Creating a Microsoft SQL Server database for IBM Content Navigator

You must point to an existing database when you configure and deploy IBM Content Navigator. You can reuse an existing database or you can create a Microsoft SQL Server database where you can create the IBM Content Navigator configuration table after you configure and deploy the web application.

Before you begin

It is recommended that you complete the Worksheet for creating the data source and updating the database script for your Microsoft SQL Server database before you create your database. Some of the values in the worksheet can be used to fill out the table in this topic.

This prerequisite task applies for traditional application server deployments only. For container deployments, the worksheet preparation steps do not apply.

About this task

You can modify the sample code that is provided in this task for your environment. However, at a minimum, you must provide values for the parameters that are specified in the sample code.

At a minimum, you must specify:
Table 1. Minimum requirements for creating a Microsoft SQL Server database for IBM Content Navigator
Worksheet parameter Sample code variable to replace Description Value
Database name @ECMClient_DBNAME@ The name of the database where you will create the IBM Content Navigator configuration table. See your database documentation for naming restrictions.  

This task assumes that you are logged in to your database server with the appropriate permissions required to create a database on that server.


To create a Microsoft SQL Server database for IBM Content Navigator:

Create and run an SQL script on your Microsoft SQL Server instance.
You can use the following sample code to create a simple database.
Remember: You must replace the variables in the sample code with the appropriate values for your environment.


Sample code for creating a Microsoft SQL Server database for IBM Content Navigator:
