PERFORM LIBACTION (Define or delete all drives and paths for a library)

Use this command to define or delete all drives and their paths for a single library in one step.

This command can be used when you set up a library environment or modify an existing hardware setup that requires changes to many drive definitions. After you define a library, issue the PERFORM LIBACTION command to define drives and their paths for the library. You can also delete all drives and paths for a library by issuing the command with ACTION=DELETE.

In a shared library environment, you can issue this command only in the following cases:
  • When both the library manager and the library client (or storage agent host systems) detect the same tape drives.
  • When the library manager detects all the tape drives that the library client or storage agent has, even if the library client or storage agent has more tape drives than the library manager.

This command is only valid for library types of SCSI and VTL. To use this command with ACTION=DEFINE, the SANDISCOVERY option must be supported and enabled.

Privilege class

To issue this command, you must have system privilege or unrestricted storage privilege.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramPERForm LIBACTionlibrary_nameACTion=DEFineADELeteRESetBQUIesceSOURCe=source_namePREView=NoPREView=YesNo
A (DEFine)
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramDEVIce=library_device_namePREFix=library_namePREFix=drive_prefix_name
B (RESet)
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramACTion=RESetDRIVEsonly=NoDRIVEsonly=YesNo


library_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the library to be defined or deleted. The maximum length of this name is 30 characters unless you are issuing PERFORM LIBACTION with ACTION=DEFINE and using the default PREFIX value. In that case, the maximum length of the name is 25 characters.
In a shared library environment, you can issue the PERFORM LIBACTION command only in the following cases. Otherwise, failures might occur.
  • You can issue the PERFORM LIBACTION command when both the library manager and the library client (or storage agent host systems) are set up to detect the same number of tape drives.

    If the library client or storage agent detects fewer tape drives than the library manager, the PERFORM LIBACTION command defines paths only to the drives that the library manager detects. This situation can result in mount failures because the library client or storage agent does not have access to all the defined tape drives.

  • You can issue the PERFORM LIBACTION command when the library manager can detect all the tape drives that the library client or storage agent has, even if the library client or storage agent has more tape drives than the library manager.

    If the library manager cannot detect all the tape drives that the library client or storage agent detects, the PERFORM LIBACTION command cannot define a path for the library client or storage agent for these undetected tape drives.

Specifies the action for the PERFORM LIBACTION command. Possible values are:
Specifies that drives and their paths are defined for the specified library. SAN discovery must be enabled before you specify this parameter value.
Specifies that drives and their paths are deleted for the specified library.
Specifies that drives and their paths are updated online for the specified library.
Specifies that only drives are updated online for the specified library.
Possible values are:
Specifies that drives and paths are updated online.
Specifies that only drives are updated online.
Specifies that drives are updated offline.
Specifies the library device name that is used when you define paths if a path to the library is not already defined. If a path is already defined, the DEVICE parameter is ignored. The maximum length for this value is 64 characters. This parameter is optional.
Specifies the prefix that is used for all drive definitions. For example, a PREFIX value of DR creates drives DR0, DR1, DR2, for as many drives as are created. If a value is not specified for the PREFIX parameter, the library name is used as the prefix for drive definitions. The maximum length for this value is 25 characters.
Specifies the source server name to be used when you define or delete drive path definitions on a library client or LAN-free client. Use this parameter only if the drives in the library are set up for the local server. If no value is specified for the SOURCE parameter, the local server name, which is the default, is used. The maximum length for the source name is 64 characters.

If you specify the SOURCE parameter, you can RESET only paths from specified SOURCE values. The SOURCE parameter is not compatible with the RESET DRIVESONLY=YES or QUIESCE options.

If a source name other than the local server name is specified with ACTION=DEFINE, drive path definitions are defined with the token value of UNDISCOVERED. The path definitions are then updated dynamically by library clients that support SAN Discovery the first time the drive is mounted.

Specifies the output of all commands that are processed for PERFORM LIBACTION before the command is issued. The PREVIEW parameter is not compatible with the DEVICE parameter. If you are issuing the PERFORM LIBACTION command to define a library, you cannot specify both the PREVIEW and the DEVICE parameter.
Possible values are:
Specifies that a preview of the commands that are issued for PERFORM LIBACTION is not displayed.
Specifies that a preview of the commands that are issued for PERFORM LIBACTION is displayed.

Example: Define a shared library

Assume that you are working in a SAN and that you configured a library manager named LIBMGR1. Now, define a library that is named SHAREDTSM to a library client server named LIBCL1.

Issue DEFINE LIBRARY from the library client server, LIBCL1:

define library sharedtsm libtype=shared primarylibmanager=libmgr1
Then, issue PERFORM LIBACTION from the library manager, LIBMGR1, to define the drive paths for the library client:
perform libaction sharedtsm action=define source=libcl1
Note: The SANDISCOVERY option must be supported and enabled on the library client server.

Example: Define a library with four drives

Define a SCSI library named KONA:
define library kona libtype=scsi
Then issue the PERFORM LIBACTION command to define drives and paths for the library:
AIX operating systems
perform libaction kona action=define device=/dev/lb3 
The server then runs the following commands:
define path server1 kona srct=server destt=library 
define drive kona dr0
define path server1 dr0 srct=server destt=drive library=kona 
define drive kona dr1
define path server1 dr1 srct=server destt=drive library=kona 
define drive kona dr2
define path server1 dr2 srct=server destt=drive library=kona 
define drive kona dr3
define path server1 dr3 srct=server destt=drive library=kona 
Linux operating systems
perform libaction kona action=define device=/dev/tsmscsi/lb3 
The server then runs the following commands:
define path server1 kona srct=server destt=library 
define drive kona dr0
define path server1 dr0 srct=server destt=drive library=kona 
define drive kona dr1
define path server1 dr1 srct=server destt=drive library=kona 
define drive kona dr2
define path server1 dr2 srct=server destt=drive library=kona 
define drive kona dr3
define path server1 dr3 srct=server destt=drive library=kona 
Windows operating systems
perform libaction kona action=define device=lb0.0.0.2 
The server then runs the following commands:
define path server1 kona srct=server destt=library 
define drive kona dr0
define path server1 dr0 srct=server destt=drive library=kona 
define drive kona dr1
define path server1 dr1 srct=server destt=drive library=kona 
define drive kona dr2
define path server1 dr2 srct=server destt=drive library=kona 
define drive kona dr3
define path server1 dr3 srct=server destt=drive library=kona 

Related commands

Table 1. Commands related to PERFORM LIBACTION
Command Description
AUDIT LIBRARY Ensures that an automated library is in a consistent state.
DEFINE DRIVE Assigns a drive to a library.
DEFINE LIBRARY Defines an automated or manual library.
DEFINE PATH Defines a path from a source to a destination.
DEFINE SERVER Defines a server for server-to-server communications.
DELETE DRIVE Deletes a drive from a library.
DELETE LIBRARY Deletes a library.
DELETE PATH Deletes a path from a source to a destination.
QUERY DRIVE Displays information about drives.
QUERY LIBRARY Displays information about one or more libraries.
QUERY PATH Displays information about the path from a source to a destination.
UPDATE DRIVE Changes the attributes of a drive.
UPDATE LIBRARY Changes the attributes of a library.
UPDATE PATH Changes the attributes associated with a path.