New-user information roadmap

This roadmap outlines the information resources that are available for users who are new to Db2 for z/OS®. These resources provide information about various subject areas, such as learning basic skills, administration, programming, and troubleshooting for Db2 for z/OS.

Tip: This roadmap identifies information resources that are most appropriate for getting started with Db2 for z/OS. If you are an experienced Db2 for z/OS administrator, see the administration resources in Db2 12 for z/OS information roadmap.

If you are an experienced application developer, see the programming resources in Application Developer information roadmap.

Product overview

z/OS Basic Skills education
New to z/OS? You've come to the right place! The z/OS Basic Skills education offers the fastest way to learn and become productive onz/OS.
Introduction to the New Mainframe: z/OS Basics
This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides you with the background knowledge and skills necessary to begin using the basic facilities of a mainframe computer. This book is designed to introduce new users to mainframe concepts and to help new users prepare for a career in large systems computing.
IBM Mainframe: Make the Extraordinary Possible
This video explains how the mainframe is essential in today's digital world, enabling 90% of Fortune 500 companies.
zIQ by IBM Z
This series of videos explains the relevance and power of IBM Z.
Db2 for z/OS training paths
Looking for educational courses about Db2 for z/OS? Visit this website to view recommended training paths and training options by topic area, such as administration, application programming, database design, IBM Db2 Tools for z/OS, and more. Training opportunities are available online and onsite.
IBM IBM Z Course Materials for the Community
This web page contains course materials to assist the mainframe community with skills. Most of the materials are intended for use in a 15-week semester IT course; however, some of these resources are smaller and can be used independently.
Db2 for z/OS Product Documentation
This technote provides links to the Db2 for z/OS product information in PDF format, along with links to Db2 for z/OS and related Program Directories and other valuable information resources.


Db2 12 Technical Overview
This IBM Redbooks publication introduces the enhancements made available with this version of Db2 for z/OS. The contents help you understand the new functions and performance enhancements, start planning for exploiting the key new capabilities, and justify the investment in installing or migrating.

Installing and migrating

Installing or migrating to Db2 12
This information provides an overview of the essential steps involved in installing or migrating to a new release of Db2 for z/OS.
Program Directories for Db2 for z/OS
This web page links to Program Directories for Db2 for z/OS and related components. Program Directories provide helpful information that you need when you install or migrate to a new version of a product.


Certifications for Db2 administrators
Db2 for z/OS Database Administration Core training path
Use this training path to see the courses that you need to take for Db2 for z/OS database administration.
IBM Professional Certification Program
This web page provides you with information about Db2 certification. This information applies to Db2 products on all of the different operating systems, including z/OS.
Db2 Utilities
Introduction to Db2 utilities
Db2 utilities help maintain data in your Db2 for z/OS databases. Generally, you use Db2 utilities to perform large-scale operations across one or more table spaces.
Db2 utilities
Reference information and usage guidance for online and stand-alone Db2 utilities.
Db2 for z/OS Utilities in Practice
This IBM Redpaper publication helps Db2 database administrators, Db2 system programmers, and anyone who runs Db2 for z/OS utilities implement best practices.
Tutorial: Running Db2 utilities
You can use several different methods to run Db2 utilities. This module shows you two of these methods: using a Db2 Interactive (DB2I) panel and writing job control language (JCL) jobs.
Db2 utilities packaging
Several utilities are included with Db2 for z/OS at no extra charge. Other utilities are available in the separate Db2 Utilities Suite for z/OS product.
Administration with IBM Db2 Tools for z/OS
Db2 Tools for z/OS
This web page provides you with information about the various tools that can help you manage database administration and change management processes.
Db2 Administration Solution Pack for z/OS: Streamlining Db2 for z/OS Database Administration
This IBM Redbooks publication discusses how the products in the Db2 Administration Solution Pack for z/OS can help database administrators more efficiently complete tasks that are associated with object management, change management, application management, and configuration management.


Db2 security: An interactive model
This interactive model provides an overview of key Db2 security components and processes. Hover over the objects to explore and learn more about the basics of Db2 security in the z/OS environment.

Db2 stored procedures

Implementing Db2 stored procedures
A stored procedure is executable code that can be called by other programs. You might choose to use stored procedures for code that is used repeatedly. This information describes some benefits of using stored procedures and how to create and call stored procedures.


Scenarios for using Db2
These scenarios illustrate how some organizations (an international bank, a multi-campus university system, and an electric company) might successfully use Db2 for z/OS.


Db2 programming samples
You can find application programming samples that you can use to get started creating applications that access data in Db2 for z/OS. The collection of samples come from various sources, including:
  • Content that is adapted from existing IBM developerWorks® and other articles from around the web.
  • Samples that were previously delivered throughout in the existing Db2 programming information.
  • Examples that were previously supplied with Db2 in the DSN1210.SDSNSAMP library, but only recently included in their entirety in the documentation.
Db2 for z/OS developerWorks Exchange
This forum enables you to exchange sample programs, SQL statements, utility jobs, and more with your colleagues.
IDUG Codeplace
On this section of the International Db2 Users Group (IDUG) website, you can find scripts, code fragments, and samples for Db2 technology. You can also submit your own samples.

