Installing the WML Accelerator license on an additional node

If you have already extracted the bin and want to copy the program folders and license tar file to another system, follow these steps to extract the tar and manually install the license.

  1. Copy ibm-wmla-license-1.2.1_*.tar.gz to the node.
  2. Set EGO_TOP to be the WML Accelerator destination directory, typically /opt/ibm/spectrumcomputing. Example:
    export EGO_TOP=/opt/ibm/spectrumcomputing
  3. Extract the package. Example:
    tar xvzf ibm-wmla-license-1.2.1_*.tar.gz -C $EGO_TOP --no-same-owner
  4. Accept the license by running this command:
    IBM_WMLA_LICENSE_ACCEPT=yes $EGO_TOP/ibm-wmla/1.2.1/bin/