TYPETERM attributes

Describes the syntax and attributes of the TYPETERM resource.

BMS-related attributes
Error display attributes
Recovery-related attributes
Device properties
The typeterm definition attribute descriptions are:
Specifies the page size to be used by BMS for this terminal entry when ALTSCREEN has been selected as the screen size. The default is the PAGESIZE. The values for both rows and columns must be in the range 0 through 255. The product of rows and columns must not exceed 32767.

You will get unexpected results if the columns value of ALTPAGE is different from that of ALTSCREEN. The rows value of ALTPAGE can usefully be less than that of ALTSCREEN, perhaps to reserve the bottom line of the screen for error messages.

If you use the QUERY structured field, the alternate page size used is the size set up as the alternate screen size. For terminals that can be queried, you can set ALTPAGE to zero and have the ALTSCREEN value defined explicitly by the CINIT BIND. If ALTPAGE is not zero, it is possible to have different values for the ALTPAGE and the ALTSCREEN.

Specifies the 3270 screen size to be used for a transaction that has an alternate screen size specified in its profile definition. The values for both rows and columns must be in the range 0 through 255. The values that can be specified are:
Device Alternate Screen Size
3276-1, 3278-1 (12,80)
3276-2, 3278-2 (24,80)
3276-3, 3278-3 (32,80)
3276-4, 3278-4 (43,80)
3278-5 (27,132)
3279-2A, 3279-2B (24,80)
3279-3A, 3279-3B (32,80)

No validity checking is performed on the screen size selected, and incorrect sizes may lead to unpredictable results.

For BSC devices, both the alternate and default screen sizes are determined by the device hardware. The alternate screen size is the maximum screen size. For the 3290 display, both the default and alternate screen sizes are determined by the customer setup procedure.

For SNA devices (LUTYPE2 and LUTYPE3), you can specify any value for both alternate and default screen sizes, up to the maximum physical screen size. In particular, both the alternate and default screen sizes can be the maximum screen size, or the default screen size can be the maximum screen size with no alternate screen size specified. The SNA bind is generated by CICS® from this information. You do not need to provide logmode table entries, or to customize the device.

For non-SNA 3270 and LUTYPE2 devices, you can use the QUERY structured field to determine the alternate screen size that has been set up for the display. To use QUERY, leave the DEFSCREEN to default to (24,80) and leave ALTSCREEN unspecified. The alternate screen size is the size set up by the terminal user. Otherwise, QUERY(COLD) or QUERY(ALL) has no effect on the alternate screen size. Leaving ALTSCREEN unspecified without using QUERY under the conditions described results in an alternate screen size of (00,00).

If you use dual screen sizes, you can make a CICS transaction use the alternate screen size by coding SCRNSIZE(ALTERNATE) in its associated profile. If an application consists of several pseudo-conversationally linked transactions, specify SCRNSIZE(ALTERNATE) in the profile for each of these transactions if the application uses the alternate screen size.

For 3287 and 3289 printers, the value specified must equal the buffer size of the particular device. For non-SNA 3287 and 3289 printers, the sizes depend on the feature ordered, not on the model number. For SNA printers, there are no features, and any two sizes can be specified from the list of valid sizes. When printing to a printer whose associated TERMINAL definition has PRINTERCOPY(YES) specified, the ALTSCREEN value should match the screen size of the terminal whose screen is to be printed. If the values differ, unpredictable results may occur.

A 1-character numeric suffix that BMS is to append to map set names (specified in the SUFFIX operand of the DFHMSD TYPE={DSECT|MAP} macro).
Leave this attribute blank if you do not want a suffixed map set.
BMS appends this suffix to map set names if the screen size being used is the same value as the alternate screen size; that is, if the transaction has an alternate screen size specified in the PROFILE definition, or if the default and alternate screen size are the same. In this case, BMS map selection routines attempt to load the map set with the suffix specified in the ALTSUFFIX operand.

If there is no such map set, BMS tries to load a map set suffixed with M or L and, if this load fails, BMS tries to load an unsuffixed map set version.

If the transaction uses default screen size, BMS first tries to load a map set suffixed with M or L and, if this load fails, BMS tries to load an unsuffixed map set version.

To use a suffixed map set, you must specify the BMS=(,,,DDS) system initialization parameter.

Specifies whether the 3270 device has the APL keyboard feature:
The 3270 device has the APL keyboard feature.
The 3270 device does not have the APL keyboard feature.
Specifies whether the 3270 device has the APL text feature:
The 3270 device has the APL text feature.
The 3270 device does not have the APL text feature.
Do not specify YES for a 3288 printer, with or without TEXTPRINT(YES). The APLTEXT feature is used in conjunction with the TEXTKYBD and APLKYBD operands.

You can use the QUERY structured field to determine whether the device is set up to use the APL text feature.

Specifies whether the terminal has an ASCII feature.
This terminal does not have an ASCII feature.
Specify this value to communicate with ASCII-7 terminals. Devices configured with the ASCII-7 feature must be LUTYPE2 or LUTYPE3 without extended 3270 features. Only the following devices are supported:
  • 3274 Model 1C and 51C
  • 3276 Model 12
  • 3278
  • 3287

Any terminal configured with the ASCII-7 option has all FM data outbound from CICS converted to ASCII-7, and all FM data inbound to CICS converted to EBCDIC. Only FM request data is translated. All other data in the RU such as LU status or sense data is assumed to be in EBCDIC on output. ASCII-7 does not support data streams that contain extended attributes, such as structured fields and function management headers.

The ASCII-7 support is available on 3274-1C as an option on the configuration of the standard microcode. The use of the ASCII-7 option is determined at session initiation by BIND parameters set by CICS as a result of the TCT definition described.

Specify this to communicate with ASCII-8 terminals. Devices configured with the ASCII-8 feature can be LUTYPE1, LUTYPE2, or LUTYPE3 with or without extended 3270 and SCS data stream features.

