Save and migrate a new snapshot

When all of the assets in your new snapshot can be migrated successfully, you can click Migrate. By default, your assets are migrated to your personal area in a folder with a name that you specify.


  1. Click Migrate.
    The Save and continue migration dialog box opens.
  2. In the Select target environment area, select a target environment to migrate your assets to.
    Only target environments that you have access to are shown. When you select your target environment, a check mark Select target icon appears beside the environment name.
  3. In the Snapshot name field, enter a name for your snapshot of assets.
    • The name of the snapshot must be unique. If you enter an existing snapshot name, you cannot save your snapshot.
    • The name of the snapshot must not continue invalid characters such as #%&{}\<>*?/$!'":@+`||=.
    • Leading and trailing blanks are removed from the name of the snapshot.
    • Your snapshot must contain at least one asset.
  4. Optional: In the Snapshot description field, enter a description of the contents of the snapshot.
  5. Enter the Folder name where you want your migrated assets to reside. This folder is created at the top level in your personal folder on Planning Analytics Workspace.
  6. To retain the folder structure of the assets in your snapshot, select the Keep folder structure while deploying option. When this option is selected, the folder structure of the assets in your snapshot is duplicated in your personal folder when the snapshot is migrated.

    Deselect the Keep folder structure while deploying option to migrate all assets into the top level of the folder you specified in step 5.

  7. Click Migrate.
    • If the migration is successful, a message indicates that your assets were copied successfully to your target environment.
    • If the migration isn't successful, the validation page opens and you can correct errors in your snapshot.


If the migration is successful, a message indicates that your assets were copied successfully to your target environment. Additionally, the Snapshot logs tab records the date and time of the migration, the number of assets migrated, and the target environment.

If the migration is successful, but results in broken button links, you can view a list of migrated assets that resulted in broken buttons and take action to restore the buttons in the migration target environment.

When you migrate a snapshot that results in broken buttons, the Snapshot logs tab on the Manage snapshots page alerts you to this condition. A warning icon next to the Migrated by log action indicates the presence of broken buttons in the migrated snapshot. If you hover over the log action, an informational message confirms the issue.

Snapshot logs tab showing a migrated snapshot with broken buttons

When there are broken buttons in a migrated snapshot, the Migrated by log action becomes a link. Click the link to view a log report showing assets that contain broken buttons and the missing button targets.

Log report showing assets with broken buttons

You can restore the broken buttons by adding the button targets to your snapshot and repeating the snapshot migration.

If the migration isn't successful, the validation page opens and you can correct errors in your snapshot.