Configure a system for IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact

Before installing IBM Spectrum Conductor™ Deep Learning Impact, you must complete the following setup.

  1. Ensure that all system setup steps have been performed: Set up your system (Manual install).
  2. Log in to the host as root.
  3. Install and configure Anaconda by running the following script:
    #Install and configure Anaconda: Several of the Deep Learning frameworks require Anaconda, which is a data science distribution that can be used on any platform. Use Anaconda3 with Python 3 for WML Accelerator. First, set DLI_CONDA_HOME to the target directory for the Anaconda install. You will pass this information to IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact. For example:
    #Run these commands to download and install Anaconda. When installing, accept the Anaconda license and reply "no" when asked to update the user's .bashrc file or .bash_profile:
    ARCH=`uname -m`
    bash Anaconda3-2019.03-Linux-${ARCH}.sh -p ${DLI_CONDA_HOME}
    ${DLI_CONDA_HOME}/bin/conda config --system --add channels defaults 
    ${DLI_CONDA_HOME}/bin/conda config --system --set auto_update_conda false 
    echo "conda==4.6.14" > ${DLI_CONDA_HOME}/conda-meta/pinned 
    ${DLI_CONDA_HOME}/bin/conda clean -tipsy 
    #Ensure your conda path is set up correctly:
    . ${DLI_CONDA_HOME}/etc/profile.d/
    #Create an Anaconda environment named dlinsights for IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact training insights.
    conda create --name dlinsights --yes pip python=2.7
    #Create Anaconda environments for the deep learning frameworks used by IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact.
    #Create an Anaconda environment named dlipy3.
    conda create --name dlipy3 --yes pip python=3.6 openssl=1.1.1c
    #Create an Anaconda environment named dlipy2.
    conda create --name dlipy2 --yes pip python=2.7
  4. Activate dlinsights and install dependencies by running the following script:
    #Activate dlinsights and install dependencies.  
    conda activate dlinsights
    conda install --yes numpy=1.12.1
    conda install --yes pyopenssl==18.0.0 
    conda install --yes Flask==0.12.2 Flask-Cors==3.0.3 scipy==1.0.1 pathlib==1.0.1 SQLAlchemy==1.1.13 requests=2.21 alembic=1.0.5
    pip install --no-cache-dir warlock==1.3.0 elasticsearch==5.2.0 Flask-Script==2.0.5 Flask-HTTPAuth==3.2.2 mongoengine==0.11.0 python-heatclient==1.2.0 python-keystoneclient==3.17.0
    conda deactivate
    #Set up the WML CE Anaconda channel:
    conda config --system --add channels
    #WML CE DDL requires openssh-clients. Install it by running this command:
    yum install openssh-clients
    #Activate dlipy3 and install dependencies.  
    conda activate dlipy3
    conda install --yes powerai==1.6.1
    conda install --yes keras==2.2.4
    conda install --yes configparser==3.7.4
    conda install --yes ipython==5.3.0 python-lmdb==0.94 nose==1.3.7 requests==2.13.0 pathlib==1.0.1
    conda install --yes redis-py==2.10.5 chardet==3.0.4 flask==1.0.2
    conda install --yes python-gflags==3.1.2 pandas==0.24.2 pyzmq==17.1.2
    pip install --no-cache-dir easydict==1.9
    pip install --no-cache-dir hanziconv==0.3.2 gensim==3.6.0
    pip install --no-cache-dir asyncio==3.4.3 ipaddress==1.0.22 defusedxml==0.5.0
    conda deactivate
    #Activate dlipy2 and install dependencies.  
    conda activate dlipy2                                                                                                      
    conda install --yes powerai==1.6.1                                                                                          
    conda install --yes keras==2.2.4                                                                                        
    conda install --yes configparser==3.7.4
    conda install --yes ipython==5.3.0 python-lmdb==0.94 nose==1.3.7 requests==2.13.0 pathlib==1.0.1
    conda install --yes redis-py==2.10.5 chardet==3.0.4 flask==1.0.2
    conda install --yes python-gflags==3.1.2 pandas==0.24.2 pyzmq==17.1.2
    conda install --yes trollius==2.2 cython==0.29.4
    pip install --no-cache-dir easydict==1.9
    pip install --no-cache-dir hanziconv==0.3.2 gensim==3.6.0
    pip install --no-cache-dir weave==0.16.0 ipaddress==1.0.22 defusedxml==0.5.0
    conda deactivate
    #Install elastic distributed training dependencies.
    yum install openblas-devel glog-devel gflags-devel hdf5-devel leveldb-devel libsodium-devel lmdb-devel
    #Install additional dependency packages.
    yum install sudo openssh-clients gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran openssl-devel bzip2 gettext which net-tools iproute zip perl