Working with relational data in websheets

Removed in v2.0.8 You can view relational data, formatted the way you want, on the same websheet as TM1 data.

One way to access a relational data source in TM1 is to use TurboIntegrator to extract relational data. You can then drill through to view the results. For more information, see the TM1 TurboIntegrator documentation.

The TurboIntegrator method has two limitations:

  • In TM1 Web, the results appear on another websheet. In Excel, the results appear on another tab. This prevents you from including both OLAP and relational data in the same report.
  • The results appear as a black and white table and cannot be formatted.

A second method allows you to view relational data without running any TI processes. You do this by defining a relational query in an Excel file and then uploading the file to TM1 Web.

  • With this method, the results appear on the same websheet or tab, allowing you to report on OLAP and relational data together.
  • You can format the report both in Excel and in TM1 Web.