When you compile a DataStage® job,
the Designer validates the design of the job by looking at inputs,
expressions, transformations and other details. When the job compiles
successfully, it is ready to run.
In this lesson you will compile all five jobs, but will only
run the job sequence because this job controls the starting and completion
of the four parallel jobs.
- In the Designer repository tree, open the SQLREP folder
to display the four parallel jobs and one job sequence.
- While holding down the Control (Ctrl) key, click each of
the five jobs, and then right click and select Multiple
job compile.
Figure 1. Selecting Multiple
job compile
The DataStage Compilation
Wizard opens, with the five jobs already in the Selected
items area.
Figure 2. Compilation wizard with five
jobs selected
- Verify that all five jobs are selected, and click Next.
Then on the Compile Process page of the wizard, click Start
The wizard displays progress and
then shows a status of "Compiled successfully."
Figure 3. Compile
Process page
- Start the DataStage and QualityStage™ Director by
clicking .
- In the project navigation pane on the left, click the SQLREP
folder. This action brings all five jobs into the
director status table.
- Click the STAGEDB_AQ00_S00_sequence job, and on the menu
bar click .
Figure 4. Selecting Run Now to start
job sequence
After a few minutes, all five jobs should
have a status of Finished. The Director also shows the elapsed time
of each job.
You can look at the job log for more detail about the run
by right-clicking the job sequence and clicking .
Now that you have
run all five jobs, you can check to see if the changed rows that are
stored in the PRODUCT_CCD and INVENTORY_CCD tables were extracted
by DataStage and inserted
into the two data set files.
- Go back to the Designer and open the STAGEDB_ASN_PRODUCT_CCD_extract
job. Double-click the insert_into_a_dataset icon to open the stage
editor, and in the editor click View Data.
- Accept the defaults in the rows to be displayed window
and click OK.
A Data Browser
window opens to show the contents of the data set file. Scroll to
the left to see all of the data from the CCD table, which includes:
- The before- and after-column images from the source table.
- The extra columns that all CCD tables contain to show the log
sequence numbers, SQL operation, and timestamp of row changes.
Figure 6. Contents of data set file in Data Browser window
Lesson checkpoint
You have successfully compiled
and run the DataStage jobs
and verified that they work. In the next lesson you will make changes
to the source table to demonstrate that the end-to-end integration
of SQL Replication and DataStage is
operating as designed.