TM1ProcessError.log file

When a TurboIntegrator process encounters an error, it generates a TM1ProcessError.log file. This log file is saved to the data directory of the server on which the process resides.
Note: In a Planning Analytics on Cloud environment, the TM1ProcessError.log file is retained for three months. Any TM1ProcessError.log files that are older than three months are permanently deleted during the regularly scheduled maintenance window. If you want to retain your TM1ProcessError.log files beyond the three month maintenance interval, please compress them to a zip file. For more information on log file retention in Planning Analytics on Cloud, see Log file retention periods.

A TM1ProcessError.log file contains a list of errors that are encountered by the process. For each error encountered, the log file records the tab and line that caused the error, along with a brief description of the error.

When a process error log file is generated, TM1® assigns a unique name that lets you readily identify which TurboIntegrator process generated the error file and the time at which the file was created. File names are assigned with the following convention:

TM1ProcessError_<time stamp>_<UID>_<process name>.log.

In this convention:
  • <time stamp> is the time (expressed as yyyymmddhhmmss GMT) at which the file was generated
  • <UID> is a unique identifier expressed as MMMTTTTT. It is a combination of the millisecond (MMM) at which the error file was generated and the last five digits of the thread ID (TTTTT) of the process that caused the errors. If the thread ID contains less than five digits, the thread ID includes leading zeroes.
  • <process name> is the name of the TurboIntegrator process that caused the errors

For example, an error file named TM1ProcessError_20220224203148_726008808_ CreateSalesCube.log indicates that the error file was generated at 20:31:48:726 GMT on February 24, 2022 and that it contains errors that are caused by the CreateSalesCube process in thread 08808. Note the leading zero included in the thread ID.

Manual intervention is required to delete or archive these log files. A new log file is generated each time a TurboIntegrator process has an error (1 log file per TurboIntegrator execution).

Many TurboIntegrator process error logs might be generated for TurboIntegrator processes that run frequently and generate an error on each execution. Many log files generated in the TM1 database log directory might impact performance of the TM1 database when it creates or updates log files.

The Planning Analytics Administration ability to download log files might be impacted by a large number of files in the TM1 database log directory. It's recommended to limit the number of files in the TM1 database logging directory to under 2000 files.