Summary of ports used by IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact

Ports that are used by IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact are defined during installation.

Ports that are defined during installation can be modified after installation. If modifying ports after installation, you must make sure to restart the corresponding EGO service using the egosh command for changes to take effect.

Only TCP is required for ports that are used by IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact.

Table 1. Summary of ports that are used by IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact
Component Default port used Need to enable in TCP Need to enabled in UDP Notes Where to configure
dlpd 9243 Y N Port for REST EGO service
Note: If SSL was not enabled, the default port used is 9280.
dlinsights-optimizer 5001 Y N Port for dlinsights-optimizer EGO service $EGO_CONFDIR../../dli/conf/dlinsights/profile.dlinsights
mongod 27017 Y N Port for MongDB database EGO service $EGO_CONFDIR../../dli/conf/mongodb/mongod.conf and $EGO_CONFDIR../../dli/conf/dlinsights/profile.dlinsight
redis 6379 Y N Port for Redis database EGO service $EGO_CONFDIR../../dli/conf/redis/redis.conf and $EGO_CONFDIR../../dli/conf/dlpd/dlpd.conf
dlinsights-monitor 5000 Y N Port for dlinsights-monitor EGO service $EGO_CONFDIR../../dli/conf/dlinsights/profile.dlinsights