SNA Node Operations

SNA Node Operations enable you to display information and manage the node for certain Personal Communications resources, which can be useful when operating the SNA node. The following tasks are supported:

The configuration information for an SNA Node is stored in an ASCII file, with the extension .ACG. You can edit the file by launching SNA Node Configuration. To ensure that your new configuration is correct, use the Verification tool.

You can display information or take action on resources if you start 3270, 5250, or any client/server sessions with one of the following attachment types:

zSeries Connections

LAN via IEEE 802.2
3270 via iSeries®
APPC 3270 via LAN
Dependent Logical Unit Requester (DLUR)
3174 Peer Communication
COM port
IBM® Global network -- SNA-over-Async
Dependent Logical Unit Requester (DLUR) via:
APPC 3270 via:
Synchronous Data Link Control
3270 via iSeries (passthru)
APPC 3270 via SDLC
Dependent Logical Unit Requester (DLUR)
LU 0, 1, 2, 3
APPC 3270
LU 0, 1, 2, 3 via DLUR
LU (0, 1, 2, 3) via DLUR)
APPC 3270
LU (0, 1, 2, 3)
3270 via iSeries (passthru)
APPC 3270
Dependent Logical Unit Requester (DLUR)

iSeries Connections

LAN via IEEE 802.2
COM port
Hayes AutoSync
X.25 Hayes AutoSync
Synchronous Data Link Control
APPC 5250

Client/Server Connections

LAN via IEEE 802.2
COM port
Hayes AutoSync
Synchronous Data Link Control
AnyNet® SNA over TCP/IP
Enterprise Extender
HPR over IP

SNA resources that can be displayed or managed include the following:

Connection Networks
Allows APPN nodes in a LAN to have direct links with each other without requiring logical link definitions at each node.
Link stations to the adjacent nodes.
CPI-C Side Information
Associate a set of parameters with a specified symbolic destination name.
Data Link Controls
How data is formatted for transmission on the physical connection.
Parts of the workstation hardware, such as adapters, that are used to transmit and receive data.
A dependent logical unit requester (DLUR) physical unit (PU) is a PU in an APPN end node that owns dependent LUs, but requests that a dependent LU server provide the SSCP services for those dependent LUs.
Focal Points
A system that provides centralized network management services.
Local LU 0 to 3
A local logical unit (LU) type 0, 1, 2, or 3 is a dependent LU on the workstation that provides services for 3270 terminal and printer emulation applications.
Local LU 6.2
A local logical unit (LU) type 6.2 is an independent or dependent LU that provides APPC services.
LU 6.2 Sessions
Transports data between two partner LU 6.2s. Conversations between transaction programs use LU 6.2 sessions.
The name used by the initiator of a session to designate the characteristics desired for the session, such as traffic pacing values, message-length limits, sync point and cryptography options, and the class of service (COS) within the transport network.
The control point that manages the node and its associated resources. The local node provides APPN services.
Partner LU 6.2
A remote computer that communicates through an APPC session with local LU 6.2s.
RTP Connections
In high-performance routing (HPR), a rapid transport protocol (RTP) connection is the connection established between the endpoints of the route to transport session traffic.
Transaction Programs
A transaction program (TP) is a program that processes transactions in an SNA network. There are two kinds of TPs: application transaction programs and service transaction programs.

Starting Node Operations

To start Node Operations, click the SNA Node Operations icon in the Personal Communications folder; or, from an active session window, click Actions -> Launch -> SNA Node Operations.

Using the Menu Bar

From the menu bar of the SNA Node Operations utility, click one of the following:

To start or stop a SNA node.

To start a node, select the configuration file you want to use.

To change session limits (CNOS).
To apply a new configuration file, select the configuration file you want to use.
To launch to other Personal Communications programs, such as Log Viewer, Trace Facility, or SNA Node Configuration.
To modify the layout of your Personal Communications window (Tool bar or Status bar).
To select resource attributes, which allows you to customize the display of SNA resource attributes.
To view frequently used resources, such as:
To modify the layout of your Personal Communications window.
To view the Personal Communications online help.

Displaying a Resource

To display a resource, select a resource from the pull-down list on the toolbar.

Starting a Resource

To start a resource:

  1. Select a resource from the pull-down list on the toolbar.
  2. Select the first column of the item, and right mouse click to display the pop-up menu.
  3. Click Start to start the resource. A started (active) resource can be stopped, but not deleted.

Stopping a Resource

There are two ways of stopping a resource:

Normal Stop
Performs clean up and then stops the resource.
Abnormal Stop
Immediately stops the resource.

