First occurrence data capture (FODC)

First occurrence data capture (FODC) refers to the automatic capture of a set of diagnostic information when errors occur. FODC is supported on Db2® administration servers. This information reduces the need to reproduce errors to get diagnostic information. The diagnostic information is contained in a single location.

The information captured by the Db2 administration server FODC includes:
  • Administration notification logs.

    When an event occurs, the Db2 administration server writes information to the Db2 administration server log file, db2dasdiag.log.

  • Dump files.

    For some error conditions, extra information is logged in external binary dump files named after the failing process ID. These files are intended for use by Db2 database product customer support.

  • Trap files.

    The Db2 administration server generates a trap file if it cannot continue processing because of a trap, segmentation violation, or exception. Trap files contain a function flow of the last steps that were run before a problem occurred.

Db2 administration server first occurrence data capture information location

By default, the Db2 administration server FODC information is placed in the following locations:
  • On Windows operating systems:

    If the DB2INSTPROF environment variable is not set: db2path\DB2DAS00\dump, where db2path is the path referenced in the DB2PATH environment variable, and DB2DAS00 is the name of the DAS service. The DAS name can be obtained by typing the db2admin command without any arguments.

    If the DB2INSTPROF environment variable is set: x:\db2instprof\DB2DAS00\dump, where x: is the drive referenced in the DB2PATH environment variable, db2instprof is the instance profile directory, and DB2DAS00 is the name of the DAS service.

  • On Linux® and UNIX operating systems: $DASHOME/das/dump, where $DASHOME is the home directory of the DAS user.
Tip: To keep the dump directory from becoming too large, clean it out periodically .

On Windows operating systems, the FODC document location for the DAS has a default value of DB2_COMMON_APP_DATA_TOP_PATH. You cannot change this value to a different location that is outside the DAS home directory that you specify in the Db2 Common Application Data Top Path during the custom installation step or in the DB2_COMMON_APP_DATA_TOP_PATH response file during the installation.

Interpreting the Db2 administration server log

The format of the Db2 administration server log file (db2dasdiag.log) is similar to the format of the Db2 FODC log file db2diag log. Refer to the section on interpreting the administration logs in the troubleshooting topics for information about how to interpret the db2dasdiag.log file.