TurboIntegrator Overview

TM1® TurboIntegrator lets you create processes that automate data importation, metadata management, and other tasks.

A process is an object that consists of:

  • A description of a data source
  • A set of variables corresponding to each column in the data source
  • A set of maps that define relationships between variables and data structures in the TM1 database.
  • A prolog procedure, consisting of a series of actions to be executed before the data source is processed.
  • A metadata procedure, consisting of a series of actions that update or create cubes, dimensions, and other metadata structures.
  • A data procedure, consisting of a series of actions to be executed for each record in the data source.
  • An epilog procedure to be executed after the data source is processed.
  • A set of parameters that can be used to generalize a process so it can be used in multiple situations.

You can use TurboIntegrator to import data from ODBC sources, ASCII files, OLAP multi-dimensional sources, TM1 cube views, and TM1 dimension subsets.

TurboIntegrator includes a complete set of functions that you can use to enhance process capabilities. You can use these functions to create scripts that export data to ASCII files and ODBC sources, or that use conditional expressions to control processing. In addition to these TurboIntegrator functions, you can also incorporate all standard TM1 rules functions in a process definition, with the exception of the STET and UNDEFVALS functions.

Access to TurboIntegrator is controlled user groups. You must be a member of the ADMIN group to gain access to all TurboIntegrator features and define processes on a networked TM1 server.

There is no interface to assist in the creation of TurboIntegrator functions. You must enter functions by hand directly in the appropriate sub-tab within the Advanced tab. String arguments to TurboIntegrator functions must be enclosed in single quotation marks. A semi-colon (;) must be included to indicate the end of each function in the TurboIntegrator window.