Use the MQSC command DISPLAY SUB to display the attributes associated with a subscription.

Using MQSC commands

For information on how you use MQSC commands, see Performing local administration tasks using MQSC commands.

IBM® i UNIX and Linux® Windows z/OS®

For an explanation of the symbols in the z/OS column, see Using commands on z/OS.

Synonym: DIS SUB


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram DISPLAY SUB (generic name)SUBID(id) WHERE(FilterCondition)DISTYPE(RESOLVED)DISTYPE(DEFINED)DURABLE(ALL)DURABLE(NOYES)SUBTYPE(USER)SUBTYPE(PROXYADMINAPIALL)summary attrsstandard attrsCMDSCOPE(' ')CMDSCOPE(qmgr-name)1CMDSCOPE(*)12
summary attributes
standard attributes
  • 1 Valid only on z/OS when the queue manager is a member of a queue-sharing group.
  • 2 Valid only on z/OS.

Usage notes for DISPLAY SUB

  1. The TOPICSTR parameter might contain characters that cannot be translated into printable characters when the command output is displayed. On z/OS, these non-printable characters will be displayed as blanks. On distributed platforms using runmqsc, these non-printable characters will be displayed as dots.

Parameter descriptions for DISPLAY SUB

You must specify either the name or the identifier of subscription you want to display. This can be a specific subscription name, or SUBID, or a generic subscription name. By using a generic subscription name, you can display either:
  • All subscription definitions
  • One or more subscriptions that match the specified name
The following are valid forms:

DIS SUB(xyz)
DIS SUB(xyz*)
The local name of the subscription definition to be displayed. A trailing asterisk (*) matches all subscriptions with the specified stem followed by zero or more characters. An asterisk (*) on its own specifies all subscriptions.
Specify a filter condition to display only those subscriptions that satisfy the selection criterion of the filter condition. The filter condition is in three parts: filter-keyword, operator, and filter-value:
Almost any parameter that can be used to display attributes for this DISPLAY command. However, you cannot use the CMDSCOPE parameter as a filter keyword. Subscriptions of a type for which the filter keyword is not a valid attribute are not displayed.
This is used to determine whether a subscription satisfies the filter value on the given filter keyword. The operators are:
Less than
Greater than
Equal to
Not equal to
Less than or equal to
Greater than or equal to
Matches a generic string that you provide as a filter-value
Does not match a generic string that you provide as a filter-value
The value that the attribute value must be tested against using the operator. Depending on the filter-keyword, this can be:
  • An explicit value, that is a valid value for the attribute being tested.

    You can use operators LT, GT, EQ, NE, LE or GE only. However, if the attribute value is one from a possible set of values on a parameter (for example, the value QALIAS on the CLUSQT parameter), you can only use EQ or NE. For the parameters HARDENBO, SHARE, and TRIGGER, use either EQ YES or EQ NO.

  • A generic value. This is a character string (such as the character string you supply for the DESCR parameter) with an asterisk at the end, for example ABC*. If the operator is LK, all items where the attribute value begins with the string (ABC in the example) are listed. If the operator is NL, all items where the attribute value does not begin with the string are listed. Only a single trailing wildcard character (asterisk) is permitted.

    You cannot use a generic filter-value for parameters with numeric values or with one of a set of values.

[z/OS]Note: On z/OS there is a 256 character limit for the filter-value of the MQSC WHERE clause. This limit is not in place for other platforms.
Specify this to display the set of summary attributes that you want displayed.
Specify this to display all the attributes.

If this parameter is specified, any attributes that are also requested specifically have no effect; all attributes are still displayed.

On AIX®, HP-UX, Linux, IBM i, Solaris, Windows, and z/OS, this is the default if you do not specify a generic name and do not request any specific attributes.

ALTDATE( string )
The date of the most recent MQSUB or ALTER SUB command that modified the properties of the subscription.
ALTTIME( string )
The time of the most recent MQSUB or ALTER SUB command that modified the properties of the subscription.
[z/OS] This parameter applies to z/OS only and specifies how the command is processed when the queue manager is a member of a queue-sharing group.
' '
The command is processed on the queue manager on which it was entered. This is the default value.
The command is processed on the queue manager you specify, providing the queue manager is active within the queue-sharing group.

You can specify a queue manager name, other than the queue manager on which the command was entered, only if you are using a queue-sharing group environment and if the command server is enabled.

The command is processed on the local queue manager and is also passed to every active queue manager in the queue-sharing group. The effect of setting this value is the same as entering the command on every queue manager in the queue-sharing group.

You cannot use CMDSCOPE as a filter keyword.

CRDATE( string )
The date of the first MQSUB or DEF SUB command that created this subscription.
CRTIME( string )
The time of the first MQSUB or DEF SUB command that created this subscription.
DEST( string )
The destination for messages published to this subscription; this parameter is the name of a queue.
System managed destination.
The destination is a queue.
The destination is managed.
DESTCORL( string )
The CorrelId used for messages published to this subscription.

A blank value (default) results in a system generated correlation identifier being used.

If set to ' 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ' (48 zeros) the CorrelId set by the publishing application will be maintained in the copy of the message delivered to the subscription, unless messages are propagated across a publish/subscribe hierarchy.