Getting started

Db2 basics tutorial: Working with Db2 for z/OS interactively
This tutorial shows you how to use Db2 for z/OS in the z/OS terminal interface to complete some basic database administration tasks.
Tutorial: Using the command line processor
This tutorial demonstrates how you can interactively query and modify Db2 data, call stored procedures, and issue z/OS UNIX System Services commands through the command line processor.


Application programming for Db2
You use application programs that contain SQL statements to perform data definition or data manipulation operations on Db2 objects. This information guides you through the basic concepts that you need to know before you start writing SQL applications.
Db2 and Java™: The Big Picture
This developerWorks article provides an introduction to Java support in Db2 for z/OS.
Processing XML data with Db2 pureXML®
Learn how you can use pureXML with your client applications to manage XML data in Db2 tables. You can store well-formed XML documents in their hierarchical form and retrieve all or portions of those documents.
Tutorial for pureXML
This tutorial demonstrates how to set up a Db2 database system to store XML data and to perform basic operations with XML data.

Managing performance

Db2 performance management
Managing the performance of a Db2 subsystem involves understanding a wide range of system components. This information helps you understand the performance of those components, how to monitor the components, and how to identify problem areas.
Db2 11 Performance Topics
This IBM Redbooks publication provides an overview of the performance improvements in Db2 11. Performance improvements in Db2 11 continue to focus on CPU savings and enhancements through innovations within Db2 and the synergy with IBM Z hardware and software.

Troubleshooting and support

Code fixes
IBM Support Portal: Db2 for z/OS
Use the IBM Support Portal for Db2 for z/OS to search for both PTFs and APARs. This website also provides links to common troubleshooting topics.
Db2 for z/OS keywords for searching APAR text
This document contains keywords that you can use to optimize your results when searching APAR text.
General IBM Software Support information
Introduction to troubleshooting problems in Db2 for z/OS
If you are new to Db2 for z/OS, you should learn about the tools and techniques that are available to help you troubleshoot and resolve problems.
Software Support Handbook
This manual provides guidelines and reference materials that you might need when you require help from IBM Software Support.
APAR Closing Codes and Acronyms
This section of the Software Support Handbook provides lists of acronyms and terms that are used frequently by IBM Support when solving customer problems.


Information Management software lifecycle dates
The Information Management software lifecycle page shows the dates that marketing and support services are available for each version of Db2 for z/OS, along with the end-of-service (EOS) dates.

Community resources

This section may provide links or references to non-IBM websites and resources. IBM makes no representations, warranties, or other commitments whatsoever about any non-IBM websites or third-party resources (including any Lenovo website) that may be referenced, accessible from, or linked to any IBM site. A link to a non-IBM web site does not mean that IBM endorses the content or use of such website or its owner. In addition, IBM is not a party to or responsible for any transactions you may enter into with third parties, even if you learn of such parties (or use a link to such parties) from an IBM site. Accordingly, you acknowledge and agree that IBM is not responsible for the availability of such external sites or resources, and is not responsible or liable for any content, services, products, or other materials on or available from those sites or resources. When you access a non-IBM website, even one that may contain the IBM-logo, please understand that it is independent from IBM, and that IBM does not control the content on that website. It is up to you to take precautions to protect yourself from viruses, worms, trojan horses, and other potentially destructive programs, and to protect your information as you deem appropriate.

Forums and organizations
IBM Information Management Communities
This website provides convenient links to a variety of user groups and forums, where the Information Management user community can connect, discuss, and learn from each others' experiences using IBM Information Management software solutions.
International Db2 Users Group (IDUG)
This user group provides a forum for the Db2 community to learn and share experiences about effectively using the Db2 family of products, including Db2 for z/OS, Db2 for Linux®, UNIX, and Windows, DB2® for i, DB2 for VSE & VM, and others.
This community provides Information Technology professionals with access to continuous education and training, and valuable professional networking, helping you to achieve your business goals.
Start of changeDb2 for z/OS news from the lab blogEnd of change
Start of changeNews about Db2 for z/OS from the IBMers who design, build, test, and support Db2.End of change
Getting the most out of Db2 for z/OS
This blog by Willie Favero, a certified IT software specialist for Db2 for z/OS, offers hints and tips about Db2 for z/OS and IBM Z, including tips on migration, performance, and maintenance.
DB2Portal blog
This blog by Craig Mullins, a data management strategist and consultant, offers news, views, and items of interest on Db2 database management and mainframe systems.
Social media
The World of Db2 for z/OS
This networking site provides a variety of resources about Db2, including videos, blogs, podcasts, and discussions.
Start of changeFollow @Db2LabNewsEnd of change
Start of changeNews about Db2 for z/OS from the IBMers who design, build, test, and support Db2.End of change
Follow @Db2world
The latest Db2, Analytics, Machine Learning, and Cloud news.
The World of Db2 for z/OS
This networking site provides a variety of resources about Db2, including videos, blogs, podcasts, and discussions.
Db2 for z/OS - Stay In Touch!
Be a part of the Db2 for z/OS community on LinkedIn. This group communicates to our customers and business partners what is happening in the world of Db2 for z/OS.
Db2 Facebook community
This site connects members of the Db2 community. On this Facebook page, you can find links to blogs and videos about Db2, and become a fan of Db2 on Facebook.