List of provided MBeans

Liberty provides a list of MBeans and corresponding management interfaces that you can use to manipulate and monitor the server. When using an MBean Proxy, find the classes that you need to compile inside the .jar files in ${wlp.install.dir}/dev/api/ibm.

For each MBean or MXBean in the list:
  • The name is the value that uniquely identifies the MBean or MXBean. When there are multiple instances of an MBean or MXBean, the ObjectName value can contain a wildcard (*), which is described in the Comments entries in this topic.
  • The Management interface entries specify the name of the Java™ interface that can be used to construct a proxy object for the MBean or MXBean as described in Examples of accessing MBean attributes and operations. For more information about the management interface, see the Java API document for Liberty. The Java API documentation for each Liberty API is detailed in the Programming interfaces (Javadoc) section of the online IBM® documentation, and is also available as a separate .zip file in one of the javadoc subdirectories of the ${wlp.install.dir}/dev directory.


  • Management interface:
  • Comments: One instance is available for each endpoint in the system, where * is a unique endpoint name.


  • Management interface:
  • Comments: Available when the monitor-1.0 feature is enabled. The WebServiceStats can be either Performance.Counter.Server or Performance.Counter.client, where service=* is the qualified name of a service endpoint, port=* is the port name of the service endpoint. See JAX-WS monitoring.
Note: This is a Dynamic Model MBean.


  • Management interface: org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ManagedEndpoint
  • Comments: Available when the localConnector-1.0 or restConnector-2.0 feature is enabled and the JAX-WS application is accessed at least once. The* is the name of the bus, where * is of the form <AppName>-Server-Bus. The service=* is the qualified name of the endpoint, where * is of the form {ServiceNamespace}ServiceName. The port=* is the port name of the endpoint, where the * is the current port name. The format of the MBean is as follows: <BUS>@<SERVICE>@<PORT>@<URL_PATTERN>, where:
    • <BUS> is the same value as the field;
    • <SERVICE> is the same value as the field service;
    • <PORT> is the same value as the field port;
    • <URL_PATTERN> can be the following values in different scenarios;
      • If the url-pattern element is defined in the web.xml file of your application, the value of url-pattern element is used. For example, the url-pattern element is /SayHelloURL in the web.xml file:
        For example, the MBean might be as follows:
      • If the URL pattern is not specified, the service name is used as the default value. For example, the MBean might be as follows:
      • If the web services engine cannot retrieve the URL pattern when the endpoint MBean is registered, a random unique number is used to ensure that the MBean is unique. For example, the MBean might be as follows:
  • This is a Dynamic Model MBean.
  • The destroy operation on this MBean is not supported.


  • Management interface:
  • Comments: The ServerInfoMbean interface is used to retrieve information about the running server. Search the following directories for the class and API documentation:
    • ${wlp.install.dir}/dev/api/ibm/
    • ${wlp.install.dir}/dev/api/ibm/javadoc/

The exposed operations include a method to retrieve the product installation and user directory locations, the default host name, the server name, the product version, the Java specification version, and the Java Runtime version.


  • Management interface:
  • Comments: The ServerEndpointControlMBean interface is used to pause, resume, and get the status of server endpoints. The MBean is available from the Kernel, so you do not need to enable a special feature. You can find the MBean class and API documentation in the following locations:
    • ${wlp.install.dir}/dev/api/ibm/
    • ${wlp.install.dir}/dev/api/ibm/javadoc/

For a list of endpoint types that you can pause, see Pausing and resuming a Liberty server from the command line.


  • Management interface:
  • Comments: This MBean is available after you enable the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) persistent timer feature or another feature that uses the persistent store capability. When you run the DDLGenerationMBean.generateDDL() operation, you receive a map that contains information, such as how many Data Definition Language (DDL) files were created and where they were created in the file system.
    You can find the MBean class and API documentation in the following locations:
    • ${wlp.install.dir}/dev/api/ibm/
    • ${wlp.install.dir}/dev/api/ibm/javadoc/


  • Management interface:
  • Comments: This MXBean enables you to perform various file-related operations on the host where Liberty resides.
    You can find its class and API documentation in the following locations:

    The exposed operations include the ability to query certain metadata (last modified date, size, and other similar metadata) for a particular file or directory and also to query all child files (and corresponding metadata) for a particular directory. Support for archive creation and expansion is also provided, which can be useful to compress Liberty log files or to extract an application before it is deployed.

    This MXBean contains two attributes: the read list and the write list. They represent the lists of locations that users can read or write to when using the FileService or FileTransfer capabilities that are provided by Liberty. Through the MXBean, these attributes can be read only, but they can be configured or customized through the following elements in the server.xml file:
    If the readDir element is not specified, the default is the combination of: ${wlp.install.dir}, ${wlp.user.dir}, and ${server.output.dir}. If a writeDir element is not specified, the default is the empty set.

    The restConnector-2.0 feature must be included in the server.xml file in order for this MXBean to be loaded and to honor its configuration elements

    Using Liberty-defined variables is allowed with all the server-side parameters that take a string that represents a file path. Such variables are defined on the liberty_home/README.TXT file.


