Updating from the evaluation version to the entitled version

If you have downloaded the evaluation version, follow these steps to update the WML Accelerator to the entitled version.

  1. Update the license on the first management host (master host):
    1. Log in to the host with root permission or sudo to root, from a privileged user.
    2. Download the WML Accelerator install package on the master host from Passport Advantage Online or Entitled Systems Support (ESS).
    3. Extract the component packages by running the WML Accelerator install package:
      • To extract the install files to the current directory, run the appropriate command:
        sh ibm-wmla-1.2.1_ppc64le.bin
        sh ibm-wmla-1.2.1_x86_64.bin
      • To extract the install files to a different directory, run the appropriate command:
        sh ibm-wmla-1.2.1_ppc64le.bin --extract extract_directory
        sh ibm-wmla-1.2.1_x86_64.bin --extract extract_directory
    4. The WML Accelerator license panel is displayed. Review the terms and accept the license.
    The WML Accelerator license has been updated to the entitled version on the management host.
  2. Update the license on the compute hosts. You must update and accept the WML Accelerator license on each compute host in the cluster.
    1. Delete all files under $EGO_TOP/ibm-wmla.
    2. Copy ibm-wmla-license-1.2.1_*.tar.gz to the node.
    3. Set EGO_TOP to be the WML Accelerator destination directory, typically /opt/ibm/spectrumcomputing. Example:
      export EGO_TOP=/opt/ibm/spectrumcomputing
    4. Extract the package. Example:
      tar xvzf ibm-wmla-license-1.2.1_*.tar.gz -C $EGO_TOP --no-same-owner
    5. Accept the license by running this command:
      IBM_WMLA_LICENSE_ACCEPT=yes $EGO_TOP/ibm-wmla/1.2.1/bin/accept-ibm-wmla-license.sh
    The WML Accelerator license has been updated to the entitled version on the compute host.
  3. Entitle IBM Spectrum Conductor™ on the first master host.
    1. Log in to the host with root permission or sudo to root, from a privileged user.
    2. Copy the IBM Spectrum Conductor entitlement file to a location that is accessible from the master host. The IBM Spectrum Conductor entitlement file is on the master host where the install files were originally extracted to.
    3. Source the IBM Spectrum Conductor environment by running one of the following commands, where install_location is the path to your installation directory. The default directory is /opt/ibm/spectrumcomputing:
      • For BASH shell, run:
        source <install_location>/profile.platform
      • For CSH shell, run:
        source <install_location>/cshrc.platform
    4. Shut down the EGO cluster:
      egosh service stop all
      egosh ego shutdown
    5. On the management host, change your login access from root to egoadmin:
      su egoadmin
    6. Set entitlement on the cluster, where entitlement_file_path is the full path to the entitlement file location:
      egoconfig setentitlement entitlement_file_path
  4. Entitle IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact on the first master host.
    1. Log in to the host with root permission or sudo to root, from a privileged user.
    2. Copy the IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact entitlement file to a location that is accessible from the master host. The IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact entitlement file is on the master host where the install files were originally extracted to.
    3. Source the IBM Spectrum Conductor environment by running one of the following commands, where install_location is the path to your installation directory. The default directory is /opt/ibm/spectrumcomputing:
      • For BASH shell, run:
        source <install_location>/profile.platform
      • For CSH shell, run:
        source <install_location>/cshrc.platform
    4. On the management host, change your login access from root to egoadmin:
      su egoadmin
    5. Set entitlement on the cluster, where entitlement_file_path is the full path to the entitlement file location:
      egoconfig setentitlement entitlement_file_path
    6. As root, start the cluster:
      egosh ego start
    7. Verify that the cluster is started by using the following commands:
      egosh ego info
      egosh service list