Collecting data for data movement problems

If you are experiencing problems while performing data movement commands and you cannot determine the cause of the problem, collect diagnostic data that either you or IBM Software Support can use to diagnose and resolve the problem.

Follow the data collection instructions, appropriate for the circumstance you are experiencing, from the following list:
  • To collect data for problems related to the db2move command, go to the directory where you issued the command. Locate the following file(s), depending on the action you specified in the command:
    • For the COPY action, look for files called COPY.timestamp.ERR and COPYSCHEMA.timestamp.MSG. If you also specified either LOAD_ONLY or DDL_AND_LOAD mode, look for a file called LOADTABLE.timestamp.MSG as well.
    • For the EXPORT action, look for a file called EXPORT.out.
    • For the IMPORT action, look for a file called IMPORT.out.
    • For the LOAD action, look for a file called LOAD.out.
  • To collect data for problems related to EXPORT, IMPORT, or LOAD commands, determine whether your command included the MESSAGES parameter. If it did, collect the output file. These utilities use the current directory and the default drive as the destination if you do not specify otherwise.
  • To collect data for problems related to a REDISTRIBUTE command, look for a file called "databasename.database_partition_groupname. timestamp" on Linux® and UNIX operating systems and "databasename." on Windows operating systems. It is located in the $HOME/sqllib/db2dump directory on Linux and UNIX operating systems and in the $DB2PATH\sqllib\redist directory on Windows operating systems, where $HOME is the home directory of the instance owner.