Change the attributes of a JVM server.

In the CICS Explorer, the JVM Servers view provides a functional equivalent to this command.


The CEMT SET JVMSERVER command enables, disables, and modifies a JVM server.

To change the status of a JVMSERVER resource that was defined and installed in a CICS® bundle, enable or disable the CICS bundle. If you have disabled the CICS bundle, but you need to purge tasks that are still running in the JVM server, you can issue the SET JVMSERVER DISABLED command against the dynamically generated JVMSERVER resource with the PURGE, FORCEPURGE, or KILL option to purge the tasks.

To modify the attributes of a JVMSERVER resource that was defined and installed in a CICS bundle, use the resource editor in the CICS Explorer to modify the definition in the CICS bundle, and install a new version of the CICS bundle or of the application with which it was deployed. To update the definition, replace the old version of the CICS bundle with the new one, following the instructions in Working with bundles in the CICS Explorer product documentation.
  • CICS bundles that were deployed on their own or with a platform can be updated individually.
  • If the CICS bundle was deployed as part of an application or with an application binding, update the whole application.
You can use the SET JVMSERVER command to change the attributes of the dynamically generated resource, but these changes are not cataloged and are not recovered across a warm start of CICS.


Press the Clear key to clear the screen. You can start this transaction in two ways:
  • Type CEMT SET JVMSERVER followed by one or more JVMSERVER identifiers or ALL. CEMT displays a list of JVMSERVER resources and the current status of each resource. You can then tab to the highlighted or blank fields and overtype them with the required values.
  • Type CEMT SET JVMSERVER followed by one or more JVMSERVER identifiers or ALL, followed by the attribute setting that you want to change.

Typing ? at the beginning of either the first or second line gives a syntax prompt. Resetting the values takes effect immediately.




Apply any changes to all of the specified resources that you are authorized to access.
Disable one or more JVMSERVER resources. Disabling a JVMSERVER resource shuts down the JVM server and its Language Environment® enclave.
Enable one or more JVMSERVER resources. Enabling a JVMSERVER resource initializes the Language Environment enclave and the JVM server.
Note that any changes to JVMProfile and LERUNOPTS are used to update the JVMServer. If you enable a JVMServer after it has been in the DISABLED state, the JVMServer is completely refreshed.
Force purge tasks that are running in the specified JVM server. CICS force purges the tasks by using the SET TASK FORCEPURGE command. Any threads running in the JVM are stopped. If the JVMSERVER resource remains in the BEING DISABLED state, some tasks could not be force purged.
Use this option only after you have used the PURGE option where some tasks could not be purged successfully. Data integrity is not guaranteed.
Terminate tasks that are running in the specified JVM server. CICS stops the tasks by using the SET TASK KILL command. Any threads running in the JVM are stopped. The JVMSERVER resource enters the DISABLED state and all work is ended. However, CICS might be left in an unstable state.
Use this option only after you have used the PURGE and FORCEPURGE options where some tasks could not be purged successfully. System and data integrity are not guaranteed. CICS might terminate abnormally.
Shut down the JVM server and its Language Environment enclave. All currently running tasks continue until completion, but no new work is accepted by the JVM server. When all the tasks are finished, the JVMSERVER resource enters the DISABLED state.
Purge tasks that are running in the specified JVM server. CICS purges the tasks by using the SET TASK PURGE command. Any threads running in the JVM are stopped. CICS purges tasks only when system and data integrity can be maintained. If the JVMSERVER resource remains in the BEING DISABLED state, some tasks could not be purged.
Specifies the maximum number of threads that are available to the threaded system JVM. Each thread runs under a T8 TCB. This value can be in the range 1 - 256 threads. If you specify a thread limit that exceeds the maximum of 2000 threads that is allowed for the CICS region, taking into account all other enabled and disabled JVMSERVER resources, CICS allocates the remaining threads up to 2000 to the resource as the thread limit value.
Specifies the 1 - 8 character name of the JVMSERVER resource.