Any terminal configured with the ASCII-8 option has all FM data outbound from CICS converted to ASCII-8, and all FM data inbound to CICS converted to EBCDIC. All FM request data is translated. This includes the AID, cursor address, FM headers and structured fields. Any other form of the RU such as LU status or sense data is assumed to be in EBCDIC on input and is transmitted in EBCDIC on output.

This ASCII-8 support is intended only for devices that operate in EBCDIC but translate or retranslate the data stream to or from ASCII-8, as is done by this CICS support. This is because the data stream is treated as a character string, and any binary number fields are translated byte by byte as though they were graphic characters. Thus they may not represent their true value while in ASCII form.

The ASCII-8 support is available as a microcode RPQ on the 3274 and is mutually exclusive with the ASCII-7 option. The use of the ASCII-8 option is determined at session initiation by BIND parameters set by CICS as a result of the TCT definitions described.

Specifies whether transactions can start at the terminal by automatic transaction initiation:
Transactions can start at the terminal by automatic transaction initiation.
Transactions cannot start at the terminal by automatic transaction initiation.

ATI(YES) allows transactions to be started at the terminal by transient data control or by an EXEC CICS START command issued by another transaction. If there is already a transaction at the terminal, the ATI transaction is held until it ends. If you specify ATI(YES), you must specify an IOAREALEN of at least one byte, except for DEVICE(APPC) when ATI and IOAREALEN have forced default values of YES and 0.

If ATI is specified as YES and CREATESESS is specified as YES, and if a transaction is initiated when the terminal is not ACQUIRED, it is automatically acquired.

See also the TTI attribute.

Specifies whether the audible alarm feature is installed for a 3270 display or for a 3270 printer attached to a 3651 controller:
The audible alarm feature is installed.
The audible alarm feature is not installed.
Specifies whether autoconnect processing is to occur for the terminal. AUTOCONNECT(YES) or (ALL) specifies that the session with the terminal is to be established (that is, BIND is to be performed) during CICS initialization, or when communication with z/OS® Communications Server is started using the SET VTAM OPEN command. If the connection cannot be made at this time because the terminal is unavailable, the link must be subsequently acquired using the CEMT SET TERMINAL(termid) INSERVICE ACQUIRED command, unless the terminal becomes available in the meantime and itself initiates communications.
Note: If you use the z/OS Communications Server LOGAPPL function, do not specify AUTOCONNECT(YES), because this can lead to race conditions causing errors or hung logical units.
CICS does not attempt to bind sessions when the connection is established.
CICS attempts to bind as a contention winner session, when the connection is established.
Not applicable.

For background information about AUTOCONNECT, see Defining intercommunication resources.

Specifies whether BMS autopaging is to be used. Specify YES for printers and NO for display devices. The default depends on the value you specify for the DEVICE attribute. The default values are indicated in Default values for TYPETERM attributes
Specifies whether the device has the background transparency feature:
The device does not have the background transparency feature.
The device does have the background transparency feature.

You can use the QUERY structured field to determine whether the device is set up to use the background transparency feature.

Specifies whether bracket protocol is to be enforced for this logical unit. The default depends on the value you specify for the DEVICE attribute (see Default values for TYPETERM attributes).
Bracket protocol is to be used. This option is required for the 3790 inquiry and full function logical units. BRACKET(YES) is forced for many DEVICE types
Bracket protocol is not to be used. You must specify BRACKET(NO) for a 3614 logical unit and the 3650 Host Command Processor (HCP) session.
Bracket protocol is a feature of SNA; if you specify BRACKET(YES) for non-SNA devices, CICS will neither follow, nor enforce, strict bracket protocol.
Specifies whether CICS is to perform chain assembly before passing the input data to the application program.
The default depends on the value you specify for the DEVICE attribute.
Any terminal input/output area (TIOA) received by an application program from this logical unit contains one request unit (RU).
Any TIOA received by an application program from this logical unit contains a complete chain.
The coded graphic character set global identifier (CGCSGID) enables application programs to determine the character set supported at the device.
You can get this information from a QUERY structured field for some devices. For others, you must supply this information here, so that application programs can retrieve it using the EXEC CICS ASSIGN command.
No CGCSGID is specified.
The CGCSGID consists of two 5-digit decimal numbers which can take values in the range 1 through 65535. gcsid is the graphic character set global identifier (GCSGID) and cpgid is a specification of the code points for the set, the code page global identifier (CPGID).
Specifies whether the 3270 device or the SCS printer has the extended color feature, which allows colors to be selected for each field or character:
The device does not have the extended color feature.
The device has the extended color feature.

You can use the QUERY structured field to determine whether the device is set up to use the color feature.

Specifies whether the copy feature for a 3270 display or printer is included in the 3270 control unit:
The copy feature is included.
The copy feature is not included.
Leave it to default to COPY(NO) for 3270 compatibility mode logical units, because COPY(YES) is ignored.

See also the PRINTERCOPY and ALTPRINTCOPY attributes of the TERMINAL definition.

For further details about screen copying, see the CICS 3270 Data Stream Device Guide.

Specifies whether sessions are to be created.
Specify this to prevent internally generated session requests from creating a session. During CICS execution, this can be changed only by a CEMT command.

CREATESESS(NO) prevents EXEC START requests and automatic transaction initiation (ATI) requests for this terminal causing a session to be created. This means that the requests are either queued or rejected when no session is currently established.

Specify this for a status that allows internally generated session requests to create a session. During CICS execution, this status can be generated only by a CEMT command.

CREATESESS(YES) allows EXEC START requests and automatic transaction initiation (ATI) requests for this terminal to cause a session to be created automatically.

DEFSCREEN(rows , columns)
Specifies the 3270 screen size or 3270 printer page size to be used on this device when attached to a transaction or used by BMS for which the default screen size has been specified in the profile definition. The values for both rows and columns must be in the range 0 through 255. The default depends on the value you specify for the DEVICE attribute (see Default values for TYPETERM attributes). The values that can be specified for a BSC 3270 are:
Device Screen size
3278-1 (12,40)
3278-2 (24,80)
3276-3, 3278-3 (24,80)
3276-4, 3278-4 (24,80)
3278-5 (24,80)
3279-2A, 3279-2B (24,80)
3279-3A, 3279-3B (24,80)

For BSC devices, both default and alternate screen sizes are determined by the terminal hardware. The default screen size is (24,80), except for the 3278-1 where it is (12,40).

