Entitle IBM Spectrum Conductor

Entitlement (licensing) is required only on the master host.

Note: Do not start the IBM Spectrum Conductor™ cluster until after IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact is installed.
  1. Copy the entitlement file to a location that is accessible from the master host.
  2. Source the environment by running one of the following commands, where install_location is the path to your installation directory. The default directory is /opt/ibm/spectrumcomputing:
    • For BASH shell, run: source <install_location>/profile.platform
    • For CSH shell, run: source <install_location>/cshrc.platform
  3. Log in to the master host as the cluster administrator operating system user, and run the following command. Typically, the first host on which IBM Spectrum Conductor was installed is the master host.
    egoconfig join master_host_FQDN
  4. Set entitlement:
    egoconfig setentitlement entitlement_file_path