Naming conventions
The naming conventions for naming database manager objects, such as databases and tables.
- Character strings that represent names of database manager objects can contain any of the following: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, @, #, and $.
- Unless otherwise noted, names can be entered in lowercase letters;
however, the database manager processes
them as if they were uppercase.
The exception to this convention is character strings that represent names under the systems network architecture (SNA) which, as a communications protocol, is no longer supported. Many values are case sensitive, such as logical unit names (partner_lu and local_lu). The name must be entered exactly as it appears in the SNA definitions that correspond to those terms.
- A database name or database alias is a unique character string
containing from one to eight letters, numbers, or keyboard characters
from the set described previously.
Databases are cataloged in the system and local database directories by their aliases in one field, and their original name in another. For most functions, the database manager uses the name entered in the alias field of the database directories. (The exceptions are CHANGE DATABASE COMMENT and CREATE DATABASE, where a directory path must be specified.)
- The name or the alias name of a table or a view is an SQL identifier
that is a unique character string 1 to 128 bytes in length. Column
names can be 1 to 128 bytes in length.
A fully qualified table name consists of the schema.tablename. The schema is the unique user ID under which the table was created. The schema name for a declared temporary table must be SESSION.
- Local aliases for remote nodes that are to be cataloged in the node directory cannot exceed eight characters in length.
- The first character in the string must be an alphabetic character, @, #, or $; it cannot be a number or the letter sequences SYS, DBM, or IBM.
- Character strings that represent names of database manager objects can contain any of the following: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, @, #, and $.
- User IDs and groups may also contain any of the following additional characters when supported by the security plug-in: _, !, %, (, ), {, }, -, ., ‸.
- User IDs and groups containing any of the following characters must be delimited with quotations when entered through the command line processor: !, %, (, ), {, }, -, ., ‸,
- The first character in the string must be an alphabetic character, @, #, or $; it cannot be a number or the letter sequences SYS, DBM, or IBM.
- Authentication IDs cannot exceed 128 bytes in length.
- Group IDs cannot exceed 128 bytes in length.