Removing a compute host from a cluster

After a host is added to a cluster, you can remove it from the cluster if needed.

You can remove a host from the cluster management console. After removing a host, uninstall IBM® Spectrum Conductor on the host.

  1. From the cluster management console, close the host that you want to remove.
    1. Click Resources > Hosts > All Hosts.
    2. Click the Hosts (List View) tab.
    3. Select the hosts that you want to close and click Global Actions > Close all selected hosts.
  2. Shut down EGO on the host by running the following command: egosh ego shutdown

    The host becomes unavailable after a few minutes.

  3. Ensure that the host is removed from the cluster:
    1. Log on to a machine in the cluster that has EGO running.
    2. Run the following command to remove the host: egosh resource remove host_name
    3. Wait the duration defined by EGO_DYNAMIC_HOST_WAIT_TIME in the ego.conf configuration file, and then check if the host has been removed.
  4. Uninstall IBM Spectrum Conductor on the host. See Uninstalling IBM Spectrum Conductor.
You can physically remove your machine from the cluster or its connection to the network.