For SNA devices (LUTYPE2 and LUTYPE3), both default and alternate screen sizes can be any value you choose, up to the maximum physical screen size (see ALTSCREEN). In particular, both default and alternate screen sizes can be the maximum screen size; or the default screen size can be the maximum screen size with no alternate screen size specified. The SNA bind is generated by CICS from this TCT information. You do not need to provide logmode table entries, or to customize the device.

You can provide a description of the resource that you are defining in this field. The description text can be up to 58 characters in length. There are no restrictions on the characters that you can use. However, if you use parentheses, ensure that for each left parenthesis there is a matching right parenthesis. If you use the CREATE command, for each single apostrophe in the text, code two apostrophes.
specifies the device type which this TYPETERM defines. This attribute is mandatory for all TYPETERM definitions.

If you type DEVICE(xxxx), where xxxx is a valid device type, on the command line, together with SESSIONTYPE and TERMMODEL if appropriate, other attributes are given appropriate default values. For further guidance, see Default values for TYPETERM attributes. Entering or overtyping the DEVICE, SESSIONTYPE, or TERMMODEL values on the overtype-to-modify panel does not provide these defaults.

The valid attributes and the defaults for each device type are listed in Default values for TYPETERM attributes. The recommended attributes for non-SNA z/OS Communications Server 3270 devices are 3270 and 3270P for displays and printers, respectively. The following attributes can also be specified and are retained for compatibility with previous releases:
  • Displays: 3277 and L3277
  • Printers: 3284 and L3284, 3286 and L3286

For SNA z/OS Communications Server 3270 devices, use the LUTYPE2 or LUTYPE3 attribute as appropriate. LUTYPE2 logical units are those defined by SNA, which accept a 3270-display data stream. LUTYPE3 logical units are those defined by SNA, which accept a data stream similar to that for a 3270 printer.

For a list of device types supported by CICS, see DFHTCT: CICS terminals list. See also Default values for TYPETERM attributes for a list of valid device names and the default attributes that they generate.

Specifies whether disconnect requests are to be honored.
CICS is to honor a disconnect request for a z/OS Communications Server device, and issue a z/OS Communications Server CLSDST macroinstruction to terminate the z/OS Communications Server session with that logical unit.

In addition, CESF LOGOFF or GOODNIGHT from the terminal causes disconnection if you specify YES.

YES is essential if the TYPETERM definition is referenced by AUTINSTMODEL TERMINAL definitions, so that autoinstalled terminal entries can be deleted automatically.

YES is the default, but in some situations, if your resource definition does not specify this attribute, CICS enforces the NO value for the attribute if this value is required for compatibility with other options in your resource definition.

CICS is not to honor a disconnect request for a z/OS Communications Server device.
Specifies whether a 3270 display has a typewriter keyboard or an operator console keyboard. Both uppercase and lowercase data can be transmitted with either of these keyboards
The device does not have a dual-case keyboard.
The device has a dual-case keyboard.
Specifies whether the error message is to be displayed in color. Coding ERRCOLOR(color) implies ERRLASTLINE(YES).

The colors you can specify are:


Specifies the highlighting, if any, with which error messages are to be displayed.
Specifies whether the error message is to be displayed in an intensified field. Coding ERRINTENSIFY(YES) implies ERRLASTLINE(YES).
Specifies where error messages are to be displayed.
An error message is displayed at the current cursor position and without any additional attributes.
An error message is displayed starting at the beginning of the line nearest the bottom of the screen so that the whole message fits on the screen.

Because all error messages occupy the same line, if the messages are received in quick succession, they overlay one another and earlier messages may disappear before they have been read.

Specifies whether the 3270 device or the SCS printer supports extensions to the 3270 data stream:
The device does not support 3270 data stream extensions.
The device supports 3270 data stream extensions.
EXTENDEDDS(YES) is implied if you specify YES for any one of the COLOR, HILIGHT, PROGSYMBOLS, QUERY, or VALIDATION (3270 only) attributes.

If extended data stream (EXTENDEDDS) is set to YES, the device will support the write structured field COMMAND and Outbound Query structured field.

You can use the QUERY structured field to determine whether the device is set up to use the extended data stream. Using the QUERY structured field sets EXTENDEDDS to YES if query is valid.

Specifies whether BMS is to accept user-supplied parameters for inclusion in the function management header built by BMS:
Do not accept user-supplied parameters for inclusion in the function management header built by BMS.
Accept user-supplied parameters for inclusion in the function management header built by BMS.
Specify YES only if the DEVICE type is 3650.
Specifies whether or not the device has the forms feed feature, which means that BMS uses the form-feed character when formatting output documents:
The device does not have the form feed feature.
The device has the form feed feature.

If DEVICE(SCSPRINT) is specified, BMS inserts a form-feed character at the beginning of the data stream. This causes the device to skip to the top margin of a new page before starting to print.

The top margin is defined by a set vertical format (SVF) data stream, and may be a line number equal to or greater than one. If a SVF data stream has not been sent to the printer, the top margin is line one. The line counter in the device is set to 1 when the operator sets up the paper.

Note that the device may also perform an automatic form feed if you try to print beyond a bottom margin. The bottom margin is also determined by the SVF data stream and defaults to the maximum presentation line (MPL). The MPL is the last line on the page and its value represents the page or form length as a number of lines (that is, physical page size times the line density). Both the MPL and the line density can be determined by the SVF data stream. Otherwise the MPL (the number of lines) can be set up on the device by the operator.

If DEVICE(3270), DEVICE(3270P), DEVICE(LUTYPE2), or DEVICE(LUTYPE3) is specified, use FORMFEED(YES) in conjunction with the FORMFEED option in the BMS SEND commands. Using form feed on display devices provides for a skip to a new page when the screen data is copied to a printer.

The options discussed here for SCSPRINT operation do not apply when the devices are operating as 3270P or LUTYPE3 devices. In this case there is only the concept of a form length, and this can be set on the device only by the operator.

Every resource definition must have a GROUP name. The resource definition becomes a member of the group and is installed in the CICS system when the group is installed.
Acceptable characters:
A-Z 0-9 $ @ #
Any lowercase characters you enter are converted to uppercase.

The GROUP name can be up to eight characters in length. Lowercase characters are treated as uppercase characters.

Specifies whether the 3270 device or SCS printer has the extended highlight facility, which enables fields or characters to be displayed in reverse-video, underline mode, or blink (3270 only):
The device does not have the extended highlight facility.
The device has the extended highlight facility.

You can use the QUERY structured field to determine whether the device is set up to use the extended highlight facility.

Specifies whether or not the device has the horizontal form feature, which means that BMS should use the horizontal tabbing when formatting output documents:
The device does not have the horizontal form feature.
The device has the horizontal form feature.
The devices that can use this feature are batch, batch data interchange, interactive, SCSPRT or LUTYPE4 logical units.
The HTAB option in the BMS map definition is ignored.
BMS uses horizontal tabbing when formatting output documents.
Specifies the length in bytes of a terminal input/output area to be passed to a transaction.
If you specify ATI(YES), you must specify an IOAREALEN of at least one byte.
Value1 specifies the minimum size of a terminal input/output area to be passed to an application program when a RECEIVE command is issued.
You can specify value2 as greater than or equal to value1. In this case, when the size of an input message exceeds value1, CICS uses a terminal input/output area value2 bytes long. If the input message size also exceeds value2, the node abnormal condition program sends an exception response to the terminal.

If value2 is not specified, or is less than value1, it defaults to the value of value1.

The maximum value that you can specify for IOAREALEN is 32767 bytes.

Specifies whether Katakana support is required. Katakana terminals cannot display mixed case output; uppercase characters appear as uppercase English characters, but lowercase characters appear as Katakana characters. If you have any Katakana terminals connected to your CICS system, specify UPPER on the MSGCASE system initialization parameter.
Katakana support is not required.
Katakana support is required. All lowercase characters sent to the terminal from the following transactions are translated to uppercase:


Important: For emulated Katakana terminals, results depend on the code page that is in use. In some cases, lowercase English characters are not translated to uppercase.
Specifies the name of a logical device code (LDC) list. The name can be up to eight characters in length. The name follows assembler language rules. It must start with an alphabetic character.
Acceptable characters:
A-Z 0-9 $ @ #
Unless you are using the CREATE command, any lowercase characters that you enter are converted to uppercase.
Define the LDCLIST and its contents using macroinstruction(s).
A local LDC list is defined by:
    listname  DFHTCT TYPE=LDCLIST,
An extended local LDC list is defined by:
          DFHTCT TYPE=LDC=(aa=nnn)....
          DFHTCT TYPE=LDC=(bb=nnn)....

You specify this listname as the value for the LDCLIST attribute on the TYPETERM definition.

This attribute applies only to 3600, 3770 batch, 3770, and 3790 batch data interchange, and LUTYPE4 logical units. The list specifies which LDCs are valid for this logical unit and, optionally, which device characteristics are valid for each LDC. CICS uses the first LDC generated in this list when choosing a default LDC for a logical unit. For further guidance, see DFHTCT logical device codes: z/OS Communications Server non-3270.

Specifies whether a 3270 display has the selector pen feature:
The 3270 display does not have the selector pen feature.
The 3270 display has the selector pen feature.
Specifies how CICS is to build the BIND to be sent to the logical unit.
A defined terminal definition uses the BIND image generated by the CICS definitions for this device by means of this TYPETERM definition and its associated terminal definitions. An autoinstalled terminal uses the fields specified in the incoming CINIT.
This is the LOGMODE name from a z/OS Communications Server logon mode table that has been set up for use by this logical unit. The name may be up to eight characters in length and must follow assembler language rules. The name must start with an alphabetic character.
Acceptable characters:
A-Z 0-9 $ @ #
Unless you are using the CREATE command, any lowercase characters that you enter are converted to uppercase.
This allows you to override the BIND image provided by CICS for the logical unit. For further information, see the appropriate CICS subsystem guide.

You cannot code a LOGMODE name when the terminal is a cross-domain resource.

The TCTTE is updated to reflect the logmode bind image fields. These include SEND and RECEIVE sizes and default and alternate screen sizes. If the logmode indicates that the terminal is not queriable, the extended data stream fields are all set to zero.

0 (zero)
This causes CICS to use some of the information from the BIND image contained in the CINIT coming from the logical unit. The BIND image in the CINIT was created by z/OS Communications Server based on the LOGMODE entry defined for the logical unit requesting to log on to CICS. The node initialization block (NIB) is built with LOGMODE=0 and BNDAREA=0. When the TYPETERM's SENDSIZE and RECEIVESIZE have been specified as zero, CICS replaces them with the values from the LOGMODE's RUSIZES.
The TCTTE is updated to reflect the incoming CINIT fields. These include SEND and RECEIVE sizes and default and alternate screen sizes. If the logmode indicates that the terminal is not queriable, the extended data stream fields are all set to 0. Use LOGMODE(0) only in exceptional circumstances. Although the LU is bound with the z/OS Communications Server definition, CICS keeps the main session characteristics from the CICS definition. For example, if a printer is defined to z/OS Communications Server as LUTYPE1 but to CICS as an LUTYPE3 with LOGMODE(0), CICS accepts the bind but sends LUTYPE3 control characters to the printer, giving rise to incorrect results. This restriction does not apply to pipeline terminals.
  1. You should only need to use this value for the logmode attribute in exceptional circumstances.
  2. For a logical unit in a cross-domain environment, specify LOGMODE(0) and provide the logical unit mode information in the DLOGMOD and MODETAB operands of the z/OS Communications Server(LU) statement. In a cross-domain environment, LOGMODE with a name causes a z/OS Communications Server error.
This attribute is obsolete, but is supported to provide compatibility with earlier releases of CICS.
Specifies whether the 'good morning' transaction, specified in the GMTRAN system initialization parameter, will be:
  • Automatically initiated when the logical unit is first logged on to CICS through z/OS Communications Server
  • Initiated after the terminal user's TIMEOUT period has expired under certain conditions.
If you have specified ERRLASTLINE(YES), the messages written by the transaction do not overwrite the error message line.
CICS does not run the 'good morning' transaction.
Note: If you are using a non-SNA terminal such as a Telnet 3270, LOGONMSG(NO) does not automatically release the keyboard lock. You need to press the Reset key to release the keyboard lock.
CICS runs the 'good morning' transaction when the OPNDST exit is successfully completed and a session is established. The transaction is initiated by automatic task initiation (ATI) and competes with other ATI transactions for use of the terminal. Specify ATI(YES) for this TYPETERM.
Note: If you are using a non-SNA terminal such as a Telnet 3270, LOGONMSG(YES) also automatically releases the keyboard lock.
Specifies whether the terminal, an 8775 or 3643, has a magnetic slot reader. This option is not valid for SCS printers.

