Available Data Protection for Oracle options

The options that can be set in the tdpo.opt file for Data Protection for Oracle are described.

The following options can be set in the tdpo.opt file:
Specify the directory that contains the Data Protection for Oracle error log file tdpoerror.log.

Unix and Linux: If the IBM Spectrum Protect™ errorlogname option is specified in the dsm.sys file (for the stanza that is used by Data Protection for Oracle), the errorlogname option overrides the value that is specified by dsmi_log. If the errorlogname option is being used, make sure that it specifies a file in a path that has write permissions for Oracle users.

Unix and Linux: For error log files, create a directory for the error logs and have the dsmi_log option point to that directory. The user who is running backups must have writable rights to this directory.

Specify the complete path to the IBM® Spectrum Protect client user options file dsm.opt used during the Data Protection for Oracle session. If you do not specify this option, Data Protection for Oracle looks for the options file in the Data Protection for Oracle installation directory. You must specify this option if your IBM Spectrum Protect client user options file is in a directory other than the Data Protection for Oracle installation directory.
You can automate the maintenance of IBM Spectrum Protect Data Protection for Oracle without the need for user interaction. You can set the tdpo_enablescriptinput option to allow the tdposync utility to receive input from a script or batch file.
You can specify the following options:
The tdposync utility can receive redirected input that allows the utility to run in batch mode.
The tdposync utility must be run in interactive mode and requires user input to complete its run. This option is the default.
Attention: If you run the tdposync command interactively and the tdpo_enablescriptinput is set to Yes, the input for the Oracle password is shown in plain text. To obfuscate the password, set the tdpo_enablescriptinput to No.
Specify a file space name on the IBM Spectrum Protect server for Data Protection for Oracle backup, delete, and restore operations. The file space name can contain a string of 1-1024 characters.
  • The default file space name is adsmorc.
  • When you have more than one Oracle database, use this option to back up each Oracle target database to its own file space on the IBM Spectrum Protect server.
  • The file space name in the include/exclude statement must match the file space name that is specified in the tdpo_fs option for include/exclude processing to function correctly.
  • Unix and Linux: If this option was set during Data Protection for Oracle backup operations, this option must be set during restore and delete operations.
Unix and Linux: tdpo_owner
Unix and Linux: This option specifies a session-owner name and object owner name. The value can contain a string of 1 to 64 characters. This value is case-sensitive. For restore and delete operations, this option must specify the same value that was used during the Data Protection for Oracle backup. Do not set this option when passwordaccess generate is specified.
Unix and Linux: tdpo_pswdpath
Unix and Linux: This option specifies the directory where the TDPO.nodename password file is located. The default value is the directory where Data Protection for Oracle is installed. Note, when passwordaccess generate is specified, Data Protection for Oracle uses the value of the passworddir option that is specified in the dsm.sys file and does not use the tdpo_pswdpath option. However, the directory that is specified by the passworddir option must be a directory that is writeable by the Oracle user. The Oracle user is the user ID of the target Oracle database instance.
Unix and Linux: tdpo_node
Unix and Linux: Specify the Data Protection for Oracle node name that is used during operations with the IBM Spectrum Protect server. The node name can contain a string of 1-1024 characters. You must use a node name that is different from the backup-archive client node name.
It is the IBM Spectrum Protect API and not Data Protection for Oracle that negotiates which login credentials to use with the IBM Spectrum Protect server. As a result, certain option settings affect password management. For example, when the tdpo_node option is specified in the tdpo.opt file, and passwordaccess prompt is specified in the dsm.sys file, the IBM Spectrum Protect API uses the value of the tdpo_node option. It then ignores the value of the nodename option that is specified in the dsm.sys file. If you do not specify a value for the passwordaccess option, the default value is prompt. Follow these recommendations:
  • When passwordaccess prompt is specified in the dsm.sys file, you can specify the tdpo_node option in the tdpo.opt file.
  • When passwordaccess generate is specified in the dsm.sys file, do not specify the tdpo_node option in the tdpo.opt file.

To restore data from one Oracle server to another Oracle server with Data Protection for Oracle, be aware of the following tdpo_node considerations:

  • The value of the tdpo_node option in the tdpo.opt file on the target Oracle server, must equal the value of the tdpo_node option in the tdpo.opt file on the source Oracle server.
  • If passwordaccess prompt is specified for the backup, then passwordaccess prompt must be specified for the restore. For example, if passwordaccess prompt is specified in the dsm.sys file on the target Oracle server, run the tdpoconf password command to create the password locally on the source Oracle server.
  • If passwordaccess generate is specified for the backup, then passwordaccess generate must be specified for the restore. If the password for the Data Protection for Oracle node is unknown because of the passwordaccess generate setting, you can reset the password for the production node on the IBM Spectrum Protect server. After the password is reset, use the new password to run the tdpoconf password command. Reset the password on the production system to set the password for the next backup. Also, reset the password on the alternate system to set the password for the restore operation.
  • Data Protection for Oracle and the IBM Spectrum Protect API must be at the same levels on both the source Oracle server and the target Oracle server.
This option specifies the format that you want to use to display dates.

Unix and Linux: You can specify a number, 0 - 5. The default value is 1.

Windows: You can specify a number, 1 - 5. The default value is 1.

  • Unix and Linux: 0 Use the locale-specified date format.
  • 1 MM/DD/YYYY (Default value)
  • 2 DD-MM-YYYY
  • 3 YYYY-MM-DD
  • 4 DD.MM.YYYY
  • 5 YYYY.MM.DD
This option specifies the format that you want to use to display numbers. You can specify a number, 1 - 6. The default value is 1.
  • 1 1,000.00 (Default value)
  • 2 1,000,00
  • 3 1 000,00
  • 4 1 000.00
  • 5 1.000,00
  • 6 1'000,00
This option specifies the format that you want to use to display time.

Windows: You can specify a number, 1 - 4. The default value is 1.

Unix and Linux: You can specify a number, 0 - 4. The default value is 1.

  • Unix and Linux: 0 Use the locale-specified time format.
  • 1 23:00:00 (Default value)
  • 2 23,00,00
  • 3 23.00.00
  • 4 12:00:00 A/P
This option specifies the second management class that is used for copy 2 in the RMAN duplex copy command.
This option specifies the third management class that is used for copy 3 in the RMAN duplex copy command.
This option specifies the fourth management class that is used for copy 4 in the RMAN duplex copy command. Four copies is the maximum that is allowed by RMAN.
Note: See The Duplex Copy function for specific details on using management class options.