Command line processor plus (CLPPlus) provides a command-line
user interface that you can use to connect databases and to define,
edit, and run statements, scripts, and commands.
CLPPlus includes the following features:
- Support for establishing connections to databases when a database
user ID and password are provided.
- A buffer that can be used to store scripts, script fragments,
SQL statements, SQL PL statements, or PL/SQL statements for editing
and then execution. Text in the buffer can be listed, printed, edited,
or run as a batch script.
- A comprehensive set of processor commands can be used to define
variables and strings that can be stored in the buffer.
- A set of commands that retrieve information about the database
and database objects.
- Ability to store buffers or buffer output to a file.
- Multiple options for formatting the output of scripts and queries.
- Support for executing system-defined routines.
- Support for executing operating system commands.
- Option for recording the output of executed commands, statements,
or scripts.
The CLPPlus provides a complement to the functions provided by
the command line processor (CLP).
The CLPPlus
supports SERVER, SERVER_ENCRYPT, and KERBEROS authentication only.