Display cell values as percentages

You can change the way values are displayed so that values are displayed as percentages of the total.


  1. Right-click in a cell, and select Show cell value as.
  2. Select the appropriate option from one of the following:
    % row total

    Displays all the values in each row as a percentage of the total for the row.

    % column total

    Displays all the values in each column as a percentage of the total for the column.

    % grand total

    Displays values as a percentage of the total of all the values or data points in the report.

    Advanced - % parent row total
    Displays the values in each row as a percentage of the parent.
    Advanced - % parent column total
    Displays the values in each column as a percentage of the parent

    The cells that display a percentage are shaded. This shading indicates that the values in these cells are calculated.

  3. To return to the actual cell values, in the Show cell value window, select As-is.