Trend indicator

A trend indicator shows how the value of one column compares to the value of another column.

Trend indicators convey whether performance is improving or getting worse, not going up or going down. You can determine performance at a glance without having to decide whether an increase is good or bad.

Table 1. Metric indicator trend icons
Trend icon Description
Green up arrow icon A green upward facing arrow indicates that the trend value is improving in comparison to the previous period.

For example, a sales value is greater than the previous month or quarter.

Gray dash icon A gray dash icon indicates that the trend value is unchanged.
Red down arrow icon A red downward facing arrow indicates that the trend value is worsening in comparison to the previous period.

For example, a sales value is less than the previous month or quarter.

Blank cell A blank cell indicates that the trend is missing data for that period. A trend cannot be displayed when there is an incomplete status. For example, a trend cannot be displayed for the first time period, such as Q1 (quarter one). Previous data does not exist, even if the metric has a value for Actual, Target, Score, and Status.