Configuring the Operations Center web server to use the standard TCP/IP secure port

Port 443 is the standard port for secure web browser communication. If users must access the Operations Center through a firewall, you can configure the Operations Center to communicate through this standard port. In this way, you can avoid opening another port in the firewall.

About this task

When you install the Operations Center, the default port number for secure communication between the Operations Center web server and web browsers is 11090. You can accept this default port at installation time, or you can specify a different port number in the range 1024 - 65535. You cannot specify a port number that is less than 1024 at installation time because those ports are reserved for specific network services.

After the Operations Center is installed, the web server listens on the specified port for requests from web browsers. If users are unable to open the Operations Center because the port is blocked by a firewall, an administrator must open the port to allow browsers to connect. In some production environments, it might be more efficient to use system port 443. Because this system port is reserved for secure web browsing, it is likely already an open port in the firewall. Although you cannot specify port 443 at installation time, you can specify this port after installation.


To configure the Operations Center web server to use port 443, complete the following steps after you install the Operations Center:

  1. Stop the Operations Center web server.
    For instructions about stopping the web server, see Starting and stopping the web server.
  2. Go to the following directory, where installation_dir represents the directory in which the Operations Center is installed:
    • Linux operating systemsAIX operating systemsinstallation_dir/ui/Liberty/usr/servers/guiServer
    • Windows operating systemsinstallation_dir\ui\Liberty\usr\servers\guiServer
  3. Open the file, which contains a property that specifies the port that the Operations Center web server uses for secure communication.
  4. Update the tsm.https.port property to specify port 443:
  5. Save and close the file.
  6. Start the Operations Center web server.

    Linux operating systemsAIX operating systemsYou must start the Operations Center as the root user. If you do not start the Operations Center as the root user, the Operations Center cannot communicate over port 443.

    For instructions about starting the Operations Center web server, see Starting and stopping the web server.

What to do next

Notify users that the Operations Center is using the standard TCP/IP secure port. Typically, a user opens the Operations Center in their browser by including the port number in the URL. Because port 443 is the default for secure web browser communication, users do not have to specify the port number in the URL. Instead, the following URL can be used, where hostname specifies the name of the computer where the Operations Center is installed:

For instructions about opening the Operations Center, see Opening the Operations Center.