Note: It is not possible to set the DESTCORL property programmatically with JMS.
DESTQMGR( string )
The destination queue manager for messages published to this subscription.
Controls the output returned in the TOPICSTR and TOPICOBJ attributes.
Returns the resolved (full) topic string in the TOPICSTR attribute. The value of the TOPICOBJ attribute is also returned. This is the default value.
Returns the values of the TOPICOBJ and TOPICSTR attributes provided when the subscription was created. The TOPICSTR attribute will contain the application part of the topic string only. You can use the values returned with TOPICOBJ and TOPICSTR to fully recreate the subscription by using DISTYPE(DEFINED).
A durable subscription is not deleted when the creating application closes its subscription handle.
Display all subscriptions.
The subscription is removed when the application that created it, is closed or disconnected from the queue manager.
The subscription persists even when the creating application is no longer running or has been disconnected. The subscription is reinstated when the queue manager restarts.
The time to expiry of the subscription object from the creation date and time.
( integer )
The time to expiry, in tenths of a second, from the creation date and time.
There is no expiry time. This is the default option supplied with the product.
The manner in which publish subscribe related message properties are added to messages sent to this subscription.
Do not add publish subscribe properties to the message.
Publish subscribe properties are added within an MQRFH version 1 header unless the message was published in PCF format.
Publish subscribe properties are added as message properties.
Publish subscribe properties are added within an MQRFH version 2 header.
PUBACCT( string )
Accounting token passed by the subscriber, for propagation into messages published to this subscription in the AccountingToken field of the MQMD.
PUBAPPID( string )
Identity data passed by the subscriber, for propagation into messages published to this subscription in the ApplIdentityData field of the MQMD.
The priority of the message sent to this subscription.
Priority of the message sent to this subscription is taken from the priority supplied in the published message.
Priority of the message sent to this subscription is taken from the default priority of the queue defined as a destination.
An integer providing an explicit priority for messages published to this subscription.
Indicates whether the subscriber polls for updates using the MQSUBRQ API call, or whether all publications are delivered to this subscription.
All publications on the topic are delivered to this subscription. This is the default value.
Publications are only delivered to this subscription in response to an MQSUBRQ API call.
This parameter is equivalent to the subscribe option MQSO_PUBLICATIONS_ON_REQUEST.
SELECTOR( string )
A selector that is applied to messages published to the topic.
The type of selector string that has been specified.
No selector has been specified.
The selector references only the properties of the message, not its content, using the standard IBM MQ selector syntax. Selectors of this type are to be handled internally by the queue manager.
The selector uses extended selector syntax, typically referencing the content of the message. Selectors of this type cannot be handled internally by the queue manager; extended selectors can be handled only by another program such as IBM Integration Bus.
SUB( string )
The application's unique identifier for a subscription.
SUBID( string )
The internal, unique key identifying a subscription.
SUBLEVEL( integer )
The level within the subscription hierarchy at which this subscription is made. The range is zero through 9.
Determines whether this subscription is forwarded to other queue managers, so that the subscriber receives messages published at those other queue managers.
The subscription is forwarded to all queue managers directly connected through a publish/subscribe collective or hierarchy.
The subscription forwards messages published on the topic only within this queue manager.
Note: Individual subscribers can only restrict SUBSCOPE. If the parameter is set to ALL at topic level, then an individual subscriber can restrict it to QMGR for this subscription. However, if the parameter is set to QMGR at topic level, then setting an individual subscriber to ALL has no effect.
Indicates how the subscription was created.
Displays only API and ADMIN subscriptions.
An internally created subscription used for routing publications through a queue manager.

[V8.0.0.6 Jan 2017]Subscriptions of type PROXY are not modified to ADMIN when alterations are attempted.

Created using DEF SUB MQSC or PCF command. This SUBTYPE also indicates that a subscription has been modified using an administrative command.
Created using an MQSUB API request.
SUBUSER( string )
Specifies the user ID that is used for security checks that are performed to ensure that publications can be put to the destination queue associated with the subscription. This ID is either the user ID associated with the creator of the subscription or, if subscription takeover is permitted, the user ID that last took over the subscription. The length of this parameter must not exceed 12 characters.
TOPICOBJ( string )
The name of a topic object used by this subscription.
TOPICSTR( string )
Returns a topic string, that can contain wildcard characters to match a set of topic strings, for the subscription. The topic string will either be the application provided portion only, or fully qualified, depending on the value of DISTYPE.
USERDATA( string )
Specifies the user data associated with the subscription. The string is a variable length value that can be retrieved by the application on an MQSUB API call and passed in a message sent to this subscription as a message property.
[V8.0.0.7 Jul 2017]From IBM MQ 8.0.0, Fix Pack 7, an IBM MQ classes for JMS application can retrieve the subscription user data from the message by using the constant JMS_IBM_SUBSCRIPTION_USER_DATA in the JmsConstants interface with the method javax.jms.Message.getStringProperty(java.lang.String). For more information, see Retrieval of user subscription data.
Specifies whether a user other than the subscription creator can connect to and take over ownership of the subscription.
Any user can connect to and takeover ownership of the subscription.
Takeover by another USERID is not permitted.
The schema to be used when interpreting any wildcard characters in the topic string.
Wildcard characters represent portions of strings.
Wildcard characters represent portions of the topic hierarchy.