TBSP_UTILIZATION administrative view - Retrieve table space configuration and utilization information

The TBSP_UTILIZATION administrative view returns table space configuration and utilization information. It retrieves a similar report to the LIST TABLESPACES command on a single partitioned database. Its information is based on the SNAPTBSP, SNAPTBSP_PART administrative views and TABLESPACES catalog view.
Important: The TBSP_UTILIZATION administrative view is deprecated and have been replaced by the MON_TBSP_UTILIZATION - Retrieve monitoring metrics for all table spaces and all database partitions.

The schema is SYSIBMADM.


One of the following authorizations is required:
  • SELECT privilege on the TBSP_UTILIZATION administrative view
  • CONTROL privilege on the TBSP_UTILIZATION administrative view
  • DATAACCESS authority
  • DBADM authority
  • SQLADM authority
In addition, to access snapshot monitor data, one of the following authorities is also required:

Default PUBLIC privilege

In a non-restrictive database, SELECT privilege is granted to PUBLIC when the view is automatically created.


Retrieve the same report as the LIST TABLESPACES command on a single partitioned database.
The following is an example of output for this query.
TBSP_ID     TBSP_NAME            TBSP_TYPE  ... 
-------...- -------------------- ---------- ... 
          0 SYSCATSPACE          DMS        ... 
          1 TEMPSPACE1           DMS        ... 
          2 USERSPACE1           DMS        ... 
          3 SYSTOOLSPACE         DMS        ... 
          4 SYSTOOLSTMPSPACE     DMS        ... 
Output for this query (continued).
... ----------------- -----------
... ANY               NORMAL     
... SYSTEMP           NORMAL     
... ANY               NORMAL     
... ANY               NORMAL     
... USRTEMP           NORMAL     

Information returned

Table 1. Information returned by the TBSP_UTILIZATION administrative view
Column name Data type Description or corresponding monitor element
SNAPSHOT_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP The date and time that the snapshot was taken.
TBSP_ID BIGINT tablespace_id - Table space identification
TBSP_NAME VARCHAR(128) tablespace_name - Table space name
TBSP_TYPE VARCHAR(10) tablespace_type - Table space type
TBSP_CONTENT_TYPE VARCHAR(10) tablespace_content_type - Table space content type
TBSP_CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Creation time of the table space.
TBSP_STATE VARCHAR(256) tablespace_state - Table space state
TBSP_TOTAL_SIZE_KB BIGINT The total size of the table space in KB, calculated as total_pages*pagesize/1024.
TBSP_USABLE_SIZE_KB BIGINT The total usable size of the table space in KB, calculated as usable_pages*pagesize/1024.
TBSP_USED_SIZE_KB BIGINT The total used size of the table space in KB, calculated as used_pages*pagesize/1024.
TBSP_FREE_SIZE_KB BIGINT The total available size of the table space in KB, calculated as free_pages*pagesize/1024.
TBSP_UTILIZATION_PERCENT BIGINT The utilization of the table space as a percentage. Calculated as (used_pages/usable_pages)*100, if usable_pages is available. Otherwise, -1 will be displayed.
TBSP_TOTAL_PAGES BIGINT tablespace_total_pages - Total pages in table space
TBSP_USABLE_PAGES BIGINT tablespace_usable_pages - Usable pages in table space
TBSP_USED_PAGES BIGINT tablespace_used_pages - Used pages in table space
TBSP_FREE_PAGES BIGINT tablespace_free_pages - Free pages in table space
TBSP_PAGE_TOP BIGINT tablespace_page_top - Table space high water mark
TBSP_PAGE_SIZE INTEGER tablespace_page_size - Table space page size
TBSP_EXTENT_SIZE INTEGER tablespace_extent_size - Table space extent size
TBSP_PREFETCH_SIZE BIGINT tablespace_prefetch_size - Table space prefetch size
TBSP_MAX_SIZE BIGINT tablespace_max_size - Maximum table space size
TBSP_INCREASE_SIZE BIGINT tablespace_increase_size - Increase size in bytes
TBSP_INCREASE_SIZE_PERCENT SMALLINT tablespace_increase_size_percent - Increase size by percent
TBSP_LAST_RESIZE_TIME TIMESTAMP tablespace_last_resize_time - Time of last successful resize
TBSP_LAST_RESIZE_FAILED SMALLINT tablespace_last_resize_failed - Last resize attempt failed
TBSP_USING_AUTO_STORAGE SMALLINT tablespace_using_auto_storage - Table space enabled for automatic storage
TBSP_AUTO_RESIZE_ENABLED SMALLINT tablespace_auto_resize_enabled - Table space automatic resizing enabled
DBPGNAME VARCHAR(128) Name of the database partition group for the table space.
TBSP_NUM_CONTAINERS BIGINT tablespace_num_containers - Number of containers in table space
REMARKS VARCHAR(254) User-provided comment.
DBPARTITIONNUM SMALLINT dbpartitionnum - Database partition number monitor element