Uninstalling IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact

If required, you can uninstall IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact with the included uninstaller script. Uninstalling IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact, does not make changes to IBM Spectrum Conductor.
Attention: Uninstalling IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact requires restarting your cluster.  Make sure to run the uninstall script at such time to minimize impact on the existing cluster workload.
The uninstaller script (deeplearningimpactuninstall- does the following:
  • Uninstalls the two IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact RPM packages: dlicore and dlimgmt.
  • Removes the IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact Elastic Stack configuration.
  • Removes the IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact EGO services.
  • Removes the IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact cluster management console configurations.
  • Removes the IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact Spark instance group template.
  • Removes helper tools and libraries installed under DLI_SHARED_FS.
The uninstaller script (deeplearningimpactuninstall- does not:
  • Remove user models and datasets under the DLI_SHARED_FS directory.
  • Remove service files from $EGO_TOP/eservice/esc/conf/services.
Note: On compute nodes, the uninstaller only removes the dlimgmt RPM package, and does not modify the DLI_SHARED_FS directory.

The following steps must be executed as the root user on hosts that have IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact installed.

  1. Backup any user data including the user data on the shared file system. For example, backup the DLI_SHARED_FS/datasets and the DLI_SHARED_FS/models directory.
  2. Stop all EGO cluster services:
    egosh service stop all
  3. Stop the IBM Spectrum Conductor cluster on this node:
    egosh ego shutdown
  4. Navigate to the $EGO_TOP/uninstall directory and run the uninstall script. Answer Y when prompted.
    Important: If you installed IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact to a custom path, when you run the uninstall script, also specify the --dbpath option, as follows:
    ./deeplearningimpactuninstall- --dbpath dbpath_location
  5. On each host, navigate to $EGO_TOP/eservice/esc/conf/services directory and manually remove service files from your system.
    rm -f dlinsights-monitor.xml dlinsights-optimizer.xml dlpd_service.xml mongod_service.xml redis_service.xml
    Attention: If you have high availability enabled, you must navigate to the $EGO_CONFDIR/../../eservice/esc/conf/services directory and run the following command on all management hosts:
    rm -f dlinsights-monitor.xml dlinsights-optimizer.xml dlpd_service.xml mongod_service.xml redis_service.xml
  6. Optionally, delete the $EGO_TOP/dli installation directory. Deleting the installation directory removes all binaries, configurations and working data. Do not complete this step if you are using a multihead environment with IBM Spectrum Symphony.
  7. Start the IBM Spectrum Conductor cluster:
    egosh ego start all
IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact is uninstalled.