dlicmd.py reference

Execute deep learning tasks using cluster resources. Assumes that models can access data sources from within the IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact cluster. Model data must either be dynamically downloaded, reside on shared directories, or be available from remote data connection services.


python dlicmd --help

python dlicmd --logon <connection-options>

python dlicmd --dl-frameworks | --exec-get-all | --exec-delete-all <connection-options>

python dlicmd --exec-start <framework-name> <connection-options> <submit-arguments>

python dlicmd --exec-get | --exec-stop| --exec-delete exec-id <connection-options>

python dlicmd --exec-outlogs --exec-errlogs exec-id <connection-options>

python dlicmd --debug-level


--help Displays help information.

--logon Logs the user onto IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact, prompting for user account and password.

--dl-frameworks Lists available deep learning frameworks for execution.

--exec-start Starts a deep learning execution.

--exec-get-all Lists all deep learning executions for the current user.

--exec-get Lists information for a specific deep learning execution.

--exec-outlogs See output logs for a deep learning execution.

--exec-errlogs See error logs for a specific deep learning execution.

--exec-stop Stops a deep learning execution.

--exec-delete Deletes a deep learning execution.

--exec-delete-all Deletes all deep learning executions for the current user.

Connection options

--master-host FQDN of IBM Spectrum Conductor master host.

--dli-rest-port IBM Spectrum Conductor Deep Learning Impact REST port. Default 9243.

--username IBM Spectrum Conductor user name for --logon.

--password IBM Spectrum Conductor password for --logon.

Submit arguments

< framework-name> Name of a deep learning framework returned by --dl-frameworks command.

--ig Name of a IBM Spectrum Conductor instance group.

--model-main Name or path of a deep learning model.

--model-dir Name or path a directory containing the deep learning model specified in --model-main.

[options] Any model specific options.

Other options

--debug-level Specify debug to show more messages.


  • Log in to IBM Spectrum Conductor.
    python  dlicmd.py --logon --master-host abc.ibm.com --username Admin --password Admin
  • List all the frameworks available on master host abc.ibm.com.
    python  dlicmd.py --dl-frameworks --master-host abc.ibm.com
  • Start TensorFlow model-main mnist.py using instance group dliig on master host abc.ibm.com.
    python  dlicmd.py --exec-start tensorflow --master-host abc.ibm.com --ig dliig --model-main mnist.py
  • Execute a Keras model keras_mnist.py using instance group dlicig on master host abc.ibm.com.
    python  dlicmd.py --exec-start keras --master-host abc.ibm.com --ig dliig --model-main keras_mnist.py
  • Get execution task Admin-12345 from host abc.ibm.com.
    python  dlicmd.py --exec-get Admin-12345 --master-host abc.ibm.com