This topic applies only to the IBM Business Process Manager Advanced configuration.

Enabling logging for Business Process Choreographer

Enable Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) events for Business Process Choreographer.

Before you begin

To monitor BPEL process events using IBM Business Monitor, your BPEL process must be enabled to emit Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) events. You specify this when modeling your BPEL process. As a minimum, to be able to monitor a BPEL process, the "Process Started" event must be emitted. For a list of CEI events that you can monitor, see Business process events. For information about how to enable a BPEL process to emit CEI events, refer to the IBM® Integration Designer Information Center.

About this task

To use a Jython script to enable CEI logging for the Business Process Choreographer, perform administrative script.

To enable CEI logging for Business Process Choreographer, using the administrative console, perform Enabling Common Base Events, the audit trail, and the task history using the administrative console.


Common Event Infrastructure events for your BPEL processes and activities are emitted.