You can use the QUERY structured field to determine whether the device is set up to use a magnetic slot reader.

Specifies the node error program transaction class.
This results in a link to the default node error program module.
The transaction class for the (nondefault) node error program module. tranclass can be in the range 1 through 255. For programming information about the node error program, see Writing a node error program.
Specifies whether outboard formatting is used. If the devices for which you are defining this TYPETERM use BMS outboard formatting, specify OBFORMAT(YES). OBFORMAT(YES) can be specified for two device types only:
  • 3650, SESSIONTYPE(3270)
  • LUTYPE2, for an 8100 Information System using the DPPX operating system with DPPX/DPS Version 2 for presentation services

Use the QUERY structured field to determine whether the device is set up to use outboard formatting.

Specifies whether CICS uses the outboard operator identifiers to support the BMS routing facilities required for this terminal. This option applies only to the 3790 and 3770 batch data interchange logical units.
CICS does not use the outboard operator identifiers.
CICS uses the outboard operator identifiers.
Specifies whether the device supports field outlining:
The device does not support field outlining.
The device supports field outlining.

Use the QUERY structured field to determine whether the device is set up to use field outlining.

PAGESIZE(rows , columns)
Specifies the default page size for this printer. The values for both rows and columns must be in the range 0 through 255. The default page size is used by BMS when the default screen size has been selected in the DEFSCREEN attribute.
Indicates the number of rows in the page. The PAGESIZE rows value can usefully be less than the DEFSCREEN rows value, perhaps to reserve the bottom line of a screen for error messages (see the ERRLASTLINE attribute), if the same BMS map is being used for both printing and display.
Indicates the number of characters in each line. Unexpected results occur if the columns value specified in PAGESIZE differs from the columns value specified in DEFSCREEN.

The product of rows and columns must not exceed 32767.

The default value depends on the value you specify for the DEVICE attribute. See Default values for TYPETERM attributes for details.

BMS uses the page size values when preparing output data streams. The specified number of characters in each line of the page should not exceed the physical line width of the terminal. In the case of printers that automatically perform a new-line function on reaching the end of the carriage (for example, 3270 printers), the line width specified here should be less than the physical line width.

This ensures that the formatting of the output data is governed entirely by the new-line (NL) characters supplied by BMS or by you, not by new-line functions performed by the device itself, which would produce additional lines of output, resulting in a physical page depth greater than that specified here.

For 3270-type printers, the hardware limits the amount of data that BMS may transmit. If the map or application program request specifies L40, L64, or L80, or does not specify NLEOM on the SEND MAP command, the product of lines and columns specified in PAGESIZE must not be greater than the buffer size.

If the BMS request specifies NLEOM, the page length may be any number of lines, but the product of lines and columns specified in the DEFSCREEN or ALTSCREEN attributes must not exceed the buffer size of the device. In other words, the number of characters that BMS transmits must not exceed the physical buffer size of the printer.

Note: BMS divides a large page into smaller segments for transmission. PAGESIZE should therefore correspond to the required logical page size (the product of lines and columns), and the DEFSCREEN value should correspond to the actual buffer size.

For a z/OS Communications Server 3600, the PAGESIZE specified is used if a BMS page build operation is attempted without specifying a logical device code (LDC). A default device type of 3604 is assumed.

For 3770, LUTYPE4, or 3790 batch data interchange logical units, the PAGESIZE specified is used if a BMS page build operation is requested without specifying a logical device code (LDC). The default device type is the console printer.

Take care when routing a message to a list of terminals. If the PAGESIZE you have defined (or allowed to default) is too small to accommodate the message, the transaction abends.

For cumulative text processing, the maximum allowed buffer size is 32767. If this is exceeded, BMS internally forces a reduced page length to ensure that the PAGESIZE stays within the limit.

Specifies whether a device is to use partitions. This option is not valid for SCS printers.
The device is not to use partitions.
The device is to use partitions.

You can use the QUERY structured field to determine whether the device is set up to use partitions.

For the 3275: specifies whether the printer adapter feature and corresponding 3284 Printer Model 3 are present on the 3275 Display Station. This feature makes the 3284 eligible for print requests through the PA key from the host 3275.
The printer adapter feature and corresponding 3284 Printer Model 3 are not available.
The printer adapter feature and corresponding 3284 Printer Model 3 are available.
For LUTYPE2 logical units: specifies whether, for print requests initiated by the PRINT key or by an ISSUE PRINT command, printer allocation is handled by the 3790, or by the 3274 or 3276, according to the printer authorization matrix for both z/OS Communications Server and non-z/OS Communications Server attachments.
Print requests are not handled according to the printer authorization matrix for both z/OS Communications Server and non-z/OS Communications Server attachments.
Print requests are handled according to the printer authorization matrix for both z/OS Communications Server and non-z/OS Communications Server attachments.
Further, 3270 printers attached to the same 3790 are available for print requests sent to the 3270-display logical unit by a terminal control print request or initiated by the operator. If PRINTADAPTER is NO, printer allocation is determined by the PRINTER and ALTPRINTER attributes of the TERMINAL definition.

