_name>:/home/wauser/ltpa.keys <host_dir>
 oc cp <server_pod_name>:/home/wauser/wa_ltpa.xml <host_dir>


The “ltpa.keys” file must be placed into the secret that stores customized SSL certificates (on both server and console charts); to place it into the secret, launch the following command:

 oc create secret generic <secret_name> --from-file=<host_dir>/ltpa.keys --namespace=<your_namespace>

The “wa_ltpa.xml” file must be placed in the ConfigMap that stores all custom liberty configurations (on both server and console charts); to place it into the ConfigMap, launch the following command:

 oc create configmap <configmap_name> --from-file=<host_dir>/wa_ltpa.xml --namespace=<your_namespace>

For further details about ConfigMap, see the “Creating ConfigMaps” chapter on the cloud platform documentation.

In both server and console charts, useCustomizedCert property must set to be “true”, the libConfigName and certSecretName properties must be configured with the related name defined in the commands previously launched.


To make persistent all configuration and runtime data, the Persistent Volume you specify is mounted in the following container folder:


The Pod is based on a StatefulSet. This to guarantee that each Persistent Volume is mounted in the same Pod when it is scaled up or down.

Only for test purposes, you can configure the chart in a way not to use persistence.

You can pre-create Persistent Volumes to be bound to the StatefulSet using Label or StorageClass. Anyway, it is highly suggested to use persistence with dynamic provisioning. In this case you must have defined your own Dynamic Persistence Provider.

The Helm chart is written so that it can support several different storage use cases:

1. Persistent storage using kubernetes dynamic provisioning

It uses the default storageClass defined by the Kubernetes admin or by using a custom storageClass which overrides the default.
Set the values as follows:

Specify a custom storageClassName per volume or leave the value empty to use the default storageClass.

2. Persistent storage using a predefined PersistentVolume setup prior to the deployment of this chart

Set global values to:

Let the Kubernetes binding process select a pre-existing volume based on the accessMode and size. Use selector labels to refine the binding process.

3. No persistent storage

The entire storage is within the container and will be lost when pod terminates.
Enable this mode by setting the global values to:



For a description of IBM Server functionality, see the Knowledge Center.


In case of problems, see Troubleshooting.