DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Universal fix packs support has been extended (Windows)

Starting with Version 9.7, you have two choices on the Windows operating systems for installing a fix pack: a universal fix pack, which applies to all products, or a product-specific fix pack.

You can use a universal fix pack to service multiple DB2® products installed in an installation path. On Linux and UNIX operating systems, to upgrade a single product or to install a product in a new path, use a product-specific fix pack. For Windows operating systems, you can use the universal image to install DB2 to a new location.

You do not need a universal fix pack if the installed DB2 products are only DB2 server products or a Data Server Client. In this case, use the single server image fix pack.

Universal fix packs were already available on Linux and UNIX platforms.