If output is created on the screen by BMS requests with the PRINT option, by BMS requests with the NLEOM option, or by the CMSG command, the contents of the screen are automatically copied to a 3270 printer, whether or not the CICS-defined PRINT key (usually a PA key) was pressed.

Specifies whether the programmed symbol (PS) facility can be used on this 3270 device or SCS printer. The facility enables up to six 191-character sets, with customer-defined and program-loaded fonts and codes, to be stored and accessed.
Programmed symbol (PS) facility cannot be used.
Programmed symbol (PS) facility can be used.

You can use the QUERY structured field to determine whether the device is set up to use programmed symbols.

Specifies whether CICS should use the QUERY structured field to determine the characteristics of the device.
CICS does not use the QUERY function.
CICS uses the QUERY function to determine the characteristics of the device only when the device is first connected after an initial or a cold start of CICS. The device characteristics are stored in the CICS global catalog for use on subsequent warm and emergency starts.
CICS uses the QUERY function to determine the characteristics of the device each time the device is connected.
For a defined nonautoinstalled terminal, specify the maximum size of a request unit that can satisfy a z/OS Communications Server RECEIVE request. The RECEIVESIZE value is transmitted to the connected logical unit, and must be in the range 0 through 30720. It may be rounded down by CICS, because it must be transmitted in an architected form.
The effect of RECEIVESIZE depends on whether a RECEIVE RUSIZE is present in the z/OS Communications Server LOGMODE table. Table 1 shows the RECEIVE RUSIZE used to bind a session for each possible combination of TYPETERM and LOGMODE values.
Table 1. RECEIVE RUSIZE for defined (nonautoinstalled) terminals
0 0 0
specified 0 This combination is invalid and results in a bind failure with message DFHZC2403
specified specified TYPETERM RECEIVESIZE size
Note: The exception to this table is LOGMODE(0). If you specify this in your TYPETERM definition, VTAM values are used, irrespective of what else is specified.

APPC terminal For an APPC (LUTYPE6.2) single session terminal, 256 would be a suitable value.

Autoinstalled terminal For an autoinstalled terminal, a nonzero value for RECEIVESIZE specifies either the maximum or actual RECEIVE RUSIZE value used in binding a session for a logical unit defined with this TYPETERM.

The effect of RECEIVESIZE depends on whether a RECEIVE RUSIZE is present in the z/OS Communications Server LOGMODE table. Table 2 shows the RECEIVE RUSIZE used to bind a session for each possible combination of TYPETERM and LOGMODE values.
Table 2. RECEIVE RUSIZE for autoinstalled terminals
0 0 and BUILDCHAIN(YES) 256
0 0 and BUILDCHAIN(NO) 0
specified 0 VTAM RECEIVE RUSIZE size
specified less than or equal to TYPETERM RECEIVESIZE specified VTAM RECEIVE RUSIZE size
specified greater than TYPETERM RECEIVESIZE specified this combination is invalid and results in message DFHZC5963

In a CICS region running with persistent session support, this option specifies how a terminal end user is notified that the terminal session has been recovered; in a CICS region running with XRF support, it specifies how the terminal user is notified that an XRF takeover has occurred.

This option is not applicable to APPC sessions.
There is no notification that a terminal session has been recovered, or that an XRF takeover has occurred.
A message is displayed on the screen to say that the system has recovered. The message is specified in two BMS maps (DFHXRC1 and DFHXRC2) for XRF and in one BMS map (DFHXRC3) for z/OS Communications Server persistent sessions. These maps are in map set DFHXMSG. If reduced takeover time is important, use MESSAGE rather than TRANSACTION.

The terminal must be defined with the ATI(YES) option, and must be capable of displaying a BMS map.

A transaction is initiated at the terminal. The name of the transaction is specified by the RMTRAN system initialization parameter. For z/OS Communications Server persistent sessions, only the first transaction named in the RMTRAN system initialization parameter is used.
Tip: The default transaction for RMTRAN is the one specified in the GMTRAN system initialization parameter: the good-morning transaction.

For the TRANSACTION option, the terminal must be defined with the ATI(YES) option. If reduced takeover time is important, use MESSAGE rather than TRANSACTION.

This option applies to the recovery of sessions in a CICS region running with z/OS Communications Server persistent sessions, or with XRF.

In a CICS region running with persistent session support, this option specifies how you want CICS to recover the session, and return the terminal to service on system restart within the persistent session delay interval.

For all recovery options other than NONE, if the action taken is a z/OS Communications Server UNBIND, the UNBIND is followed by a z/OS Communications Server SIMLOGON.

SYSDEFAULT is the default, but in some situations, if your resource definition does not specify this attribute, CICS enforces the NONE value for the attribute if this value is required for compatibility with other options in your resource definition.

In a CICS region running with persistent sessions support, this specifies that CICS is to select the optimum procedure to recover a session on system restart within the persistent session delay interval, depending on the session activity and on the characteristics of the terminal.

Although sessions are recovered, any transactions in-flight at the time of the failure are abended and not recovered. Transactions are also abended if the recovered session is being used by another CICS region over an APPC connection.

CICS recovers the session with the least possible impact, in one of the following ways:
  • If the terminal was not executing a transaction at the time of the CICS failure, no recovery action is required, and CICS takes the appropriate recovery notification action as defined by the RECOVNOTIFY attribute.
  • If the terminal was busy (that is, executing a transaction) when CICS failed, CICS first tries to recover the session by sending a z/OS Communications Server end-bracket indicator. If the end-bracket does not recover the session (for example, CICS may be in RECEIVE mode), CICS issues a CLEAR command. If the terminal does not support the CLEAR command, the recovery action taken is a z/OS Communications Server UNBIND followed by a SIMLOGON.

    See Application design considerations for more information about persistent sessions.

