Hardware requirements and recommendations

Before you install IBM Edge Computing Manager for Clusters, review the system requirements for each of the products and the footprint sizing.

Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform

IBM Edge Computing Manager for Clusters

Sizing is available for minimal and production footprints.

Deployment topology for OpenShift and the IBM Edge Computing Manager for Clusters

Table 1. Deployment topology configurations for the IBM Edge Computing Manager for Clusters
Deployment topology Description of usage OpenShift 4.2 node configuration
Minimal Small cluster deployment

  3 master nodes
  2 or more worker nodes

IBM Edge Computing Manager for Clusters:
  1 dedicated worker node

Production Supports the default configuration
of IBM Edge Computing Manager for Clusters

  3 master nodes (native HA)
  4 or more worker nodes

IBM Edge Computing Manager for Clusters:
  3 dedicated worker nodes

Note: For dedicated IBM Edge Computing Manager for Clusters worker nodes, set the master, management, and proxy nodes to one OpenShift worker node, which is configured in the IBM Edge Computing Manager for Clusters Install documentation.

Note: All persistent volumes indicated below are default. You must size the volumes based on the amount of data that is stored over time.

Minimal sizing

Table 2. Minimal OpenShift node sizing for the IBM Edge Computing Manager for Clusters
Configuration Number of nodes vCPUs Memory Persistent volumes (GB) Disk Space (GB)
master, management, proxy 1 16 32 20 100

Production sizing

Table 3. Production OpenShift node sizing for the IBM Edge Computing Manager for Clusters
Configuration Number of nodes vCPUs Memory Persistent volumes (GB) Disk Space (GB)
master, management, proxy 3 48 96 60 300

Sizing for multicluster-endpoint

Table 4. Multicluster-endpoint instructions
Component Name Optional CPU Request CPU Limit Memory Request Memory Limit
ApplicationManager True 100 mCore 500mCore 128 MiB 2 GiB
WorkManager False 100 mCore 500 mCore 128 MiB 512 MiB
ConnectionManager False 100 mCore 500 mCore 128 MiB 256 MiB
ComponentOperator False 50 mCore 250 mCore 128 MiB 512 MiB
CertManager False 100 mCore 300 mCore 100 MiB 300 MiB
PolicyController True 100 mCore 500 mCore 128 MiB 256 MiB
SearchCollector True 25 mCore 250 mCore 128 MiB 512 MiB
ServiceRegistry True 100 mCore 500 mCore 128 MiB 258 MiB
ServiceRegistryDNS True 100 mCore 500 mCore 70 MiB 170 MiB
MeteringSender True 100 mCore 500 mCore 128 MiB 512 MiB
MeteringReader True 100 mCore 500 mCore 128 MiB 512 MiB
MeteringDataManager True 100 mCore 1000 mCore 256 MiB 2560 MiB
MeteringMongoDB True - - 500 MiB 1 GiB
Tiller True - - - -
TopologyWeaveScope(1 per node) True 50 mCore 250 mCore 64 MiB 256 MiB
TopologyWeaveApp True 50 mCore 250 mCore 128 MiB 256 MiB
TopologyCollector True 50 mCore 100 mCore 20 MiB 50 MiB
MulticlusterEndpointOperator False 100 mCore 500 mCore 100 MiB 500 MiB

Sizing for management hub services

Table 5. Hub services sizing
Service Name Optional CPU Request CPU Limit Memory Request Memory Limit Persistent Volume (value is default) Additional considerations
Catalog-ui, Common-web-ui, iam-policy-controller, key-management, mcm-kui, metering, monitoring, multicluster-hub,nginx-ingress, search Default 9,025 m 29,289 m 16,857 Mi 56,963 Mi 20 GiB
Audit Logging Optional 125 m 500 m 250 Mi 700 Mi
CIS Policy Controller Optional 525 m 1,450 m 832 Mi 2,560 Mi
Image Security Enforcement Optional 128 m 256 m 128 Mi 256 Mi
Licensing Optional 200 m 500 m 256 Mi 512 Mi
Logging Optional 1,500 m 3,000 m 9,940 Mi 10,516 Mi 20 GiB
Multitenancy Account Quota Enforcement Optional 25 m 100 m 64 Mi 64 Mi
Mutation Advisor Optional 1,000 m 3,300 m 2,052 Mi 7,084 Mi 100 GiB
Notary Optional 600 m 600 m 1,024 Mi 1,024 Mi
Secret Encryption Policy Controller Optional 50 m 100 m 100 Mi 200 Mi 110 GiB
Secure Token Service (STS) Optional 410 m 600 m 94 Mi 314 Mi Requires Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh (Istio)
System Healthcheck Service Optional 75 m 600 m 96 Mi 256 Mi
Vulnerability Advisor (VA) Optional 1,940 m 4,440 m 8,040 Mi 27,776 Mi 10 GiB Requires Red Hat OpenShift logging (Elasticsearch)

What to do next

Return to the IBM Edge Computing Manager for Clusters Install documentation.