What's new in WML CE 1.6.1

Check here for the latest updates to IBM Watson Machine Learning Community Edition information for the 1.6.1 release.

What's new

TensorFlow Serving and TensorFlow Serving API 1.14 are now included.

Keras-team Keras 2.2.4 is now included.

NVIDIA DALI 0.9.0 is now included.

CPU-only packages for TensorFlow and IBM-enhanced Caffe.

Support for WML CE on x86.

Behavioral changes

TensorFlow changed the environment variable name TF_CUDA_HOST_MEM_LIMIT_IN_MB to TF_GPU_HOST_MEM_LIMIT_IN_MB. This may affect scripts written to use models with TensorFlow Large Model Support. See Getting started with TensorFlow large model support for more information.


Python 2.7 support: The Python core team plans to stop supporting Python 2 on January 1st 2020. Ahead of this, many deep learning frameworks and dependent libraries are or are planning to drop support for Python 2.7.

TensorFlow Large Model Support (TFLMS) V1 is no longer included with WML CE. Please refer to Getting started with TensorFlow large model support

Post WML CE 1.6.1 release, Conda packages for pai4sk, py-xgboost-cpu, py-xgboost-gpu, and snapml-spark will not have support for Python 2.7