Prevents CICS from sending an end-bracket indicator to close an in-bracket session. Instead CICS sends a CLEAR request, to reset the conversation states. If the session does not support the CLEAR request, CICS sends an UNBIND request. The CLEAR or UNBIND is sent only if the session was busy at the time of system restart (in the case of persistent sessions) or takeover (in the case of XRF).
Requires CICS to send an UNBIND request to release the active session. The UNBIND is sent only if the session was busy at the time of system restart (in the case of persistent sessions), or takeover (in the case of XRF). Following the UNBIND, the session is queued for SIMLOGON. If the session is not busy, the requested recovery notification is carried out.
Requires CICS to send an UNBIND request to release the active session. The UNBIND is sent whether or not the session was busy at the time of system restart (in the case of persistent sessions support) or the takeover (in the case of XRF). Following the UNBIND, the session is queued for SIMLOGON.
In a CICS region running with persistent sessions support, this specifies that the terminal session is not to be recovered at system restart within the persistent session delay interval: in effect, the terminal has no persistent sessions support. LU6.2 sessions are unbound, but the latest negotiated CNOS value is returned to the CICS system after the restart. After system restart, the terminal is reconnected automatically if you specify AUTOCONNECT(YES), subject to the operation of the AIRDELAY system initialization parameter (AIRDELAY=0 overrides AUTOCONNECT(YES), and the terminal is not reconnected).

Use RECOVOPTION(NONE) if this terminal or autoinstall model is to be used with persistent sessions (PSDINT = nnn in the SIT) but the terminal may be the subject of an EXEC CICS ISSUE PASS LUNAME() LOGONLOGMODE.

Specifies whether CICS is to release the logical unit upon request by another z/OS Communications Server application program.
CICS is not to release the logical unit.
CICS is to release the logical unit, if the logical unit is not currently part of a transaction.
Specifies which messages are to be routed to this terminal by an EXEC CICS ROUTE command. The default depends on the value you specify for the DEVICE attribute. See Default values for TYPETERM attributes for details.
BMS routes to this terminal messages that are destined for all terminals as well as those specifically destined for this terminal.
BMS does not route any messages to this terminal, whether they are destined for all terminals or for this terminal specifically.
BMS routes messages to this terminal when they are destined specifically for this terminal, but not when they are destined for all terminals.
Specifies whether the terminal user should be signed off in the event of a persistent sessions restart or an XRF takeover.
The terminal will be signed off after a persistent sessions restart or XRF takeover.
The terminal will remain signed on after a persistent sessions restart or XRF takeover, provided that the RSTSIGNOFF system initialization parameter and the XRFSOFF entry in the CICS segment of the RACF® user profile are both set to NOFORCE.
Defined terminal (nonautoinstalled): For a nonautoinstalled terminal, this is the maximum size in bytes of a request unit that can satisfy a z/OS Communications Server VTAM SEND request. The SENDSIZE value is transmitted to the connected logical unit, and must be in the range 0 through 30720. It may be rounded down by CICS, because it must be transmitted in an architected form.
The effect of SENDSIZE depends on whether a SEND RUSIZE is present in the z/OS Communications Server LOGMODE table. Table 3 shows the SEND RUSIZE used to bind a session for each possible combination of TYPETERM and LOGMODE values.
Table 3. SEND RUSIZE for defined (nonautoinstalled) terminals
0 0 0
0 specified TYPETERM SENDSIZE size
specified 0 0
specified specified TYPETERM SENDSIZE size
Note: The exception to this table is LOGMODE(0). If you specify this in your TYPETERM definition, VTAM values are used, irrespective of what else is specified.
Note: VTAM is now z/OS Communications Server.

APPC terminal: For an APPC (LUTYPE6.2) single session terminal, 256 is a suitable value.

Autoinstalled terminal: For an autoinstalled terminal, a nonzero value for SENDSIZE specifies either the maximum or actual SEND RUSIZE value used in binding a session for a logical unit defined with this TYPETERM.

The effect of SENDSIZE depends on whether a SEND RUSIZE is present in the z/OS Communications Server LOGMODE table. Table 4 shows the SEND RUSIZE used to bind a session for each possible combination of TYPETERM and LOGMODE values.
Table 4. SEND RUSIZE for autoinstalled terminals
0 0 0
0 specified TYPETERM SENDSIZE size
specified 0 VTAM SEND RUSIZE size
specified less than or equal to TYPETERM SENDSIZE specified VTAM SEND RUSIZE size
specified greater than TYPETERM SENDSIZE specified This combination is invalid and results in message DFHZC5963
Specifies the type of session that can be used for a z/OS Communications Server SNA logical unit. For details, see Default values for TYPETERM attributes.
Specifies whether the definition is allowed to be sent to a remote system if this device tries to initiate a remote transaction.
This definition cannot be shipped to a remote system.
This definition can be shipped to a remote system.
This function may be used for any terminal, whether autoinstalled or with its own TERMINAL definition. The shipping does not work unless the terminal has a definition installed, by one of these methods, in the local system.

Using SHIPPABLE(YES) means that you do not need to ensure that a definition of the terminal exists on the remote system for a locally defined terminal to initiate a transaction in that system. This can be useful when the remote system cannot share the CSD file with the local system.

A definition for the terminal must already be installed in (or already shipped to) the remote system.

For guidance on deciding whether to use SHIPPABLE(YES), see Terminals for transaction routing.

Specifies the actions taken when GNTRAN (CESF or user-defined transaction) is attached and attempts to sign off the terminal. If you are using RACF, specify the TIMEOUT limit in the RACF segment.
When the specified time has elapsed after the last input from the operator, the terminal is automatically signed off from CICS.
The terminal is not timed out.
When the specified time has elapsed after the last input from the operator, the terminal is automatically signed off from CICS and then logged off from z/OS Communications Server. LOGOFF is useful for an autoinstall model, because virtual storage is not wasted on entries for terminals that have been timed out.

If GNTRAN fails to attach because of unprocessed data in the terminal buffer (resulting in a BID failure), the terminal will be signed off and logged off. GNTRAN will not run and will have no effect.