  • Management interface:
  • Comments: Use this MBean to perform various file-transfer operations on the host where Liberty resides.
    You can find its class and API documentation in the following locations:

    This MBean is registered on the PlatformMBeanServer from the same JVM that its corresponding Liberty process is running, but it can be accessed only by using the IBM JMX REST Connector. The connection can be local or remote, but the REST Connector must be used.

    The exposed operations include the ability to download, upload, and delete a file. Each read and write request on the server is bound to the configurable read and write lists that are accessed through the FileServiceMXBean. The FileTransferMBean can also be fully accessed and operated from the built-in Java JConsole, if the JConsole is connected through the IBM JMX REST Connector.

    Using Liberty-defined variables is allowed with all the server-side parameters that take a string that represents a file path. Such variables are defined on the liberty_home/README.TXT file.


  • Management interface:
  • Comments: Available when the wasJmsServer-1.0 feature is enabled. One messaging engine instance is available for each Liberty. The name=* is the name of the MBean, where * is the unique name of the messaging engine MBean. See JMS messaging.


  • Management interface:
  • Comments: The MBean is available when the wasJmsServer-1.0 feature is enabled and the MBean of the messaging engine is available. The name=* is the name of the MBean, where * is the name of the queue MBean. See JMS messaging.


  • Management interface:
  • Comments: The MBean is available when the wasJmsServer-1.0 feature is enabled and the MBean of the messaging engine is available. The name=* is the name of the MBean, where * is the name of the subscriber MBean.
    Note: The SubscriberMBean is a subscriber to the existing TopicMBean. See JMS messaging.


  • Management interface:
  • Comments: The MBean is available when the wasJmsServer-1.0 feature is enabled and the MBean of the messaging engine is available. The name=* is the name of the MBean, where * is the name of the topic MBean. See JMS messaging.

  • Management interface:
  • Comments: The ServerXMLConfigurationMBean provides an interface for retrieving the file paths of all server configuration files that are known to the server. The MBean is available from the Kernel, so you do not need to enable a special feature. You can find the MBean class and API documentation in the following locations:
    • ${wlp.install.dir}/dev/api/ibm/
    • ${wlp.install.dir}/dev/api/ibm/javadoc/

  • Management interface:
  • Comments: The RuntimeUpdateNotificationMBean provides notifications for server runtime updates. The user data object attached to the notification is a java.util.Map. The notification type for runtime update notifications that are emitted by this MBean is

  • Management interface:
  • Comments: The FeatureListMBean exposes a single method to generate an XML report on all the features installed at run time. The MBean is available from the Kernel, so you do not need to enable a special feature. You can find the MBean class and API documentation in the following locations:
    • ${wlp.install.dir}/dev/api/ibm/
    • ${wlp.install.dir}/dev/api/ibm/javadoc/

  • Management interface:
  • Comments: The ServerSchemaGenerator MBean exposes methods to generate schema from the installed image, the most used way, or from a current runtime. The MBean is available from the Kernel, so you do not need to enable a special feature. You can find the MBean class and API documentation in the following locations:
    • ${wlp.install.dir}/dev/api/ibm/
    • ${wlp.install.dir}/dev/api/ibm/javadoc/,name=*

  • Management interface:
  • Comments: One instance is available for each application in the system, where * is a unique application name.,application=*,name=*

  • Management interface:
  • Comments: One instance is available for each WebModule in the system, where application=* is the name of an application in the system, and name=* is the name of a web module in that application.,*

  • Management interface:
  • Comments: One instance is available for each Connection Manager in the system, including those that are created in the following contexts:
    • When explicitly configured in the server configuration
    • When implicitly created because of @DataSourceDefinition or @ConnectionFactoryDefinition annotations
    • When created as a result of a connection factory or data source in the server configuration
    The mbean instance is not available until the corresponding connection factory or data source is first used.
    To narrow the connection manager instance, you can specify more attributes, such as those shown in the following examples:,jndiName=jdbc/db2,*,name=jmsConnectionFactory[cf1]/connectionManager[default-0],*,name=databaseStore[dbstore1]/dataSource[default-0]/connectionManager,*,jndiName=java.module/env/jdbc/ds3,application=MyApp,module=myweb,*

  • Management interface:


  • Management interface:
  • Comments: Available when the monitor-1.0 feature is enabled. See JVM monitoring.


  • Management interface:
  • Comments: To enable this MBean, configure the monitor-*.* and requestTiming-*.* features. The asterisk in the name=* entry represents the type of request for which statistics are gathered. For more information, see Request monitoring.


  • Management interface:
  • Comments: When the monitor-1.0 feature is enabled, one instance is available for each servlet that is served, where * is of the form <AppName>.<ServletName>. See Web application monitoring.

WebSphere:type=ThreadPoolStats,name=Default Executor

  • Management interface:
  • Comments: Available when the monitor-1.0 feature is enabled. See ThreadPool monitoring.