To stop a resource:

  1. Select a resource from the pull-down list on the tool bar.
  2. Select the first column of the item, and right mouse click to display the pop-up.
  3. Select Normal Stop or Abnormal Stop to suspend the resource. If a resource is stopped (inactive), it can be deleted or redefined.

Deleting a Resource

To delete a resource:

  1. Select a resource from the pull-down list on the tool bar.
  2. Select the first column of the item, and right mouse click to display the pop-up.
  3. Select Delete to delete the resource.

You should stop a resource (make it inactive) before redefining it. You do not need to delete the resource before redefining it.

Changing an HPR Path Switch

To perform a high performance routing (HPR) path switch:

  1. Select RTP connections from the pull-down list on the tool bar.
  2. Select the first column of the item, and right mouse click to display the pop-up.
  3. Select HPR path switch to change the path for the data on this RTP connection.

Updating SNA Resources Dynamically

It is not necessary to delete an SNA resource before redefining it. A resource must be inactive, however, when you redefine it.

If a redefinition is rejected for a reason other than that the resource is active, a STATE_CHECK return code is returned as well as a specific secondary return code, as listed in the NOF specification. Most rejections are due to inconsistencies in the configuration, such as one of the following:

Such rejections occur regardless of whether you are defining a resource for the first time or redefining it.

Keep in mind the following when redefining resources:

Command-Line Utilities

Another way to perform SNA Node operations is to use the command line. Five command line programs are available to perform basic operations for the SNA Node.

CSSTART [ -p | -q | -c | -a ] [ -m | -d ] [ cfgfile ]
Use the CSSTART command to start the SNA Node with a specified configuration. The -a flag enables automatic start up after rebooting the machine. The -d flag sets the default SNA node configuration file. The -m flag stands for manual start which disables automatic start up after rebooting the machine. If the -p flag is used, all messages are shown in a message box pop-up. Messages are written to stdout by default. The -q flag suppresses all output. The -h flag summons the help data for this command. The cfgfile parameter is the name of the configuration file you want to use to start the product. If no cfgfile parameter is specified, the default configuration file is used. If no default configuration file has been set, an error is reported. If the node is successfully started, CSSTART returns zero, otherwise a nonzero value is returned.
CSSTOP [ -p | -q | c ][ -h ]
Use the CSSTOP command to stop the SNA Node. The flags have the same meaning as for CSSTART. If the node is successfully stopped then CSSTOP returns zero, otherwise a nonzero value is returned. The -c flag convert output to Windows code page. This option is intended to use with the Tivoli-integration support for Personal Communications .
CSQUERY [ -p | -q | c ][ -h ]
Use the CSQUERY command to query the status of the SNA Node. The flags have the same meaning as for CSSTART. Along with the status, the default and active configuration file names are shown. If the node is running, then CSQUERY returns zero; otherwise a nonzero value is returned. The -c flag convert output to Windows code page. This option is intended to use with the Tivoli-integration support for Personal Communications .
CSDSPY {resource [resource_id] [/D#]} [/C][ -h ]
Displays information about SNA node resources, where:
One of the following:
AnyNet IP to LU mapping
Connection networks
CPI-C side information
Data link controls
Focal Points
Local LU 0 to 3
Local LU 6.2
LU 6.2 sessions
Partner LU 6.2
RTP connections
Transaction programs
Specifies a case-sensitive value (for example, LU001 or LINK001) to search for. Only objects whose first attribute matches this value are displayed. The object_id must be spelled correctly, including case (upper and lower). An incorrect object_id will result in nothing being displayed.
Specifies the level of detail to display. # has the value 1, 2, or 3, where 1 displays the least level of detail and 3 shows all information. 2 is the default.

The -c flag convert output to Windows code page. This option is intended to use with the Tivoli-integration support for Personal Communications .

CSMODIFY {resource resource_id action} [/C][ -h ]
Enables you to control SNA node resources, where:
Is one of the following:
Connections. You can start, stop, or delete this resource.
CPI-C side information. You can delete this resource.
Data link controls. You can start, stop, or delete this resource.
Devices. You can start, stop, or delete this resource.
DLUR DPUs. You can start or stop this resource.
Local LU 0 to 3. You can delete this resource unless the LU is in use.
Local LU 6.2. You can delete this resource.
RTP connections. You can switch the path of this resource.
Specifies a case-sensitive value (for example, LU001 or LINK001) to search for. Only objects whose first attribute matches this value are displayed. The object id must be spelled correctly, including case (upper and lower). An incorrect object id will result in an error being displayed.
One of the following:
Normal stop
Immediate stop
Path switch
This switch is used to summon help data for this command.

The -c flag convert output to Windows code page. This option is intended to use with the Tivoli-integration support for Personal Communications .