Note: You cannot change the value of this attribute when DEVICE(APPC) is specified. The default value in that case is SIGNOFF(NO).
Specifies whether the device supports mixed EBCDIC and double-byte character set (DBCS) fields.
The device does not support mixed EBCDIC and double-byte character set (DBCS) fields.
The device supports mixed EBCDIC and double-byte character set (DBCS) fields.

You can use the QUERY structured field to determine whether the device is set up to use mixed EBCDIC and DBCS fields.

Specifies the model number of the terminal. If the device is a component of the 3270 Information Display System, specify the model number of the terminal:
Specify 1 for the 3270 Model 1 displays and printers (for example, 3277 Model 1) with a default screen or buffer size of 12x40 (480 bytes/characters). TERMMODEL(1) is the default for 3270 Model 1 printers and displays.

Specify 1 for the 3275 Display Station Model 11. The CICS support obtained is identical to that obtained by coding TERMMODEL(1) for 3275 Display Station Model 1.

Specify 2 for the 3270 displays and printers (for example, 3278 Model 4) with a default screen or buffer size of 24x80 (1920 bytes/characters). TERMMODEL(2) is the default for the 3286 printer in 3270 compatibility mode.

Specify 2 for the 3275 Display Station Model 12. The CICS support obtained is identical to that obtained by coding TERMMODEL(2) for 3275 Display Station Model 2.

Specifies whether the 3270 device has the text-keyboard feature.
The 3270 device does not have the text-keyboard feature.
The 3270 device has the text-keyboard feature.
Specifies whether the 3288 printer has the text-print feature.
The 3288 printer doe not have the text-print feature.
The 3288 printer has the text-print feature.
Specifies whether transactions can be initiated at the terminal by a user.
Transactions can be initiated at the terminal by a user. If you also specify ATI(YES), transactions can also be initiated automatically. In this case, the automatic transaction initiation, either by transient data control or interval control, sets a condition in an appropriate terminal control table terminal entry. If both ATI and TTI are specified as YES, and if there is no transaction at the terminal, terminal control initiates the user-defined task. This task is expected to send messages to the terminal.

For a terminal used in the processing of transactions such as inquiries or order entries, specify TTI(YES) and ATI(NO). This also applies to a display station or hard-copy terminal to which no messages are sent without a terminal request and through which transactions are entered. Note that this is the only specification allowed for 3790 inquiry logical units.

Transactions cannot be initiated at the terminal by a user. If you specify NO, specify ATI(YES) to allow transactions to be initiated automatically. An example of this type of terminal is one that is located in a remote location, such as a warehouse, and is unattended but may receive messages.
Specifies the name of this extension of a TERMINAL definition. The name can be up to eight characters in length.
Acceptable characters:
A-Z 0-9 $ @ #
Unless you are using the CREATE command, any lowercase characters that you enter are converted to uppercase.

This name is referred to in all the TERMINAL definitions using this TYPETERM. Note that this TYPETERM definition must be installed before or at the same time as the TERMINAL definitions that reference it.

Specifies whether the input data stream from a terminal is to be translated to uppercase. The input data stream may include a transaction identifier as well as program data. CICS supports transaction identifier definition in mixed case, and the UCTRAN attribute can be used to ensure that the correct transaction is located. Uppercase translation is done for both 3270 and non-3270 data streams.
No uppercase translation is performed.
All the data input from the terminal, both the transaction identifier if present and the program data, is translated to uppercase before any processing.
When the input data stream includes a transaction identifier, CICS translates it to uppercase before attempting to locate its definition. However, all the input data, both the transaction identifier and the program data, is passed to the program without any translation.

Therefore both the YES and the TRANID options allow transaction identifiers to be defined in uppercase and to be entered from the terminal in either uppercase or lowercase, but the TRANID option causes the transaction identifier and program data to be passed to the program without any translation.

You can also request translation to uppercase at the transaction level on PROFILE resources (see PROFILE attributes), but be aware that a TYPETERM UCTRAN(YES) definition overrides a PROFILE UCTRAN(NO) definition. So, if you specify TYPETERM UCTRAN(YES), a PROFILE UCTRAN(NO) has no effect. Translation can be overridden by the application program for all RECEIVE requests except the first, by using the ASIS option.

Table 5 shows which portion of the terminal input is translated (transaction id and/or data) according to the setting of the UCTRAN on the PROFILE and TYPETERM resource definitions.
Table 5. The effect of UCTRAN attributes on tranid and data translation
UCTRAN in PROFILE UCTRAN in TYPETERM TRANID translated? Data Translated?
NO YES Yes Yes

Some national-language characters are not automatically translated when UCTRAN(YES) or UCTRAN(TRANID) is specified. If that is the case, you can use one of the methods described in Uppercase translation.

Specifies the length in bytes (0 to 255) of the user area for this terminal. It should be made as small as possible. The terminal user area is initialized to zeros at system initialization.

The terminal user area might be located in 31-bit storage or in 24-bit storage, depending on the value of the TCTUALOC system initialization parameter. The default is that the terminal user area can be in either 31-bit storage or 24-bit storage, but CICS uses 31-bit storage wherever possible. If you require the terminal user area to be in 24-bit storage, because you have application programs that are not capable of 31-bit addressing, specify the system initialization parameter TCTUALOC=BELOW for the CICS region.

For the 8775, specifies whether the 8775 device has the extended validation feature, which allows fields to be defined as TRIGGER, MANDATORY FILL, or MANDATORY ENTER.

For the 3290, specifies whether the 3290 device has the validation feature, which allows fields to be defined as MANDATORY FILL or MANDATORY ENTER.

This option is not valid for SCS printers. If VALIDATION(YES) is specified for an SCS printer, an error message is raised and the option is ignored.

You can use the QUERY structured field to determine whether the device is set up to use the validation feature.

Specifies whether the device has the vertical form feature. The devices that can use this feature are batch, batch data interchange, interactive, SCSPRT or LUTYPE4 logical units.
The device does not have the vertical form feature.
The device has the vertical form feature.
This attribute is obsolete, but is supported to provide compatibility with earlier releases of CICS.